European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-03-15
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Statement by President Prodi and Commissioner Nielson on the eve of
the UN Conference on Financing for Development
[02] Produits alimentaires de qualité : la Commission propose une meilleure
protection des noms géographiques
[03] First estimates for the fourth quarter of 2001 - EU15 current account
surplus €7.5 billion ; €1.0 billion surplus on trade in services
[04] La Commission se félicite des progrès significatifs enregistrés au
Parlement en ce qui concerne son plan d'action pour les services financiers
[05] David Byrne and Health Ministers met in London to strengthen global
health security
[06] La Commission encourage les progrès démocratiques en Côte d'Ivoire
[07] Aide humanitaire en Corée du Nord : la Commission octroie plus de €5
[08] Commission provides €2.5 million in humanitarian aid for Somalia
[09] EU trade relations with the 12 Mediterranean Partner Countries -
Meeting of EU and Mediterranean Trade Ministers in Toledo on 19 March 2002
[10] Conference on company taxation in the EU, Brussels, 29-30 April 2002
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 15/03/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 15/03/2002
[01] Statement by President Prodi and Commissioner Nielson on the eve of
the UN Conference on Financing for Development
The European Commission welcomes the agreement by Member States on a common
EU position for the Monterrey International Conference on Financing for
Development. In particular, we welcome the EU commitment to reach an
average of 0.39% of Official Development Aid (ODA) of Gross National Income
(GNI) by 2006 as a concrete first step forward to achieving the
internationally recognised goal of 0.7%. This achievement, which builds on
the conclusions of the Gothenburg and Laeken European Councils, shows that
Europe is not complacent about being the world's number one aid donor. With
the valuable assistance of the Spanish Presidency, Member States have
rallied around a position giving the EU a strong platform for providing
leadership based on global equity and solidarity in Monterrey. The
conference provides an historic opportunity to make progress towards the
achievement of the Millenium Development Goals for poverty reduction.
[02] Produits alimentaires de qualité : la Commission propose une meilleure
protection des noms géographiques
Le "prosciutto di Parma", le "roquefort" et la "Bayerisches Bier" sont des
produits de qualité uniques en raison de leur provenance et des méthodes de
production traditionnelles suivant lesquelles ils sont élaborés. La
Commission européenne a présenté une proposition visant à renforcer la
protection des indications géographiques et des appellations d'origine de
ces produits et denrées alimentaires agricoles. En donnant à tous les
membres de l'OMC le droit de soulever des objections à l'encontre de
l'enregistrement de ces noms géographiques, la proposition doit améliorer
la reconnaissance desdits produits sur les marchés internationaux. La
Commission propose également d'insérer le vinaigre de vin dans la liste des
produits susceptibles d'être protégés et d'en retirer l'eau minérale.
Saluant cette proposition, M. Franz Fischler, membre de la Commission
responsable de l'agriculture, de la pêche et du développement rural, a
déclaré : "L'UE élabore une grande variété de produits de qualité,
notamment de denrées alimentaires. Mieux protéger les indications
géographiques contre le piratage ou la concurrence déloyale contribuera non
seulement à mieux informer les consommateurs dans le monde entier, mais
encore à encourager les producteurs, qui seront assurés de voir leurs
produits bénéficier d'une reconnaissance légitime dans le monde entier
[03] First estimates for the fourth quarter of 2001 - EU15 current account
surplus €7.5 billion ; €1.0 billion surplus on trade in services
According to provisional data issued today from Eurostat, the EU15 external
current account recorded a surplus of €7.5 billion in the fourth quarter of
2001, as compared with a deficit of €20.4 billion in the fourth quarter of
2000 and a deficit of €0.8 billion in the third quarter of 2001. In the
fourth quarter of 2001 the EU15 external balance of trade in services
recorded a surplus of €1.0 billion as compared with a deficit of €1.0
billion in the fourth quarter of 2000 and a surplus of €1.9 billion in the
third quarter of 2001.
[04] La Commission se félicite des progrès significatifs enregistrés au
Parlement en ce qui concerne son plan d'action pour les services financiers
La Commission européenne a accueilli avec satisfaction les avis favorables
adoptés, à la veille du Conseil européen de Barcelone, par le Parlement
européen réuni en session plénière à Strasbourg, sur trois propositions
concernant les abus de marché, les conglomérats financiers et les normes
comptables internationales. Ces trois initiatives fondamentales
s'inscrivent dans le cadre du plan d'action pour les services financiers
(PASF - voir IP/00/1269), pièce maîtresse de la stratégie visant à faire de
l'Union l'économie la plus concurrentielle au monde d'ici à 2010. Les avis
rendus le 14 mars sur les propositions de directives concernant les abus de
marché et les conglomérats financiers faciliteront grandement l'adoption
rapide de ces deux textes. L'avis du 12 mars concernant la proposition de
règlement sur l'application des normes comptables internationales ouvre la
voie à une adoption "accélérée" de la proposition par le Conseil des
ministres de l'Union européenne, ne nécessitant qu'une seule lecture.
[05] David Byrne and Health Ministers met in London to strengthen global
health security
G7+ Health Ministers and the European Commissioner for Health David Byrne
met in London yesterday to advance their preparations for tackling
potential threats of biological, chemical and radio-nuclear terrorism. The
meeting continued the international partnership between Commissioner Byrne
and Ministers from the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, the US, Japan,
Mexico arising from their first meeting in Ottawa on November 7, 2001 (see
IP/01/1553). Mr Byrne, speaking after the meeting, welcomed the conclusions
of the session : "Our plan for improving health security and the progress
made since November last year demonstrates the commitment and willingness
of the international community to reinforce cooperation to upgrade
emergency preparedness and effectively to improve common response and alert
[06] La Commission encourage les progrès démocratiques en Côte d'Ivoire
Lors de sa rencontre avec le Premier Ministre de Côte d'Ivoire, M. Affi
N'Guessan, aujourd'hui à Bruxelles, le Commissaire au développement et à
l'aide humanitaire, Poul Nielson, a encouragé le gouvernement ivoirien à
maintenir sa politique de réconciliation nationale et de promotion de la
démocratie, condition préalable d'une stabilisation durable du pays et donc
de la sous-région. M. Nielson a ajouté que les questions de la place des
étrangers en Côte d'Ivoire et de la lutte contre l'impunité devraient
rester dans la ligne de mire du gouvernement. Il a informé le Premier
Ministre de la disponibilité de la Commission d'appuyer l'organisation et
l'observation des élections locales prévues pour juillet 2002.
[07] Aide humanitaire en Corée du Nord : la Commission octroie plus de €5
La Commission européenne a adopté une décision de €5,55 millions en faveur
du peuple de la République Populaire Démocratique de Corée (RPDC). Les
fonds seront alloués via ECHO, l'Office d'Aide Humanitaire de la Commission,
aux Organisations Non Gouvernementales (ONG) partenaires. Cette décision,
qui bénéficiera à près de 250.000 personnes, permettra la mise en œuvre au
cours des prochains mois des actions de réhabilitation et d'assainissement
dans les domaines de l'eau et du système sanitaire. En 2001, ECHO a déjà
alloué un montant de €3,36 millions en faveur des populations vulnérables
de la RPDC.
[08] Commission provides €2.5 million in humanitarian aid for Somalia
The European Commission has allocated €2.5 million to help victims of
drought and civil strife in Somalia. The aid is focused on central and
southern regions of the country where, after a decade of violence and
instability, most key infrastructures have been destroyed. Significant
humanitarian needs have been identified in these areas, particularly in the
health/nutrition, livestock, and water/sanitation sectors. Regular
outbreaks of fighting between warring factions hinder the delivery of
humanitarian assistance. Recurrent droughts and the absence of effective
government structures aggravate the situation. The key objective of the new
funding, allocated in two separate decisions, is to meet the pressing
health and nutritional needs of the most vulnerable sections of the
population. Actions envisaged include supplementary and therapeutic feeding,
the distribution of emergency seeds and tools, veterinary support and
health interventions including cholera treatment. A range of partners
operating in Somalia including NGOs and Red Cross organisations will
implement the projects. ECHO, the EU Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO), comes
under the responsibility of Commissioner Poul Nielson.
[09] EU trade relations with the 12 Mediterranean Partner Countries -
Meeting of EU and Mediterranean Trade Ministers in Toledo on 19 March 2002
In 1995 the 15 Member States of the European Union and 12 Mediterranean
Partner Countries signed the Barcelona Declaration designed to strengthen
Euro-Mediterranean relations. One of the aims of the Declaration is to
establish by 2010 a Euro-Mediterranean free trade area. So, how does the
European Union figure in the trade of the Mediterranean Partner Countries
and how has trade in goods and services developed between the two regions ?
Which countries are most involved in this trade ? What kind of goods are
traded ? How has direct investment by the EU in the Mediterranean Partner
Countries developed, and how is it spread ? This statistical report
published today by Eurostat endeavours to provide answers to these
questions to mark the meeting of Euro-Mediterranean trade ministers in
Toledo on 19 March 2002.
[10] Conference on company taxation in the EU, Brussels, 29-30 April 2002
The European Commission will host a high-level conference on how to remove
tax obstacles to business activity in the Internal Market in Brussels on 29-
30 April. The conference is due to focus in particular on possible ways of
achieving a single tax base for EU companies to use when calculating their
EU-wide taxable profits. This would aim to avoid the current costly
inefficiencies resulting from the operation of fifteen different sets of
tax rules. The conference is a follow-up to the Commission's company
taxation Communication of 23 October 2001 (see IP/01/1468). To prepare for
the conference, the Commission has launched a web-site on company taxation
in the EU which includes an online discussion forum to allow the public to
contribute their views on this subject. The web-site also includes the
agenda, list of speakers and application material for the conference, as
well as information on recent EU developments in the area of company
taxation. Members of the public may attend the conference free of charge
subject to space restrictions and advance registration. Journalists are
also welcome to participate. The "European Union Corporate Tax" Web-site is
located at : http://europa.eu.int/comm/taxation_customs/taxation/company_tax/index_en.htm
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de M. Vitorino : "La construcción de un Espacio de Libertad, de
Seguridad y de Justicia en el contexto del futuro de la Unión Europea" à la
Real Academia de Sciencias Morales y Políticas (14/03, Madrid)
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Agriculture
Calendrier du 18 au 22 mars
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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