European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-11-02
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 31/10/2001
[I] R�sultats de la Commission du 30 octobre 2001 - Outcome of Commission
meeting of 30 October
(voir aussi see also ME of 30.10)
[01] La Commission met la derni�re main � ses propositions de r�forme en
mati�re de politique du personnel et de structure de carri�re
La Commission europ�enne a mis au point ses propositions en faveur d'une
modernisation radicale de la politique des ressources humaines dans
l'institution. La nouvelle politique du personnel s'articule autour d'un
syst�me plus strict et plus transparent d'�valuation des prestations de
tous les fonctionnaires, tissant un lien beaucoup plus �troit entre
l'appr�ciation annuelle objective et la promotion. Il s'ensuit que la
structure de carri�re - qui privil�gie actuellement l'anciennet� de service
- sera modifi�e de mani�re telle que la progression dans la carri�re et la
r�mun�ration d�pendra, en premier lieu, du niveau des prestations et des
aptitudes av�r�es du fonctionnaire. La nouvelle structure de carri�re
facilitera �galement une progression de carri�re plus continue c'est-�-dire
plus lin�aire. Actuellement au nombre de quatre - A, B, C, D -, les
cat�gories de personnel seront ramen�es � deux : les "administrateurs" et
les "assistants". Le passage de l'une � l'autre sera facilit� par de
nouvelles possibilit�s de formation et de qualification, ce qui permettra
de briser les chapes de verre qui emp�chaient un grand nombre de
fonctionnaires dou�s d'acc�der � des grades sup�rieurs. D'autres mesures
visant � moderniser et am�liorer les conditions de travail comportent une
forte extension des actions de formation, un renforcement des fonctions
d'encadrement, une modernisation des dispositions sur la flexibilit� du
travail et le cong� parental ainsi que le recours � des proc�dures
�quitables et rigoureuses applicables en cas d'insuffisance professionnelle.
Les propositions prennent en compte les r�sultats d'un processus de
consultation et de n�gociation long et approfondi men� avec les
repr�sentants du personnel ainsi que les discussions qui ont eu lieu avec
les autres institutions communautaires dont le personnel sera concern�.
[02] Commission adopts its Communication on structural indicators
The European Commission has adopted a Communication on structural
indicators. This Communication proposes a set of indicators to be used in
the synthesis report for the Spring 2002 European Council in Barcelona. The
synthesis report will assess progress made towards the strategic goal
agreed at Lisbon which is to transform the EU into "the most competitive
and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable
economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion". The
use of indicators and benchmarks is an integral part of monitoring progress
in the follow-up to the Lisbon strategy.
[03] Next important step for recasting the Financial Regulation
The European Commission has proposed an amendment of its proposal for the
thorough overhaul of the European Union's "financial bible", the Financial
Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities,
which lays down the basic rules of financial management. The initial
proposal adopted in July was broadly speaking well received by the other
institutions. It was examined by the Court of Auditors, which gave its
opinion on 31 March last. The European Parliament voted in substance some
184 amendments on 31 May last but delayed the vote on its formal opinion
until it had secured guarantees from the Commission and the Council that
these amendments would be taken on board. The document the Commission
adopted yesterday is designed to incorporate amendments suggested by the
Court of Auditors and Parliament, in particular where their positions
converged. It is now a working document , which will be presented as an
amended proposal once Parliament has given its formal opinion. Budget
Commissioner Michaele Schreyer stated : "The recasting of the basic rules
of financial management is an important political step in the reform
process. We are progressing according to the timetable adopted at the
Gothenburg Council. The new Financial Regulation can be adopted in 2002 and
enter into force in 2003, bringing a modern management tool for the
European Budget."
[04] La Commission nomme de nouveaux conseillers-auditeurs dans le domaine
de la concurrence
La Commission europ�enne a nomm� Serge Durande � la fonction de conseiller-
auditeur. Le 16 octobre dernier, Karen Williams avait �galement �t� nomm�e
pour la m�me fonction, qui par sa charge de travail requiert deux
responsables. La fonction de conseiller-auditeur vise � garantir le droit
pour les soci�t�s d'�tre consult�es et de se d�fendre dans les proc�dures
de contr�le des fusions et acquisitions ainsi que dans les enqu�tes cartel
et d'abus suspect� de position dominante -- des principes juridiques
auxquels la Commission est attach�e.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[05] Commission gives new impetus to environmental cooperation in the
Danube - Black Sea Region
The European Commission today adopted a Communication on environmental
cooperation in the Danube - Black Sea Region. The Communication gives an
overview of the present environmental situation and cooperation in the
Danube - Black Sea region and highlights the priority actions that are
needed to improve the state of the environment of the region. It calls for
an increased involvement of the EU and its Member States in environmental
cooperation with the region, including the co-ordinated action by all
relevant sources of Community financial assistance. This will be a key
element for the long-term stability and prosperity of the Danube - Black
Sea region.
[06] R�union des Ministres des Affaires �trang�res euro-m�diterran�ens pour
r�affirmer la pertinence du Processus de Barcelone (05-06/11)
Les Ministres des Affaires �trang�res des 15 Etats membres de l'UE et des
12 Partenaires de la M�diterran�e sud se r�uniront les 5 et 6 novembre �
Bruxelles pour r�affirmer la pertinence du Partenariat euro-m�diterran�en
dans le contexte international actuel. A la suite des attentats du 11
septembre, la r�union mettra particuli�rement l'accent sur la coop�ration
dans la lutte contre le terrorisme, ainsi que sur le dialogue entre
cultures et civilisations et sur la n�cessit� de combattre le racisme et la
x�nophobie. Les Ministres des Affaires �trang�res traiteront des trois
volets du Processus de Barcelone : politique et s�curit� ; �conomique et
financier ; social, culturel et humain. Ils porteront une attention
sp�ciale au troisi�me volet : ils devraient d�cider le lancement de
nouvelles initiatives relatives aux femmes et � la formation et avancer
vers le lancement d'un programme r�gional en mati�re de Justice et Affaires
[07] Research Council discusses defence against chemical and biological
During yesterday's Research Council, an agenda point on bioterrorism was
added and discussed by Ministers. The Gent informal Council has called for
the elaboration of a programme to enhance cooperation between Member States
with an explicit mention of research. The Council endorsed European
Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin's proposal to set up an expert group
with members from relevant national ministries, including research and
defence, as well as Commission officials. The mandate of this group would
be to make an inventory of on-going research activities and existing
scientific expertise in the field of bio-defence so as to enable an
effective coordination. The Group would also identify research needs and
define a European research agenda. Actions could include the setting-up of
an information exchange system with a harmonisation of definitions, data
and procedures. In doing so, the Commission can rely on the expertise of
its Joint Research Centre in areas such as the detection and management of
chemical hazards or the detection of genetically modified pathogens. In the
longer term, research could be undertaken within the Community's research
framework programme.
[08] Cin�ma, t�l�visions publiques et dialogue culturel "post 11 septembre"
� l'ordre du jour du Conseil Culture et Audiovisuel (05/11)
Le Conseil des Ministres de la Culture et de l'Audiovisuel se r�unira �
Bruxelles le lundi 5 novembre � partir de 10h00. Viviane Reding,
Commissaire europ�enne � l'Education et � la Culture, repr�sentera la
Commission. Les deux principaux points � l'ordre du jour sont la
pr�sentation par la Commission des r�centes Communications sur le cin�ma
(Cf. IP/01/1326 du 27 septembre 2001) et sur le service public de
t�l�vision (Cf. IP/01/1429 du 17 octobre 2001). La Commission et la
Pr�sidence ont souhait� en outre une discussion sur le dialogue des
cultures apr�s le 11 septembre.
[09] CAP deserves "more attention and more credit", says Franz Fischler in
run-up to Doha
"The process of CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) reform we witnessed in the
last ten years has prepared EU agriculture to meet all challenges related
to the three traditional pillars of WTO rules on agricultural support",
according to Franz Fischler, European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural
Development and Fisheries. Addressing the international aspects of European
Agriculture at the Bologna Centre for International Relations yesterday, he
said : "I firmly believe we will be able to launch the new Round of WTO
negotiations in Doha". This "does not imply substantial threats, but great
opportunities for EU agriculture". We expect the "agricultural negotiations
to strike a balance between fundamental trade reform (by reduction of both
border protection and domestic support) and non-trade concerns that reflect
a follow-up of the 1994 URAA agreement".
[10] Autre mat�riel diffus�
Speech by Pedro Solbes : "How to ensure the long-lasting success of the
euro" at the Association for the Monetary Union in Europe annual conference
Speech by Pedro Solbes : "Pension reform: what role for the EU ?" at the
European Round Table of Industrialists (! embargo 4.45 pm !)
Speech by Franz Fischler : : "Agricultural policy for the future - a
synthesis of competing concerns" at the occasion of the award of the
honorary doctorate at the University of Bologna
Statement of Franz Fischler at the Round Table on Agriculture and Food
(Bologna, ! embargo 5.30 pm !)
Calendrier du 4 au 10 novembre 2001
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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