European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-02-17
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 17/02/2000b
[01] Signature d'un protocole de coop�ration entre l'OLAF et la DNA
[02] Commission welcomes Parliament's second reading of the Water Framework
[03] Protection des animaux : les lois doivent �tre appliqu�es dans les
Etats membres
[04] Commission statement on EU- South Africa relations
[05] Poul Nielson due to deliver message to the UNCTAD X Conference on the
'quality of development'
[01] Signature d'un protocole de coop�ration entre l'OLAF et la DNA
L'Office europ�en de Lutte antifraude (OLAF) a sign� ce matin � Rome un
protocole de coop�ration avec la Direction Nationale de l'Anti-Mafia (DNA).
Cet accord pose les fondements d'une coop�ration r�guli�re entre l'OLAF et
la DNA. Il s'agit, dans le cadre de la protection des int�r�ts financiers
des Communaut�s, de renforcer la lutte contre les activit�s ill�gales dans
les domaines �conomiques et financiers, notamment lorsqu'elles sont le fait
de fili�res organis�es, par la mise en commun des expertises des deux
organismes signataires. Mme Michaele Schreyer, Commissaire europ�en charg�
du budget et de la lutte anti-fraude, a salu� la signature de ce protocole
en d�clarant : "De tels accords de coop�ration sont des instruments
puissants au service de la lutte antifraude et de la protection des
int�r�ts financiers des Communaut�s. Il faut continuer dans cette voie."
[02] Commission welcomes Parliament's second reading of the Water Framework
European Commissioner for Environment, Margot Wallstr�m, welcomes European
Parliament's second reading of the Water Framework Directive : "I strongly
welcome the result of Parliament's second reading, which shows how
seriously the new Parliament takes its environmental responsibility".
Parliament took a strong environmental stand by adopting amendments which
will improve the Council common position in terms of more stringent and
transparent environment requirements, more ambitious and clearer objectives
and shorter timetable for implementation. Parliament's amendments also call
for the introduction of the Member States' recent commitments within the
OSPAR (OSLO-PARIS Marine) Convention for a radical control of emissions of
hazardous substances to marine water. Whilst being more modest than the
Commission's proposal in relation to water pricing Parliament nevertheless
sought to encourage the Council to take the polluter pays principle of the
Treaty seriously by adopting amendments which will ensure that users of
water will have to face up to paying the costs associated with the use of
water. It will also ensure that water users in different economic sectors
cannot in the long run avoid paying the costs through open or hidden
subsidies from other sectors.
[03] Protection des animaux : les lois doivent �tre appliqu�es dans les
Etats membres
M. David Byrne, Commissaire europ�en charg� de la sant� et de la protection
des consommateurs, a rencontr� l'intergroupe sur la protection et la
conservation des animaux afin de d�battre de la politique de l'Union
europ�enne en mati�re de bien-�tre et de protection des animaux. La
l�gislation communautaire actuelle porte sur la protection des animaux
durant leur transport et au moment de l'abattage, ainsi que sur les normes
de protection applicables � l'�levage de poules pondeuses, de bovins et de
[04] Commission statement on EU- South Africa relations
The European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian aid, Poul
Nielson, warmly welcomed the reply given by the President of South Africa,
Mr Mbeki, endorsing the approach embodied in the Commission/Council letter
of 15 February relating to different aspects of the Trade, Development and
Cooperation Agreement and a Wines and Spirits Agreement. Mr Nielson hailed
this as a positive development, saying he was "looking forward to a
constructive and fruitful partnership with South Africa in the months and
years to come".
[05] Poul Nielson due to deliver message to the UNCTAD X Conference on the
'quality of development'
Mr Poul Nielson, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian aid,
will arrive in Bangkok on 18 February to address the plenary session of the
tenth United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD X). Mr
Nielson will use this address to emphasise poverty eradication, good
governance, respect for the environment and regard for the social and
gender aspects of development as vital elements in the successful
implementation of a sustainable development policy. Mr Nielson will also
undertake bi-lateral contacts in Bangkok, notably with Dr Supachai
Panitchpakdi, Thailand's Minister of Commerce and the next World Trade
Organisation Secretary General, and Mr Rubens Ricupero, Secretary General
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