European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-11-26
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] Jacques Santer: "Je souhaite que les Europ�ens connaissent leurs
[02] Citizens First - raising people's awareness about their rights
[03] Commission completes directive: new symbols for reusable and
recyclable packaging
[04] Commission refers proposed concentrations RWE/Thyssengas and
Bayernwerk/Isarwerke to the German Bundeskartellamt
[05] Europartenariat Italia 1996 in Genoa
[06] P�che: conf�rence � Venise sur des r�gles communes de conservation en
[07] Sir Leon Brittan: progress of ITA and telecoms vital for success at
[08] Padraig Flynn criticises the simplistic terms in which the debate on
competitiveness, growth and employment is conducted
[09] Emma Bonino salue l'initiative de Marseille sur la gestion de l'eau
dans un contexte euro-m�diterran�en
[01] Jacques Santer: "Je souhaite que les Europ�ens connaissent leurs
A l'occasion du lancement de la campagne d'information "Citoyens d'Europe"
au Parlement europ�en, Jacques Santer a d�clar�: "En tant que Pr�sident de
la Commission, je souhaite que les Europ�ens connaissent leurs droits,
qu'ils les utilisent, qu'ils disent haut et fort quand ils n'y ont pas
acc�s et je souhaite qu'il y ait une voix qui r�ponde � leurs questions.
C'est l� tout le d�fi de la campagne "Citoyens d'Europe" que nous lan�ons
aujourd'hui avec le Parlement Europ�en. Sans que les citoyens s'en soient
vraiment rendu compte, l'Europe est devenue de plus en plus pr�sente dans
leur vie quotidienne. Cela est ressenti parfois comme un carcan, alors
qu'une information concr�te, cibl�e et op�rationnelle montrera aux
Europ�ens tous les b�n�fices qu'ils peuvent tirer, � tout moment, de
l'unit� qui s'instaure."
[02] Citizens First - raising people's awareness about their rights
Citizens First, the most ambitious information initiative ever undertaken
by the European Commission, was launched on November 26 with the theme
"Your right to know and to be heard". For the first time, the Commission
is trying to reach everyone living in the European Union (EU), so that a
maximum number of people become aware of the rights and opportunities they
enjoy as a result of the Single Market and other EU policies and can obtain
factual information about how to put these rights into practice. This
information is available on demand from a free telephone number in every
Member State, according to each individual�s particular interests and in
their own language.
[03] Commission completes directive: new symbols for reusable and
recyclable packaging
The European Commission has adopted a proposal on marking of certain
packaging and on the establishment of an assessment procedure for the
compliance with the Packaging Directive for all packaging. The proposal
introduces one symbol for reusable packaging and one symbol for recyclable
packaging. It also sets up a procedure to assess the compliance of the
packaging with the essential requirements. The purpose of marking of
packaging is to enable the consumer to contribute to the protection of the
environment, to give the consumer the choice - thus making it a kind of
quality marking, indicating which packaging is more environmentally
friendly than another. To fulfill this objective proper information and
education of consumers is essential. The proposal will allow Member States
to target their information campaigns in order to influence consumers' and
users' behaviour as responsible contributors to an environmentally sound
waste management.
[04] Commission refers proposed concentrations RWE/Thyssengas and
Bayernwerk/Isarwerke to the German Bundeskartellamt
The European Commission decided to refer the proposed concentrations RWE/
Thyssengas and Bayernwerk/Isarwerke to the Bundeskartellamt with a view to
the application of the German competition law. RWE Energie AG intends to
acquire a 50% share in Thyssengas GmbH from VIAG's subsidiary Bayernwerk
AG. As a countermove, Bayernwerk AG is to acquire RWE�s share in Isarwerke
GmbH. Together with an already existing participation and another proposed
acquisition, Bayernwerk would have a majority shareholding in Isarwerke
after the transaction. Both of the concentrations fall within the scope of
application of the EC Merger Regulation and were therefore notified to the
Commission. Because of the threat of strengthening of dominant positions
in regional gas and electricity markets, the Bundeskartellamt requested
referrals in both cases.
[05] Europartenariat Italia 1996 in Genoa
More than two thousand small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are
participating in Europartenariat Italie 1996, which takes place in Genoa on
27 - 29 November 1996. The aim of Europartenariat is to allow companies to
meet and explore possibilities for partnerships or joint ventures as well
as for the conclusion of cooperation agreements. The Europartenariat
programme was launched by the European Commission in 1988 as part of its
regional and enterprise policies. It was designed to stimulate the
development of less-favoured regions by encouraging small and medium-sized
businesses from all over the Community to establish business relationships
with their counterparts from other regions. Experience with former
editions of Europartenariat shows that 30-40% of the host companies
conclude a formal co-operation agreement within one year. Europartenariat
is also an important vehicle for the Commission's enterprise policy which
aims to assist companies, particularly small and medium-sized businesses,
to internationalise and "europeanise" their business strategies in order to
participate fully in the Single European Market.
[06] P�che: conf�rence � Venise sur des r�gles communes de conservation en
A l'initiative de la Commission europ�enne, une Conf�rence diplomatique sur
la gestion halieutique en M�diterran�e se d�roulera � Venise ces 27, 28 et
29 novembre. L'objectif de cette conf�rence, qui fait suite � celle de
Cr�te en 1994, est de concr�tiser les points sur lesquels la coop�ration
internationale en mati�re de p�che doit �tre ax�e et d'adopter une
D�claration solennelle r�affirmant la n�cessit� d'instaurer une gestion
rationnelle et durable des ressources dans cette r�gion.
[07] Sir Leon Brittan: progress of ITA and telecoms vital for success at
( !!! embargo 4 pm !!!) Europe and her trading partners must pull out all
the stops to achieve an Information Technology Agreement and a WTO
telecommunications deal if the forthcoming WTO Ministerial in Singapore is
to be a real success, says Sir Leon Brittan, EU Trade Commissioner. At a
speech in the Netherlands he warns that the ITA talks are behind schedule
but says the deal is within reach if all countries avoid calls for
protection of narrow sectoral interests and if fair and reasonable
conditions are agreed for other countries in time for Singapore. Sir Leon,
who has received America's assurance it shares Europe's determination for a
deal at Singapore, urges all countries to push for a broad-based ITA. (
!!! embargo 4 pm !!!)
[08] Padraig Flynn criticises the simplistic terms in which the debate on
competitiveness, growth and employment is conducted
In a speech delivered today in Brussels to the International Management
Development Institute, Social Affairs Commissioner Padraig Flynn said "the
debate about competitiveness, growth and employment is characterised by
more heat than light. We are told that European industry is not
competitive. Yet Europe's trade is globally in balance. That we are
losing jobs to the Far East and to Central and Eastern Europe. Yet
external trade accounts for only 8% of the EU's GDP and we have a trade
surplus with Central and Eastern Europe. That technology is destroying
jobs. Yet there is no evidence that the rate of employment growth has
changed with the advent of the new technologies. That a major cause of
Europe's unemployment is the rigidity of our labour markets. Yet comparing
employment rates shows Austria with 67%, Spain with 44%, and the UK,
Germany and France clustered around the 55 to 59% mark." Mr Flynn went on
to advocate "a third way between the extremes of the rabid deregulators,
those who offer us the low pay, low productivity route, and those with an
equally rigid view of social progress, those who see change as anathema".
He explained that social policy can be a productive factor in guaranteeing
our long run competitiveness but only if it is hammered into shape for the
new conditions we face.
[09] Emma Bonino salue l'initiative de Marseille sur la gestion de l'eau
dans un contexte euro-m�diterran�en
Lors de son intervention aujourd'hui � la conf�rence euro-m�diterran�enne
sur la gestion de l'eau � Marseille, Emma Bonino, Commissaire europ�enne
responsable de la P�che, a soulign� que l'initiative est essentielle aux
yeux de la Commission car elle permet de placer le probl�me dans un
contexte r�ellement euro-m�diterran�en. En effet, le "syst�me euro-
m�diterran�en d'information sur les savoir-faire dans le domaine de la
gestion de l'eau" permettra l'information et l'�change de donn�es, ainsi
que l'optimisation des apports des bailleurs de fonds. Mme Bonino a
souhait� qu'il soit con�u comme une fen�tre ouverte, facilement utilisable
par tous, qu'il mette en commun les qualit�s techniques des uns et des
autres et qu'il b�n�ficie des technologies de l'information. Un tel
syst�me pourra b�n�ficier de l'appui du programme MEDA. Mme Bonino a par
ailleurs dress� un premier bilan sur l'application du partenariat euro-
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