European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-11-20
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[I] R�sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Livre vert sur les relations UE/ACP: d�bat ouvert sur un nouveau
partenariat pour le 21�me si�cle
[02] Action plan on fighting trafficking in women for sexual purposes
[03] La Commission pr�cise ses intentions sur le 5�me programme-cadre de
[04] Un plan d'action pour stimuler l'innovation en Europe
[05] Communication on copyright and related rights in the Information
[06] Telecommunications services: giving the customer choice
[07] Mobile phones: no evidence for health risks, but futher research
actions under consideration
[08] Public procurement: Commission modifies proposals to amend EU rules to
take account of GPA
[09] Cohesion policy and culture: how to use culture for job creation
[10] Commission to recover a further ECU 67.5 million of 1992 CAP
expenditure from the Member States
[11] Commission adopts ECSC operating budget for 1997
[12] La Commission d�cide d'ouvrir une proc�dure � l'encontre de l'aide
propos�e par les autorit�s espagnoles � Astilleros Zamacona
[13] Commission adopts a communication on state aid elements in land sales
by public authorities
[14] Commission decides to investigate research and development aid to Oc�
Nederland BV
[15] Feu vert de la Commission � l'aide en faveur d'Addinol
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[16] Christos Papoutsis pr�occup� par le blocage inattendu du projet
d'interconnexion �lectrique Italie-Gr�ce
[I] R�sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Livre vert sur les relations UE/ACP: d�bat ouvert sur un nouveau
partenariat pour le 21�me si�cle
La Commission europ�enne a lanc� aujourd'hui un d�bat public �largi sur
l'avenir des relations de l'UE avec 70 pays en voie de d�veloppement
d'Afrique, Cara�bes et Pacifique (ACP) avec l'adoption d'un "Livre Vert"
qui pr�sente les d�fis et les options pour un nouveau partenariat. Alors
que la Convention de Lom� s'approche de son �ch�ance (f�vrier 2000) et que
des n�gociations avec les pays ACP doivent commencer � l'automne 1998, la
Commission a estim� n�cessaire d'ouvrir une large discussion aupr�s des
autorit�s nationales, des milieux �conomiques et universitaires, des ONG et
de l'opinion publique en g�n�ral sur les adaptations et modifications �
introduire dans les relations UE/ACP, � l'aube du 21�me si�cle. Entre
autres sujets, la Commission s'interroge, dans le Livre Vert, sur la
couverture g�ographique du partenariat et sur le r�gime commercial �
accorder aux pays ACP, ainsi que sur les mesures � prendre pour y
d�velopper le secteur priv�, accro�tre la comp�titivit� et renforcer l'Etat
de droit.
[02] Action plan on fighting trafficking in women for sexual purposes
The European Commission adopted a Communication on the fight against
trafficking in women for sexual exploitation to be presented to the
European Parliament and the Council of Ministers. The communication
adopted covers a number of issues such as migration, judicial cooperation,
law enforcement and social and international aspects. Some are broader
action points like improved coordination, information campaigns and
[03] La Commission pr�cise ses intentions sur le 5�me programme-cadre de
Six priorit�s de recherche, et pour chacune d'elles, un programme
sp�cifique: la configuration du futur 5e programme-cadre europ�en de
recherche et d�veloppement technologique, qui prendra en 1999 le relais du
4e programme-cadre en cours, se pr�cise. Dans un document de travail
approuv� par la Commission europ�enne, sont d�velopp�es certaines des
grandes orientations pr�sent�es en juillet 1996 dans sa communication
"Inventer demain". A savoir une concentration des efforts de recherche sur
six th�mes essentiels pour l'emploi en Europe, la comp�titivit� et la
qualit� de la vie: ressources du vivant et �cosyst�me, soci�t� de
l'information, croissance comp�titive et durable, coop�ration
internationale, innovation et participation des PME, accroissement du
potentiel humain.
[04] Un plan d'action pour stimuler l'innovation en Europe
Promouvoir une "culture de l'innovation", desserrer les carcans
administratif, r�glementaire et financier qui l�sent les entreprises
innovantes, orienter davantage l'effort de recherche sur l'innovation :
tels sont les trois axes du plan d'action pour l'innovation en Europe
approuv� par la Commission europ�enne. Mettant en oeuvre les
recommandations du Livre vert de la Commission pr�sent� l'ann�e derni�re,
ainsi que les enseignements du tr�s vaste d�bat public qui a suivi, le plan
d'action est pr�sent� � la demande du Conseil europ�en de Florence qui
avait soulign� le lien �troit entre innovation et emploi. Il s'attaque
r�solument � ce paradoxe: l'Union europ�enne dispose d'une excellence
scientifique mondialement reconnue, mais il y est plus difficile
qu'ailleurs de transformer une invention en un produit ou un service
nouveau et de l'exploiter.
[05] Communication on copyright and related rights in the Information
A Communication on copyright and related rights in the Information Society
has been adopted by the European Commission. The communication, which is a
follow-up to a July 1995 Green Paper, outlines the legislative initiatives
required to achieve a pan-EC level playing field for copyright protection
in the framework of the European Single Market and presents them in a
coherent context. A level-playing field is essential to the success of the
Information Society in the European Union, as the content of most of the
new interactive services are protected by intellectual property. EU action
to be proposed in the first half of 1997, will focus on the reproduction,
on-line communications and distribution of protected material, as well as
on protection against the circumvention of anti-copy devices and the like.
Action at EU level will be undertaken in parallel with action at the world
level, on which international negotiations are in progress.
[06] Telecommunications services: giving the customer choice
The European Commission has adopted a Green Paper - a consultative document
- on a numbering policy for telecommunications services in Europe. The
Commission considers that special attention must be given to ensure that
customer needs will not be overlooked in a liberalised, multi-operator
environment. New mechanisms are proposed that allow customers to keep
their telephone number if they decide to switch telephone company or
service provider. The Paper includes also a proposal to open special Europe-
wide services, such as freephone and premium rate services, which are today
often available only on a national level. These services should be based
on Europe-wide numbers. The Commission sees this as an important step for
the completion of the internal market.
[07] Mobile phones: no evidence for health risks, but futher research
actions under consideration
"There is no evidence of any health risk emerging from mobile phones, but
the results of present research are inadequate to draw firm conclusions on
this issue. Further research is therefore required." This is the main
conclusion of a report drafted by an expert group which was asked by the
European Commission to prepare an action plan for comprehensive research
into the effects of radio frequency radiation on health. The Commission
intends to decide before the end of this year how the proposed action plan
can be integrated in the European research and development programmes.
[08] Public procurement: Commission modifies proposals to amend EU rules to
take account of GPA
The European Commission modified its 29 March 1995 proposal to amend EU
public procurement rules to take account of the Government Procurement
Agreement (GPA) signed at Marrakech on 15 April 1994. The modifications
follow discussions with the European Parliament. They concern in
particular the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water,
energy, transport and telecommunications sectors, covered by the so-called
utilities Directive (93/38/EEC). The aim is to ensure that third country
suppliers do not enjoy better access to contracts than Community suppliers,
to introduce more flexibility concerning technical dialogue between
suppliers and procurement entities and to limit as far as possible the
scope of the amendments to the sectors covered by the GPA.
[09] Cohesion policy and culture: how to use culture for job creation
The European Commission adopted a communication outlining how to use
culture for job creation. The Communication titled "Cohesion Policy and
Culture - A contribution to employment" illustrates the link between
culture and regional development, gives a number of examples of projects
cofinanced by the Structural Funds and sets out the framework for
intensified assistance to cultural action by the Funds. The document
underlines the fact that culture is an increasingly important factor for
regional development. Culture contributes directly and indirectly to
employment, enhances vocational qualification and supports regional
identity. Moreover, it improves locations' attractiveness and offers a
tool for sustainable development.
[10] Commission to recover a further ECU 67.5 million of 1992 CAP
expenditure from the Member States
The European Commission adopted a proposal to claw back ECU 67.5 million
paid out by some Member States in 1991 and 1992 under the Common
Agricultural Policy (CAP). This brings the total CAP expenditure rejected
under Commission decisions this year ECU 855.5 million. An earlier
decision in March rejected ECU 788 million. The budgetary corrections
decided upon today were left aside in the March decision as they were still
subject to discussion under the conciliation procedure (a procedure whereby
the member state concerned and the Commission discuss the basis for the
correction with a group of independant experts). The funds recovered today
relate to CAP expenditure in Greece, Italy, Germay and Spain.
[11] Commission adopts ECSC operating budget for 1997
The European Commission adopted the ECSC (European Coal and Steel
Community) operating budget for 1997 taking account the of opinions of the
European Parliament. The budget totals ECU 265,5 million. It is in line
with the Commission decisions on the gradual phasing out of the ECSC
budget. The ECSC levy is reduced from 0,19% in 1996 to 0,17%.
[12] La Commission d�cide d'ouvrir une proc�dure � l'encontre de l'aide
propos�e par les autorit�s espagnoles � Astilleros Zamacona
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� d'examiner la requ�te d�pos�e par les
autorit�s espagnoles visant � permettre � Astilleros Zamacona, un chantier
naval de la r�gion basque, de recevoir une aide de 9% par contrat pour 5
remorqueurs en lieu et place de l'aide de 4,5% normalement applicable, en
invoquant des retards dans la livraison des bateaux r�sultant de
perturbations inattendues, substantielles et justifiables affectant le
programme de travail du chantier. La Commission doute toutefois de
l'applicabilit� de cette condition dans cette affaire.
[13] Commission adopts a communication on state aid elements in land sales
by public authorities
The European Commission adopted a communication to Member States on
possible state aid elements in land sales by public authorities. The
communication spells out easy-to-meet requirements to avoid sales of
publicly owned land to undertakings to avoid hidden state aid to be
involved in such transactions and specifies which cases Member States would
have to notify to the Commission under state aid control rules of the EU
Treaty. The Commission would assume a sale to be at market value and
therefore not to contain state aid if it was concluded following an open
and unconditional bidding procedure, comparable to a public auction, in
which the best or only bid was honoured. Member States may, however, also
decide to sell real estate at the market value properly established by
independent experts prior to sale. If one of these two procedures, which
are described in some detail in the communication, was used, the Commission
could assume that no state aid was involved in the transaction.
[14] Commission decides to investigate research and development aid to Oc�
Nederland BV
The European Commission has decided to open an investigation on state aid
granted to Oc� Nederland BV in 1994 for the development of a digital high-
volume copier. In 1994, an advance of ECU 12 million was made available to
Oc�, with repayment to take place upon successful commercialisation of the
product. Concerns relating to the aid granted in 1994 are now focused on
the apparent non-application of conditions previously established by the
Commission linked to granting of the aid. A new proposal by the Dutch
authorities to provide further aid in the form of a repayable advance -
once again of ECU 12 million - for work carried out by the company in 1995
on the same project will also be further examined. The proposed aid will
be investigated for conformity with the 1996 European Union state aid rules
on research & development.
[15] Feu vert de la Commission � l'aide en faveur d'Addinol
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� de ne pas soulever d'objections � l'�gard
de l�aide de sauvetage en faveur de l�entreprise Addinol Mineral�lwerke
GmbH situ�e � L�tzkendorf (Sachsen-Anhalt). Cette aide consiste en deux
pr�ts, l'un de la part du Land de Sachsen-Anhalt et l'autre de la part de
la Bundesanstalt f�r vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben (BvS), d�un
montant de cinq millions de DM chacun, remboursables avec un taux d�int�r�t
de 7%. Addinol est une entreprise de production de lubrifiant, mazout et
bitume qui a �t� privatis�e en 1994. Elle se trouve plac�e actuellement
devant une crise aigu� de liquidit�s. Conform�ment aux lignes directrices
communautaires pour les aides au sauvetage et � la restructuration des
entreprises en difficult�s, l�aide en question permet de soutenir
temporairement l�entreprise en attendant la conception d�un plan de
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[16] Christos Papoutsis pr�occup� par le blocage inattendu du projet
d'interconnexion �lectrique Italie-Gr�ce
Dans une d�claration, en r�ponse � des questions de journalistes, le
Commissaire Christos Papoutsis, responsable de l'Energie, a exprim� sa
"vive pr�occupation" du blocage inattendu du projet d'interconnexion
�lectrique entre l'Italie et la Gr�ce, lequel "avait pourtant fait l'objet
d'engagements pr�cis pris au plus haut niveau politique lors du Conseil
europ�en de Essen et, � ce titre, b�n�ficie de financements communautaires
consid�rables". Le Commissaire a soulign� l'importance politique majeure
de ce projet pour l'Union europ�enne pour sa valeur �conomique et
strat�gique. Il a �galement indiqu� que l'�tude d'impact de ce projet
avait conduit � l'identification d'un trac� compatible avec la protection
de l'environnement. M. Papoutsis a dit que la Commission "souhaite
vivement que tout soit mis en oeuvre pour d�bloquer cette situation" et
qu'elle est pr�te "� assurer son soutien pour trouver les solutions
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
© ECSC - EC - EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg, 1995, 1996