European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 97-01-23
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] Concurrence et transparence : la Commission adopte une communication
sur l'acc�s des parties au dossier
[02] Telecommunications liberalisation: the impact on employment
[03] Awards for the best Information Technology Applications in Europe's
[04] Baisse des prix agricoles en 1996
[05] Statement by Neil Kinnock following the negotiation session between
the EU and Switzerland on land transport
[06] Accord entre l'UE et la Suisse en mati�re douani�re
[07] Cambodia: Commission approves humanitarian aid worth ECU 1.5 million
[08] Commission holds major East-West seminar on Anti-Dumping Policy
[09] Sir Leon Brittan: EMU promotes Conservative economic values and
deserves Conservative support
[10] Manuel Mar�n � l'ouverture du programme d'�change de Jeunes
entrepreneurs UE/Asean
[11] Padraig Flynn says that the economic success of Europe is built on
deep social foundations and warns that the social order should not be taken
for granted
[12] Commission Press Releases Available on the Internet in the RAPID
[01] Concurrence et transparence : la Commission adopte une communication
sur l'acc�s des parties au dossier
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� d'accro�tre la transparence vis-�-vis des
entreprises, de leurs conseils juridiques ainsi que de tous les milieux
professionnels int�ress�s et d'am�liorer ainsi leur information en adoptant
de nouvelles r�gles de proc�dure internes li�es � l'acc�s au dossier dans
les cas d'application des articles 85 et 86 du trait� CE, des articles 65
et 66 du trait� CECA et du r�glement sur les concentrations. L'intention
de cette communication est de permettre aux entreprises d'exercer de
mani�re satisfaisante les droits de la d�fense, tout en conciliant la
n�cessit� de la protection des informations sensibles et l'int�r�t public �
ce qu'il soit mis fin aux infractions aux r�gles de concurrence.
[02] Telecommunications liberalisation: the impact on employment
According to an independent study carried out by French consultants BIPE
Conseil on behalf of the European Commission, up to 1,300,000 jobs might be
created or maintained by 2005 across the whole of the EU economy in a
scenario of rapid liberalisation of the telecommunications sector. While
traditional telecom operators could stand to lose up to 286,000 jobs, the
study indicates that this will be compensated by job creation in the
telecom sector as a whole, such as new operators, which could lead to a net
creation or maintenance of up to 93,000 jobs for the whole sector. This
independent study is one of many elements feeding into the debate on the
social and employment aspects of information society which was launched by
the European Commission in July 1996. An action plan is due to be drawn up
in 1997.
[03] Awards for the best Information Technology Applications in Europe's
His Majesty the King of Sweden presented yesterday night in Stockholm the
prizes to the winners of the "Bangemann Challenge", a competition in
information technology applications for European cities with more than
400.000 habitants. In the presence of European Commissioner Martin
Bangemann and Mrs Ines Uusmann, Swedish Minister for Information Technology
16 projects presented by nine cities (Antwerp, Barcelona, Bologna, Bremen,
Edinburgh, Manchester, Paris, Rotterdam and Stockholm) covering areas like
teleworking, distance learning and healthcare received an award.
[04] Baisse des prix agricoles en 1996
Selon des pr�visions publi�es par l'Office statistiques des Communaut�s
europ�ennes, les prix � la production des produits agricoles devraient, en
termes r�els, baisser de 1,2% en 1996 par rapport � 1995. Les chutes
consid�rables des prix pour les veaux et les bovins devraient refl�ter les
appr�hensions des consommateurs face � l'ESB. Les pr�visions actuelles
suivent des hausses de 0,3% enregistr�es tant en 1995 qu'en 1994. En
termes r�els, les prix ont diminu� susbtantiellement entre 1989 et 1993
pour se stabiliser � la suite. Les donn�es r�cents r�v�lent une baisse
cumul�e de 16,1% depuis 1990. Au cours de l'ann�e derni�re, uniquement
l'Italie (1,6%) et les Pays-Bas (0,2%) ont enregistr� des augmentations.
Pour les autres pays, des baisses sont pr�vues allant de 0,2% pour la
Belgique � 15% pour la Finlande (d�e en partie � la diminution des
subventions nationales dans ce pays).
[05] Statement by Neil Kinnock following the negotiation session between
the EU and Switzerland on land transport
"I am concerned by the results of this negotiation session with the Swiss
Authorities on the vital land transport chapter of the proposed agreement
between the EU and Switzerland. It is clear that both sides entered into
this negotiation in order to arrive at an agreement which is genuinely
better for the Union and Switzerland than the current situation. But I
must emphasize strongly that such an agreement cannot be reached if the
present ban on 40 tonne trucks crossing Switzerland is replaced by a
prohibitive level of charging over Swiss routes. The Member States of the
EU as well as the Commission understand and share the Swiss desire to have
a sustainable transport system in the Alpine area so that the natural
environment of the Alps can be preserved and the quality of life of those
living in the Alpine area can be improved. However, prohibitive charges on
Swiss routes would perpetuate the current massive diversion of traffic
through Austria and France, generate major problems of pollution and
congestion in the affected areas, and result in unacceptable and
disproportionate cost levels for firms transporting goods North and South
of the Alps. I cannot regard any proposals that have these implications as
an acceptable contribution to a satisfactory outcome".
[06] Accord entre l'UE et la Suisse en mati�re douani�re
Des repr�sentants de l'Union europ�enne (UE) et de la Suisse ont paraph�
mercredi 22 janvier 1997, un accord entre l'UE et la Conf�d�ration suisse
ajoutant � l'accord de libre �change du 22 juillet 1972 un protocole
relatif � l'assistance administrative mutuelle an mati�re douani�re. Dans
le cadre des relations avec les pays partenaires europ�ens, la Suisse
demeurait le seul pays avec lequel l'UE ne disposait pas encore d'un
m�canisme sp�cifique concernant l'assistance administrative mutuelle en
mati�re douani�re. Cet accord constitue en l'occurrence la cadre juridique
par lequel la possibilit� s'ouvrira pour les autorit�s comp�tentes de l'UE
et de la Suisse d'�changer des informations pertinentes en vue de pr�venir
et r�primer toute op�ration contraire � la l�gislation douani�re.
[07] Cambodia: Commission approves humanitarian aid worth ECU 1.5 million
The European Commission has approved a package of humanitarian aid worth
ECU 1.5 million for victims of conflict in Cambodia. The aid, administered
by the European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO), will enable non-
governmental organisations to carry out a six-month programme of actions
focusing on health and de-mining, mainly in the north of the country. ECHO
plans to work in the province of Battambang, helping to reconstruct a road
to link the commune of Prey Chik and its 25,000 inhabitants to the outside
world. In Banteay Meanchey province, ECHO funding will concentrate on
providing primary healthcare for about 53,000 people. In the province of
Preah Vihear, the plan is to rehabilitate a hospital so as to enable the
surgical unit to function, as well as to revive health centres, schools and
basic infrastructure for isolated communities. In Kamong Thom province,
ECHO is focusing on humanitarian de-mining in a region that was
particularly badly affected by these deadly devices.
[08] Commission holds major East-West seminar on Anti-Dumping Policy
Businessmen and government officials from Europe East and West gather in
Brussels on Monday for a two-day seminar on the future of the European
Union's anti-dumping policy towards Central and Eastern Europe. The
seminar will give the EU the chance to explain the way anti-dumping rules
are applied and to hear the views of business and government in the PECOs.
The seminar will be addressed by Sir Leon Brittan and Hans van den Broek,
as well as Vladimir Dlouhy (Czech Minister for Trade and Industry), Frans
Engering (Dutch Director-General for Foreign Economic Relations), Stefano
Micossi (Commission Director-General for Industry), Fran�ois P�rigot
(President of UNICE), Gerhard Wolf (BASF), Anwarul Hoda (WTO) and Koen
Lenaerts (Court of First Instance). Journalists may attend the proceedings
during day one, and may ask questions during a panel discussion and press
conference at 11.40 on Monday January 27. Name-badges for the seminar can
be obtained by contacting Alison Hook (60185) or Annabel Turpie (94709).
[09] Sir Leon Brittan: EMU promotes Conservative economic values and
deserves Conservative support
EMU merits the support of British Conservatives because it will minimise
government intervention, promote free markets, encourage economic
restructuring and lock future governments, in Britain and the rest of
Europe, into sound Conservative economics. In short, it is a radical but
Conservative idea, says Sir Leon Brittan in a speech to businessmen in
London today. It is wrong to argue that EMU is far removed from the
market: in many ways it will bring about economic management that more
closely reflects economic fundamentals than the floating Pound. It is also
economically illiterate to say that Britain's departure from the ERM is the
key to its current economic success. So what should Britain do ? Waiting
and seeing is a thoroughly respectable position to take, although the
indications so far are that EMU will produce a strong, well-managed
currency. If Europe were to abandon the idea of EMU it would condemn us to
a period of political uncertainty in Europe unpredecented since the end of
the war.
[10] Manuel Mar�n � l'ouverture du programme d'�change de Jeunes
entrepreneurs UE/Asean
Le Vice-Pr�sident Manuel Mar�n prononcera ce soir le discours d'accueil aux
participants au programme d'�change de Jeunes entrepreneurs JEM (Junior EU-
Asean Managers Exchange). Ce programme doit permettre � un millier de
jeunes professionnels de l'Asean et d'Europe de b�n�ficier d'un compl�ment
de formation pratique en entreprise.
[11] Padraig Flynn says that the economic success of Europe is built on
deep social foundations and warns that the social order should not be taken
for granted
Speaking in Amsterdam at the opening of a major conference on "Social
Policy and Economic Performance," Social Affairs Commissioner Flynn said
"The social order - the laws, practices, and institutions, of life -
provides constant support and vigilant protection for all of us:- producers,
consumers, workers, investors, young or old, rich or poor. It enables the
ambitious to succeed, the vast majority to aspire, and the less fortunate
to survive." He emphasised that "the social order is built on many decades
of political, economic, and social investment should not be taken for
granted. If we want civilised societies, we have to invest in our
societies. If we want a value added economy, we must equip workers to add
value. The selfish view is a myopic view. It fails as a societal solution
and as an economic solution ...... there is nothing competitive about poor
levels of education and poverty, and high levels of crime."
[12] Commission Press Releases Available on the Internet in the RAPID
The Spokesman's Service of the European Commission has opened a new service
on the Internet giving easy access to its daily press releases through the
RAPID database in a further effort to make the European Union's activities
more transparent for the citizen. The RAPID database contains press
releases from the European Commission as well as from several other
European Institutions. These include the Council of Ministers, the Court of
Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Auditors, the Economic
and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. RAPID offers the
press material within one hour after it is made available to journalists in
Brussels at the traditional daily midday press briefing of the Commission's
Spokesman. Most Commission documents are immediately available in English
and French and are translated as quickly as possible into the other
European Union languages. The service is free of charge and access is
immediately available through a simple login procedure. Access to RAPID is
through the Commission's public internet server, Europa, at the address:
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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