European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-10-09
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 09/10/2001
[01] �-83 : le rapport de la Commission r�v�le que la pr�paration du
passage � l'euro n'est pas achev�e et plaide pour la mise en oeuvre rapide
de 40 bonnes pratiques
Dans un rapport adress� au Conseil europ�en de Gand, la Commission
europ�enne met l'accent sur les mesures qui peuvent �tre prises durant les
83 prochains jours. Elle a recens� dans la zone euro pas moins de 40 bonnes
pratiques, qu'elle propose aux gouvernements, aux banques et aux
d�taillants de mettre en oeuvre afin de rattraper le temps perdu et
d'assurer une transition sans heurts. Dans l'ensemble, des progr�s
significatifs ont �t� r�alis�s depuis la pr�sentation du dernier rapport de
la Commission (avril 2001). La situation reste cependant assez contrast�e :
le degr� de pr�paration varie sensiblement en fonction des diff�rents
acteurs �conomiques. Alors que les administrations nationales ont
pratiquement achev� leurs pr�paratifs, les collectivit�s locales semblent
travailler � un rythme moins rapide. La pr�paration des PME est �galement
assez lente et un grand nombre d'entre elles ne sont pas suffisamment
conscientes des d�lais ou des co�ts. L'information des particuliers s'est
consid�rablement am�lior�e, mais reste n�anmoins globalement insuffisante.
Selon Pedro Solbes, Commissaire charg� des affaires �conomiques et
mon�taires, : "Ce rapport met en �vidence des progr�s importants. Nous
savons maintenant que la transition sera rapide. Les attaques terroristes
aux Etats-Unis et leurs suites ont �videmment capt� l'attention des divers
acteurs du passage � l'euro. Mais l'euro est l� ; il constitue un apport
concret de l'Union europ�enne � la paix et � la stabilit� mondiales. Nous
devons tous �uvrer pour que la transition soit la plus indolore possible."
[02] Commission launches round table on GMO safety research
At the initiative of European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin, a
round table on GMOs (genetically modified organisms) safety research has
been launched today. It brings together European biosafety researchers and
other stakeholders, such as consumer organisations, national
administrations and industry, to ensure that up-to-date knowledge
accompanies the safe use of GMOs. The round table will also allow
interested stakeholders to discuss research results coming from the
European Research Area and identify new research items. Moreover, the
Commission has today published a report on the results of the biosafety
research that it has supported over 15 years. This publication summarises
the 81 projects, which have received a total EU-funding of euro 70 million
and have involved over 400 scientific teams from all parts of Europe.
Research on GM plants and derived products so far developed and marketed,
following usual risk assessment procedures, has not shown any new risks to
human health or the environment, beyond the usual uncertainties of
conventional plant breeding. Indeed, the use of more precise technology and
the greater regulatory scrutiny probably make them even safer than
conventional plants and foods. If there are unforeseen environmental
effects - none have appeared as yet - these should be rapidly detected by
existing monitoring systems.
[03] EU humanitarian aid to Afghan people over euro 300 million
The total amount of EU humanitarian aid (EU Member States and the European
Commission) to alleviate the suffering of the Afghan people stands at euro
314 million, of which a third is managed directly by the Commission. The
Commission is now asking the European Parliament and the Council to
accelerate budgetary decisions on new provision of euro 25 million in
humanitarian assistance for Afghanistan. There may be further requests in
the coming weeks if the flux of refugees and internally displaced persons
[04] Commission funds medical assistance worth euro 1.5 million for victims
of the conflict in Afghanistan
The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) has announced a
further allocation of targeted humanitarian aid worth euro 1.5 million for
victims of the crisis in Afghanistan, following the launch of military
action by US and UK forces. Commenting on the decision, the Commissioner
responsible for development and humanitarian aid, Poul Nielson, stated :
"By this decision, we are showing solidarity with the victims of the
crisis. This focused action is designed to alleviate, as far as possible,
the suffering of those caught up in the conflict. I call for humanitarian
access to be guaranteed by the combatants."
[05] Commission allocates euro 5.1 million for humanitarian aid to West
The European Commission has adopted a global plan worth euro 5.1 million
for victims of the continuing humanitarian crisis in Guinea, Sierra Leone
and Liberia. While Sierra Leone has been the focal point of civil strife
over the last 12 years, the conflict has directly affected the neighbouring
countries. The situation in Sierra Leone has stabilised recently, with
signs of progress towards a sustainable peace, but many people in the
region are still displaced from their homes and there is a continuing need
for humanitarian assistance. The bulk of the new resources have been
earmarked for UNHCR operations. The money will be channelled through the
Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) which comes under the responsibility of
Commissioner Poul Nielson.
[06] Remise de la m�daille d'or du M�rite europ�en � Viviane Reding
discours de Jean-Claude Juncker, Jos� Maria Aznar et Romano Prodi
Viviane Reding, commissaire europ�enne � l'Education et � la Culture,
recevra ce soir la m�daille d'or du M�rite europ�en des mains du Premier
ministre du Luxembourg, Jean-Claude Juncker. A la veille de la Pr�sidence
espagnole, Jos� Maria Aznar, Premier ministre d'Espagne, prononcera une
allocution tandis que le Pr�sident de la Commission Romano Prodi fera le
discours de cl�ture. Cette distinction, cr��e il y a trente ans, r�compense
l'engagement d'une personnalit� pour une construction europ�enne � vocation
humaniste. Ces derni�res ann�es, elle a �t� attribu�e notamment � Simone
Veil, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Michel Rocard et Tadeusz Mazowiecki. La
c�r�monie, qui est ouverte � la presse (�crite et audiovisuelle), aura lieu
ce soir � 18h30 � la direction g�n�rale Education et Culture (Van Maerlant
2 angle rue Belliard).
[07] Journ�e europ�enne de la concurrence le 11 octobre � Anvers sur le
th�me 'Concurrence et Consommateur Les produits pharmaceutiques'
La quatri�me Journ�e europ�enne de la concurrence se d�roulera le jeudi 11
octobre � Anvers. Organis�e pour la premi�re fois en juin 2000 � Lisbonne �
l'initiative du Commissaire europ�en � la Consurrence Mario Monti, cette
Journ�e est un �v�nement semestriel dans le cadre de la Pr�sidence
tournante de l'Union europ�enne destin� � informer les citoyens sur les
actions concr�tes men�es par les autorit�s de concurrence et sur les
avantages qu'ils en tirent. Chaque Journ�e traite d'un th�me qui int�resse
particuli�rement les consommateurs. Ainsi la manifestation du 11 octobre
est plac�e sous le th�me 'Produits pharmaceutiques et concurrence'.
[08] Top Class Business Support Services : a major forum to share best
practice across Europe
The 'Top Class Business Support Services Forum', to be held in Cardiff (UK)
on 11-12 October, aims to help level up the quality and consistency of
business support service provision across Europe, so as to match or improve
on today's best practice standards. It will focus on how best to meet the
needs of small and medium-sized enterprises, and improve business support
staff training. The European Commission has long been working with EU
Member States to promote high quality business support services, through an
active exchange of good practice. The forum will play an important role in
finalising a series of recommendations for improvements, to be published at
the end of this year.
[09] R�union la semaine prochaine � Bruxelles de 150 universitaires sur le
th�me "Europe 2004 le grand d�bat"
A l'invitation du Pr�sident de la Commission europ�enne Romano Prodi et de
Viviane Reding, commissaire responsable des relations avec le monde
acad�mique, 150 professeurs appartenant au r�seau Jean Monnet se r�uniront
� Bruxelles les 15 et 16 octobre prochains pour apporter une contribution
au d�bat sur l'avenir de l'Europe � la veille du Conseil europ�en de
[10] Commission study shows broadband Internet access on the rise in Europe
The European Commission today released a new independent study on the
development of broadband Internet access platforms in the European Union.
According to the study, cable modem and ADSL will rapidly become the
leading technologies used to access the Internet at high-speed. However,
the study also emphasises that there will be considerable differences in
the pace of broadband take-up between Member States.
[11] Fusion approuv�e selon la proc�dure simplifi�e
Degussa AG (D) / Ausimont S.p.A (I)
[12] Autre mat�riel diffus�
Opening remarks by Michaele Schreyer at the meeting of the Contact Group
for European Financial Control Organisations (08/10, Tallinn)
Speech by David Byrne : "A European approach to food safety and GMOs"
(National Press Club, Washington D.C., ! embargo 7 pm !)
Discours de M. Barnier sur l'avenir de la politique r�gionale (PE)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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