European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-02-07
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Security research : Commission prepares for the unexpected
[02] Comptabilité : la Commission approuve la norme internationale IFRS 2
"Paiement fondé sur des actions"
[03] European countries launch joint drive to combat "spam"
[04] Telecommunications in the EU : around 80 mobile subscriptions per 100
inhabitants in the EU25 in 2003 - slight decrease in the number of main
telephone lines since 2001
[05] Upcoming conference on higher education
[06] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-02-07
Reference: MEX/05/0207
Date: 07/02/2005
EXME05 / 7.2
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[01] Security research : Commission prepares for the unexpected
The recent tsunami in Asia and a number of terrorist attacks over the last
years have demonstrated the need for quick and organised responses in
crisis management situations. How can we respond quickly and effectively ?
Recent experience in crisis management situations suggests that technology
can help save lives and restore security. The European Commission is
planning a wide-ranging European Security Research Programme to help
reinforce the security of European citizens. The Preparatory Action already
under way includes a number of projects, such as one improving the security
surveillance technology for crowded areas like a sport stadium or metro
stations that could be targets for terrorist attacks, by using a range of
sensors to detect dangerous behaviour. Other projects will emerge in
response to the new call for proposals being launched today.
[02] Comptabilité : la Commission approuve la norme internationale IFRS 2
"Paiement fondé sur des actions"
La Commission européenne a arrêté un règlement portant approbation de
la norme internationale d'information financière IFRS 2 "Paiement fondé
sur des actions". Celle-ci a pour effet que les sociétés devront faire
apparaître plus clairement dans leurs comptes les paiements fondés sur
des actions, y compris les plans de stocks options offerts au personnel. Le
texte a été approuvé à la quasi unanimité des Etats membres siégeant
au comité de réglementation comptable (CRC) le 20 décembre 2004, ainsi
que par le Parlement européen. L'IFRS 2 fait partie de la "plate forme
stable" des normes comptables que toutes les sociétés européennes
cotées doivent appliquer à l'occasion de leur passage aux normes
comptables internationales, depuis ce mois de janvier 2005.
[03] European countries launch joint drive to combat "spam"
'Anti-spam' enforcement authorities in 13 European countries have agreed to
share information and pursue complaints across borders in a pan-European
drive to combat "spam" electronic mail. They will cooperate in
investigating complaints about cross-border spam from anywhere within the
EU, so as to make it easier to identify and prosecute spammers anywhere in
[04] Telecommunications in the EU : around 80 mobile subscriptions per 100
inhabitants in the EU25 in 2003 - slight decrease in the number of main
telephone lines since 2001
Mobile telephony has experienced enormous growth since 1995. During the
period 1995-2003, the number of mobile telephone subscriptions has grown
42% each year on average at EU25 level. In 2003, there were over 364
million subscriptions in the EU25 compared to only 22 million in 1995,
meaning there were on average 80 subscriptions to mobile phones per 100
inhabitants in the EU25 in 2003 compared to only 5 in 1995. Due to
competition from mobile telephone networks and broadband, the number of
main telephone lines in the EU25, which increased from 197 million in 1995
to 230 million in 2001, has slightly decreased since then, registering 229
million in 2003. This information comes from a report released today by
Eurostat. This publication also provides information on the Internet access
of households, the broadband penetration rate and some other features of
the telecommunications sector.
[05] Upcoming conference on higher education
On February 10th, some 150 participants from 32 European countries,
including governmental policy makers, higher education experts and
representatives of European associations involved in higher education will
participate in the conference on "Enabling European Higher Education to
make its full contribution to the knowledge economy and society". They will
gather and discuss ways to address the main challenges facing our
universities : the need for higher and more efficient funding,
institutional reforms to improve governance, the conditions for
quality/excellence and for attractiveness at home and abroad, etc. European
Commissioner Ján Figel' will open the conference, which will deal with the
main conditions that need to be created in order to enable European higher
education systems to play their full role in the Lisbon strategy. For more
information on the conference, see: <a href="http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/policies/2010/lisbon_en.html">http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/policies/2010/lisbon_en.html
Journalists who would like to attend the conference must register at: <a
href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]
[06] Autre matériel diffusé
Terrorist attacks and Tsunami : EU research to prepare for the unexpected
Speech by Neelie Kroes : "Building a Competitive Europe - Competition
Policy and the Relaunch of the Lisbon Strategy" at Bocconi University
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/