Athens Macedonian News Agency: News in English, 16-10-11
[01] Greek Finance ministry has strengthened legal weaponry against tax
evasion, Alexiadis says
[01] Greek Finance ministry has strengthened legal weaponry against tax
evasion, Alexiadis says
Greek Finance ministry has strengthened its legal weaponry against
tax evasion with a new legal framework offering the possibility of
automated exchange of information between services for all taxpayers
included in foreign lists, Finance Alternate Minister Tryfon Alexiadis
said on Tuesday.
In an interview with Praktoreio 104.9 Fm radio station, Alexiadis said:
"From now on we will expect more new lists," adding that: "With a new
legal framework, tax agencies in countries we cooperate -not only on
European level- automatically send their data to our tax agencies for
control. From there onwards economic prosecutors take charge".
"We will do what our predecessor did not. The lists will not "travel"
via any ministerial office, no one, not Mr. Tsakalotos, or Mr Pitsilis,
or myself, know where these lists are," the minister said.
"The Finance ministry supports every stage of control, the new list
will be related with other lists and all control procedures will move
forward. After completion of controls we will call taxpayers," Alexiadis
said, adding that those who have paid their taxes having nothing to fear,
although others will have to pay fines envisaged by the law. He noted
that all citizens must participate in a battle against tax evasion,
smuggling and corruption.