European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-11-25
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] Jacques Santer: "Stop pointing at ghosts, concentrate on the real EMU
[02] Jacques Santer et Yves-Thibault de Silguy se f�licitent de la rentr�e
de la lire italienne dans le SME
[03] March� unique: programme d'action pour am�liorer l'application du
droit communautaire
[04] European information technology conference and exhibition 1996
[05] Partenariat euro-m�diterran�en: conf�rence sur la gestion locale de
[06] Commission welcomes Council agreement on removal of textile quotas
under GATT rules
[07] Breakthrough opens US$ 6 billion Korean telecoms market to European
[01] Jacques Santer: "Stop pointing at ghosts, concentrate on the real EMU
In a speech which will be delivered in his name at the European Finance
Convention this evening in Dublin, President Jacques Santer said that it
was time to concentrate on the real preparations for the introduction of
the single currency and that it made no sense to point at ghosts. He was
highly amazed by new stories why the euro would be a disaster. He rejected
the speculation that EMU would lead citizens of one participating country
to pay for the pensions of citizens in another. First, because of the
wrong underlying assumption that public debt would increase due to unfunded
pensions. The ageing of our populations may pose problems for the
financing of future pensions. But governments are aware of this, and are
undertaking or contemplating the necessary reforms which can have powerful
effects. Secondly, participants in the euro will pursue sound budgetary
policies, enforced by the Stability Pact. If anything, EMU will help in
preventing any pension-related debt from appearing. Finally, because there
is a "no bail-out" clause in the Treaty that prohibits governments from
taking over other government�s liabilities.
[02] Jacques Santer et Yves-Thibault de Silguy se f�licitent de la rentr�e
de la lire italienne dans le SME
Le Pr�sident de la Commission europ�enne Jacques Santer et Yves-Thibault de
Silguy, Commissaire charg� des affaires �conomiques, mon�taires et
financi�res se sont f�licit�s du retour de la lire dans le m�canisme de
change du syst�me mon�taire europ�en (SME) qui est un nouveau signal
positif sur la voie de la r�alisation de l'euro. Ils estiment que le cours
central retenu pour la lire contre l'�cu est parfaitement en ligne avec
les performances de l'�conomie italienne et avec l'appr�ciation des
march�s. L'assainissement en cours des finances publiques, la baisse
d'inflation et la d�tente des taux d'int�r�ts sont des facteurs de
stabilit� durable de la lire au sein du syst�me. Ils ont salu� la d�cision
des autorit�s italiennes comme un nouveau signe de la volont� de ce pays
d'atteindre aussi rapidement que possible un degr� �lev� de convergence
durable. La Commission encourage les autorit�s italiennes � pers�v�rer
dans cette voie. De mani�re g�n�rale, la Commission se f�licite de la
d�termination de l'ensemble des Etats membres � faire en sorte qu'un nombre
significatif de pays remplissent les conditions n�cessaires pour participer
� l'euro le 1er janvier 1999.
[03] March� unique: programme d'action pour am�liorer l'application du
droit communautaire
La Commission europ�enne a propos� au Conseil des Ministres et au Parlement
europ�en un programme d�action pour am�liorer l�application du droit
communautaire n�cessaire pour le bon fonctionnement du March� unique dans
les juridictions les Etats membres. Selon un sondage "Les avocats et le
droit communautaire" (Flash Eurobarom�tre 34 EOS Gallup, f�vrier 1995)
r�alis� pour la Commission, 67% des avocats de l�Union estiment leurs
connaissances en droit communautaire insuffisantes ou tr�s insuffisantes
alors que ces m�mes avocats sont 80% � estimer la connaissance minimale du
droit communautaire n�cessaire � l�exercice correct de leur profession. Le
programme, appel� "Action Robert Schuman", vise � sensibiliser des juges et
avocats au droit communautaire en soutenant financi�rement des actions de
formation initiale ou continue � vocation pratique et le d�veloppement des
moyens d�information. L�Action est propos�e pour la p�riode 1997-99 avec
une dotation budg�taire de 5,6 millions d'Ecus pour les trois ann�es.
[04] European information technology conference and exhibition 1996
The 1996 European Information Technology Conference and Exhibition, EITC
'96, takes place on 25-27 November in the Brussels Congress Centre. Over
1500 participants from industry, research organisations, national
administrations and the European Union's institutions are expected to
attend. The President of the European Commission, Jacques Santer, will
hand out the prices to three winners of the European Information Technology
Prize (ITEA '96) at a special ceremony at 14.30 on 26 November 1996.
Organised jointly by Esprit (the European Union's information technology
research programme) and Euro-Case (European Council of Applied Sciences and
Engineering), the European Information Technology Prize is intended to
provide recognition to innovative Information Technology products with
excellent market potential. Winners must demonstrate creativity and good
business sense in using information technology to generate growth and
[05] Partenariat euro-m�diterran�en: conf�rence sur la gestion locale de
La Conf�rence euro-m�diterran�enne sur la gestion locale de l'eau, qui se
tient � Marseille les 25 et 26 novembre 1996, s'inscrit dans le cadre du
volet �conomique du Partenariat euro-m�diterran�en. Elle a pour objectif
de d�finir des orientations communes pour la coop�ration dans le secteur de
l'eau. En particulier quatre th�mes seront examin�s: la gestion agricole
de l'eau, l'eau domestique et industrielle, le renforcement des
institutions comp�tentes et la formation initiale et continue des
professionnels de l'eau. Emma Bonino, Commissarire europ�en en charge de
la P�che, y tiendra une allocution lors de la r�union minist�rielle (26
[06] Commission welcomes Council agreement on removal of textile quotas
under GATT rules
The European Commission today expressed satisfaction at the Council's
decision on the list of textile products which will be "integrated" into
normal GATT rules. Under the Uruguay Round, all WTO members agreed to phase
out quota protection on textiles and clothing products over ten years. The
agreement reached today represents the EU's second stage of this process,
and involves the integration of 23 different categories of product
including a variety of fibres, fabrics and yarns as well as products such
as shawls and scarves, stockings and socks, women�s suits, industrial
clothing, ski-suits and swimwear. Of these categories 18 are presently
covered by quotas on imports from one or more countries. The EU is the
only major importer to have decided on the integration of a substancial
number of products under quota.
[07] Breakthrough opens US$ 6 billion Korean telecoms market to European
South Korea's US$ 6 billion market for the purchase of telecommunications
equipment will soon be open to business for European contractors following
a deal reached this morning between the European Commission and the Korean
Government. Under the agreement, which will now be submitted to EU
Ministers for formal approval, European companies will be treated as fairly
as their Korean counterparts when bidding for contracts to supply telecoms
equipment to the network run by Korea Telecom, the publicly owned PTT. In
return, Korean suppliers will be treated equally when bidding for contracts
in Europe's US$ 22 billion annual market. In addition, private telecoms
operators will tender for contracts in an independent and non-
discriminatory way. If Ministers approve the deal, the EU will withdraw
the WTO dispute which it launched against Korea last May.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
© ECSC - EC - EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg, 1995, 1996