European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-08-13
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 10/08/2001
[01] Commission clears certain provisions of the Visa international payment
card system
The European Commission has taken a favourable view of the compatibility
with the competition rules of certain provisions in the Visa International
payment card scheme, in particular the so-called "no-discrimination rule"
and the modified rules on cross border services. This is the first
Commission antitrust decision in the field of international payment cards.
[02] La Commission donne son feu vert � l'acquisition par Fabricom du
contr�le exclusif de Sulzer
La Commission europ�enne a autoris� Fabricom � acqu�rir le contr�le
exclusif de l'activit� d'installation de syst�mes �lectrom�caniques
("Sulzer Infra") de Sulzer AG. La Commission a jug� que l'op�ration ne
poserait pas de probl�mes de concurrence sur le march� de l'installation de
syst�mes �lectrom�caniques ni sur aucun autre march� connexe.
[03] Commission clears acquisition of sole control by Fabricom over GTI
The European Commission has cleared Fabricom's proposed acquisition of sole
control over GTI. The Commission has found that the transaction would not
raise any competition concerns in the installation of electromechanical
systems and installations markets or in any other related markets.
[04] La Commission approuve le rachat de la soci�t� Du Pont Pharmaceuticals
par Bristol-Myers Squibb
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� d'approuver l'op�ration par laquelle
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company ("BMS") acquiert Du Pont Pharmaceuticals
Company ("Du Pont"). BMS occupe actuellement la cinqui�me position sur le
march� mondial des produits pharmaceutiques. L'acquisition n'engendrera
qu'une l�g�re augmentation de la part de march� et ne modifiera pas la
position mondiale de BMS.
[05] Structural Funds : Commission adopts an Interreg programme for Austria
and Slovenia of euro 54.5 million
The European Commission has adopted the cross-border co-operation programme
between Austria and Slovenia, which will be financed by the Community
initiative Interreg III A. Its main objectives are the development of the
economy on both sides of the border and better transnational cooperation.
The total amount available until 2006 is euro 54.5 million of which the EU
finances about euro 27.3 million. The programme involves the Austrian
regions of Styria and Carinthia as well as the Slovenian border regions,
representing a population of about 2.37 million.
[06] Structural Funds : Commission adopts an Interreg programme for Germany
(Bavaria) and the Czech Republic of euro 63.8 million
The European Commission has adopted the second of two cross-border co-
operation programmes between Germany and the neighbouring border regions of
the Czech Republic which will be financed by the Community initiative
Interreg III A. The programme concerns the Land of Bavaria and its main
priorities are the development of the economy on both sides of the border
and better transnational cooperation. The total amount available until 2006
is euro 127.6 million of which the EU finances about euro 63.8 million. The
remaining euro 63.8 million comes from national and regional budgets and
private funding.
[07] EU Classical swine fever in Spain : reduction of the restricted areas
The Standing Veterinary Committee (SVC) yesterday voted in favour of a
European Commission proposal to reduce the area in Spain from where the
export of live pigs and porcine semen, ova and embryos are banned in
response to outbreaks of classical swine fever (CSF). The restrictions in
the autonomous region of Catalu�a will now apply only in part of the
province of Lerida (compared to the whole province of Lerida and parts of
the provinces of Barcelona and Tarragona which were subject to the export
ban until now). In the provinces of Valencia, Cuenca and Teruel, the second
area where outbreaks of CSF have been confirmed, the restrictions which
apply remain unchanged. Movement restrictions within Spain can also be
eased in non-affected areas under control from the competent authorithies.
The proposal will now be formally adopted by the Commission in the next few
days and will remain in force until 15 September. The situation will be
reviewed at the next SVC, scheduled for 11-12 September.
[08] Utilisation confin�e de micro-organismes g�n�tiquement modifi�s (MGM)
: la Commission assigne la France, la Belgique, l'Allemagne, le Royaume-Uni,
la Gr�ce, l'Espagne et l'Autriche devant la Cour de justice
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� d'assigner la Belgique, l'Allemagne, le
Royaume-Uni, la Gr�ce, l'Espagne et l'Autriche devant la Cour de justice
europ�enne pour non-communication des dispositions l�gislatives nationales
requises pour transposer la modification de la directive 90/219/CEE
relative � l'utilisation confin�e de micro-organismes g�n�tiquement
modifi�s. Cette modification avait �t� introduite par une seconde directive
(directive 98/81/CE) adopt�e en octobre 1998. En ce qui concerne la France,
la d�cision a �t� prise pour sanctionner la transposition incompl�te de la
directive initiale, � savoir la directive 90/219/CEE. S'exprimant au sujet
de ces d�cisions, Mme Margot Wallstr�m, Membre de la Commission charg�e de
l'environnement, a d�clar� : "Les progr�s des m�thodes d'�valuation des
risques, qui ont �t� int�gr�s dans la l�gislation communautaire, doivent
transpara�tre dans la l�gislation nationale de tous les Etats membres.
C'est une condition essentielle pour maintenir un haut niveau de protection
de la sant� humaine et de l'environnement. La proc�dure d'�valuation des
risques pr�vue par la directive r�vis�e tient compte non seulement du type
de MGM concern�s (notamment virus, bact�ries), mais aussi de l'op�ration
[09] Merger approved under the simplified procedure
Royal Bank Private Equity Limited / Britax International Plc
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