European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-03-14
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 14/03/2001
[I] R�sultats de la Commission du 13 mars 2001 - Outcome of Commission
meeting of 13 March
[01] Vers un march� unique de l'�nergie en 2005
La Commission europ�enne a propos� un ensemble de nouvelles mesures visant
� l'ouverture compl�te des march�s du gaz et de l'�lectricit� au profit du
consommateur europ�en d�s 2005. Ces mesures pr�voient notamment
l'acc�l�ration du calendrier, le renforcement des conditions favorables �
une concurrence r�elle et �quitable, ainsi que la mise en place d'un
v�ritable march� unique. "Ces nouvelles propositions constituent une
avanc�e d�cisive pour faire b�n�ficier les citoyens europ�ens du syst�me
�lectrique et gazier le plus avanc�, le plus int�gr�, et offrant les
meilleures garanties de s�curit� d'approvisionnement et de protection des
consommateurs : elles apporteront des b�n�fices r�els en termes de
concurrence, de prix et de comp�titivit�", a d�clar� Loyola de Palacio,
vice-pr�sidente en charge de l'Energie et des Transports. R�pondant �
l'appel du Conseil europ�en de Lisbonne en faveur d'une acc�l�ration de
l'ouverture des march�s de l'�nergie, ces propositions seront pr�sent�es
aux chefs d'Etat et de Gouvernement lors du prochain Conseil europ�en de
Stockholm, les 23 et 24 mars 2001, et transmises au Conseil et au Parlement
europ�en pour un examen le plus rapide possible. "Le futur march� europ�en
de l'�nergie permettra d'avoir plus de choix tout en garantissant �
l'ensemble des Europ�ens un service universel de qualit�", a notamment
soulign� Loyola de Palacio.
[02] Commission clears joint ventures between British, Dutch and Singapore
postal operators with conditions
The European Commission has authorised the creation of two joint ventures
with worldwide activities for outbound cross-border mail by The Post Office
(TPO) of the United Kingdom, TNT Post Group N.V. (TPG) of the Netherlands
and Singapore Post Private Limited (SPPL). This authorisation is
conditional upon TPG selling the business carried out by TNT International
Mail in the Netherlands in order to prevent a strengthening of TPG's
dominant position on the Dutch market for outbound cross-border business
mail. TPG, TPO and SPPL have also offered an "up-front buyer" undertaking,
meaning that they will not complete or implement the transaction before a
binding sale agreement has been signed with a purchaser approved by the
[03] Statut des ressortissants de pays tiers r�sidents de longue dur�e
La Commission europ�enne a adopt� une proposition de Directive relative aux
ressortissants de pays tiers qui sont r�sidents de longue dur�e. Il s'agit
de la deuxi�me proposition l�gislative de la Commission dans le domaine de
l'immigration l�gale des ressortissants de pays tiers ; la premi�re, la
proposition de Directive sur le droit au regroupement familial, a �t�
adopt�e en d�cembre 1999 et est actuellement activement n�goci�e au
[04] Commission will support Member States in the fight against
environmental crime
The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Directive that for the
first time would introduce legal sanctions for breaches of environmental
law at an EU level. The proposal addresses the most serious breaches of
Community environmental law and covers three aspects intended to ensure
effective legal sanctions : (a) Member States themselves will decide the
criminal penalties for breaches of environmental rules, under their own
systems of criminal law ; (b) the Commission's proposal only concerns
intentional damage to the environment or damage caused by serious
negligence (this means not all pollution would be considered a criminal
offence) ; (c) the Directive will cover offences which are already
expressly prohibited by existing EU environmental law.
[05] Commission urges SMEs to go on-line by "GoDigi-tal" Initiative
Maximising the impact of measures aimed at helping small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) to make the most of electronic business opportunities is
the key aim of a new European Commission Communication, "GoDigital", issued
today. This Communication is part of the wider eEurope Action Plan that
will be one of the main items on the agenda of the forthcoming European
Council in Stockholm. The Communication looks at how Europe can best learn
from experience with various strategies and support mechanisms, assess
these, and then share best practices. To this end, the Communication
presents a comprehensive outline of initiatives under European Union
programmes targeting SMEs' specific needs. For greatest possible efficiency,
GoDigital will be linked to similar national and regional programmes in EU
Member States. All GoDigital initiatives are presented on a dedicated
GoDigital Web-site (http://europa.eu.int/ISPO/ecommerce/godigital),
offering links to all GoDigital stakeholders and providing a forum for
sharing best practices on e-business across Europe.
[06] La Commission �value l'impact de l'initiative eEurope et fixe des
priorit�s pour l'avenir
Dans la p�riode pr�paratoire au sommet de Stockholm des 23 et 24 mars, la
Commission europ�enne a adopt� une Communication sur l'impact et les
priorit�s de l'initiative eEurope 2002. Le document se compose de deux
parties : une �valuation de l'adoption et de l'utilisation de l'internet et
des domaines d'actions futures prioritaires, comme cela avait �t� demand�
au sommet de Nice en d�cembre. En pr�sentant la Communication, Erkki
Liikanen, Commissaire � l'Entreprise et la Soci�t� de l'Information, a
d�clar� : "Nous avons fait de nombreux progr�s depuis Lisbonne et beaucoup
a d�j� �t� r�alis�. L'an 2000 a �t� l'ann�e d'une v�ritable perc�e de
l'internet en Europe. Toutefois, nous ne pouvons pas nous en contenter pour
atteindre tous les b�n�fices �conomiques. J'esp�re qu'en 2001, tous les
secteurs industriels saisiront pleinement l'int�gralit� du potentiel de
l'internet. La lev�e des obstacles restants doit �tre la priorit� absolue."
[07] La Commission autorise des aides � l'investissement dans les r�gions
d�favoris�es de l'Italie
La Commission europ�enne a approuv� un r�gime italien d'aides aux
investissements sous forme de cr�dits d'imp�t dans les r�gions �ligibles
aux aides � finalit� r�gionale, c'est-�-dire les r�gions d�favoris�es du
pays. Le r�gime s'applique aux entreprises de tous les secteurs �
l'exception des transports et de l'agriculture qui feront l'objet d'une
d�cision s�par�e. Les mesures r�pondent � des objectifs de d�veloppement
[08] Commission approves a UK scheme "Partnership support for regeneration
The European Commission has decided not to object to a UK scheme designated
as "Partnership support for regeneration (5) : Community / voluntary
(neighbourhood) regeneration". This scheme is aimed at replacing part of
the English Partnership/Partnerships Investment Programme (EP/PIP), on
which the Commission adopted a decision in December 1999 obliging the UK
authorities to amend it. Further to this decision, the UK authorities
decided to close down the EP/PIP and to design and notify new schemes in
its place.
[09] Autre mat�riel diffus�
Note sur des travaux de la Commission en vue de l'�laboration d'une vision
strat�gique pour les sciences de la vie et la biotechnologie Debate on the
Commission's annual report for 1999 on the protection of the Community's
financial interests and the fight against fraud
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[10] Fi�vre aphteuse en France
Le Comit� V�t�rinaire Permanent (CVP) a rendu hier un avis favorable sur
une proposition de la Commission europ�enne de prendre des mesures de
protection suppl�mentaires � la suite de l'apparition d'un foyer de fi�vre
aphteuse dans le d�partement de Mayenne en France. L'exp�dition d'animaux
vivants des esp�ces sensibles � la fi�vre aphteuse est interdite � partir
de toute la France. En plus, l'exp�dition de viande fra�che et de produits
� base de viande, de lait et de produits laitiers et d'autres produits
originaires des m�mes esp�ces � partir des d�partements Mayenne et Orne est
interdite, sauf si ces produits font l'objet d'un traitement appropri�. La
proposition sera maintenant adopt�e par la Commission. Elle est applicable
jusqu'au 27 mars et sera r�examin�e lors de la r�union du CVP les 20 et 21
mars 2001.
[11] Commission starts procedure against IMS Health in Germany, seeks
interim measures
The European Commission has sent US company IMS Health (IMS), the world
leader in data collection on pharmaceutical sales and prescriptions, a
statement of objections with a view to imposing interim measures. IMS
refusal to grant a licence to its regional sales data method in Germany,
known as the 1860 brick structure, would appear to constitute an abuse of a
dominant position, according to the Commission's preliminary conclusions.
The refusal makes it impossible for new competitors to enter or stay on the
market in question and is likely to cause serious and irreparable damage to
the two present competitors of IMS : NDC Health of the United States and
AzyX Geopharma Services of Belgium.
[12] Commission seeks comments on partnership between British Midland,
Lufthansa and SAS
The European Commission publishes today a summary of a cooperation
agreement between British Midland, Lufthansa and SAS giving interested
parties the opportunity to comment before it takes a position the alliance.
The Commission has not at this stage reached any conclusions on the
agreement despite the fact that the three airlines have submitted
undertakings to address potential competition concerns.
[13] Fourth quarter of 2000 - EU15 current account deficit euro 13.3
(! embargo 12 am !) According to first estimates by Eurostat, the EU15
external current account recorded a deficit of euro 13.3 billion in the
fourth quarter of 2000, as compared with a deficit of euro 1.9 billion in
the fourth quarter of 1999 and a deficit of euro 7.9 billion in the third
quarter of 2000. In the fourth quarter of 2000 the EU15 external balance of
trade in services recorded a surplus of euro 3.0 billion as compared with a
surplus of euro 0.3 billion in the fourth quarter of 1999 and a surplus of
euro 1.4 billion in the third quarter of 2000.
[14] Renewal of Fisheries Protocol between the EU and Madagascar
The European Union and Madagascar have agreed to renew their Fisheries
Protocol for a period of three years from 21 May 2001. This agreement
concerns tuna fisheries and will provide fishing opportunites for 80
vessels, 5 more than under the current Protocol. Financial compensation has
been increased from euro 760,000 to euro 825,000 to reflect the increase in
the annual level of captures available to Community vessels from 9,500
tonnes to 11,000 tonnes.
[15] Autre mat�riel diffus�
Note sur les r�sultats du Comit� V�t�rinaire Permanent (13/03)
Discours de M. Prodi : "Towards Stockholm : consolidating Europe's
competitiveness and maintaining social inclusiveness" (PE)
Discours de Mme Reding : "La r�forme des r�gles de la FIFA sur les
transferts internationaux" (13/03, PE)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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