European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-01-24
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 24/01/2001
[I] R�sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commission proposes new action programme for the environment
The European Commission has adopted a proposal for an ambitious new
environmental strategy that outlines the priorities for action on the
environment for the next five to ten years. "Environment 2010: Our Future,
Our Choice" focuses on four major areas for action - climate change, health
and the environment, nature and bio-diversity and natural resource
management. The new programme stresses the importance of involving citizens
and business in innovative ways.
[02] Commission clears the merger between Metso and Svedala subject to
The European Commission has authorised the proposed merger between Metso
Corporation and Svedala AB, two Nordic companies with worldwide activities
in the production and distribution of machinery for the rock and mineral
processing industry. The merger creates one of the largest rock crushing
equipment manufacturer worldwide. Regulatory clearance was possible after
it was agreed that Svedala's jaw crusher and cone crusher businesses as
well as Metso's primary gyratory crusher business would be divested to an
independent competitor. This commitment was necessary to ensure effective
competition on the markets for rock crushing equipment in the European
Economic Area (EEA) and in individual Member States.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[03] Visite de Romano Prodi aux organisations internationales de Gen�ve (24-
Pour la toute premi�re fois, les 24 et 25 janvier 2001, un pr�sident de la
Commission europ�enne se rend en visite officielle aupr�s des organisations
des Nations-Unies � Gen�ve. Le pr�sident Romano Prodi rencontrera les
divers chefs des Nations-Unies et d'autres organisations internationales.
Cette visite repr�sente une �tape importante dans le renforcement de la
coop�ration entre la Commission et l'ONU, la Commission s'�tant elle aussi
engag�e � relever de fa�on concr�te les d�fis de la mondialisation, de la
coh�sion et de la gouvernance. Cette visite fait suite � la rencontre du
pr�sident Prodi avec le Secr�taire g�n�ral de l'ONU, M. Kofi Annan (octobre
2000) qui a �t� l'occasion pour les deux parties d'examiner la fa�on de
renforcer le dialogue r�ciproque et la coordination.
[04] R�ouverture prochaine du tunnel du Mont-Blanc
Le tunnel routier du Mont-Blanc, ferm� depuis mars 1999, devrait rouvrir
d'ici � la fin de l'ann�e 2001. Si cela se confirmait, la Commission
europ�enne s'en r�jouirait, car le tunnel du Mont-Blanc constitue un
�l�ment fondamental du syst�me des liaisons europ�ennes. La fermeture de ce
tunnel, qui dure depuis presque deux ann�es, a eu d'importantes
r�percussions sur toute la structure des transports en Europe ainsi que sur
la mobilit� et la libre circulation des personnes et des marchandises dans
l'Union europ�enne. La Commission estime en outre que la fermeture du
tunnel du Mont-Blanc a provoqu� de graves probl�mes dans d'autres zones,
qui n'�taient pas pr�par�es � accueillir le trafic d�tourn�. La Commission
esp�re que les autorit�s fran�aises et italiennes concentrent rapidement
leurs efforts sur le lancement du projet de tunnel ferroviaire sur la ligne
Lyon-Turin, qui permettra de diminuer le trafic dans cette zone fragile. La
Commission est d'avis que ce projet, qui figure au nombre des onze projets
prioritaires dans le cadre des r�seaux transeurop�ens, doit aller de
l'avant dans les plus brefs d�lais.
[05] S�curit� maritime : Loyola de Palacio appelle � un renforcement des
r�gles internationales
Commentant la mar�e noire qui affecte les �les Galapagos, Loyola de Palacio,
vice-pr�sidente de la Commission europ�enne en charge de l'Energie et des
Transports, a fait part de ses regrets pour cette catastrophe qui porte
atteinte � un milieu naturel qui est le patrimoine de toute l'humanit�.
Elle a, � ce propos, d�clar� que "ce malheureux accident nous rappelle �
tous l'importance d'am�liorer la qualit� du transport maritime dans le
monde entier : l'Union europ�enne doit �tre � la t�te des pays qui
r�clament davantage de mesures pour d�fendre les vies humaines et le milieu
marin". L'�chouage du p�trolier Jessica, de pavillon �quatorien, aux abords
des c�tes des �les Galapagos, met malheureusement une fois de plus en
�vidence la n�cessit� de renforcer de nombreuses r�glementations sur la
s�curit� maritime. "Nous ne pouvons pas maintenir des r�gles
internationales moins restrictives car la mer est le bien de tous et nous
devons tous prendre la responsabilit� de sa protection : les r�gles
internationales doivent �voluer", a-t-elle ajout�.
[06] Commission sends experts to assist in Galapagos clean-up
European Environment Commissioner Margot Wallstr�m today announced that
following a request from the Ecuadorian authorities, three experts of the
European Task Force dealing with accidental marine pollution are being sent
to Ecuador. The three experts, from Spain, France and the United Kingdom,
are specialists in operational, technical and biodiversity aspects of
marine pollution. They will help the Ecuadorian authorities to define the
best means of minimising the impact of the pollution and to ensure the
recovery of affected areas of the Galapagos islands.
[07] Pedro Solbes discute les perspectives de l'�pargne en Europe avec
Jacques De Larosi�re
Le Commissaire europ�en aux Affaires �conomiques et mon�taires, Pedro
Solbes, a rencontr� hier M. Jacques De Larosi�re, Pr�sident de
l'Observatoire Europ�en de l'Epargne (OEE), pour un �change de vues sur la
situation et les perspectives de l'�pargne en Europe. L'OEE a pour objectif
d'am�liorer les connaissances et la compr�hension de l'�pargne au travers
d'un �ventail d'activit�s qui comprennent la collecte et la diffusion de
statistiques appropri�es, ainsi que la publication de recherches
sp�cifiques sur les questions relatives � l'�pargne. Le Commissaire Solbes
a fait l'�loge du travail effectu� par l'OEE en disant que "l'existence de
statistiques de qualit� sur l'�pargne rev�t une importance majeure dans le
cadre des efforts continus pour l'am�lioration de la disponibilit� des
donn�es �conomiques et financi�res dans l'UE et, plus particuli�rement,
dans la zone euro". Il a propos� que la Commission et l'OEE examinent les
possibilit�s de collaboration dans le cadre de leur travail respectif sur
l'�pargne et a not� que l'Observatoire utilise d�j� les donn�es de comptes
nationaux compil�es par Eurostat.
[08] Commission authorizes special payment to Palestinian Authority
The European Commission has authorized the transfer of up to euro 30
million to the Palestinian Authority to help it meet urgent current
expenses including, salaries for public sector employees and running costs
in the health and education sectors. The payment will be made from a
special fund of euro 90 million set up in December 2000 to provide funding
in the form of refundable advances to the Palestinian Authority should
Israel not transfer tax receipts on time to the Palestinian Authority. This
fund constitutes the continuation of a first Special Cash Facility already
established in 1998. Under the 1994 Israeli-Palestinian Paris Protocol on
Economic Relations Israel is responsible for collecting the proceeds from
certain indirect taxes and customs duties and transferring them on a
monthly basis to the Palestinian Authority. The IMF, which monitors the
budgetary expenditure of the Palestinian Authority on behalf of the
international donor community, has confirmed that although some payments
have been made by Israel since November large amounts are still due, thus
creating a serious financial problem for the Palestinian Authority. Faced
with this situation the Commission made a first payment of euro 27.5
million from the first cash facility in November 2000 and has now decided
to release euro 30 million from the second cash facility to help the
Palestinian Authority meet its financial obligations.
[09] Commission approves humanitarian aid worth euro 7.5 million
The European Commission has taken the following humanitarian aid decisions
totalling euro 7.5 million for drought victims in Afghanistan, Pakistan and
Iran, flood victims in Bangladesh and people displaced by conflict in the
Moluccan Islands. The assistance is channelled through its Humanitarian Aid
Office (ECHO).
[10] EU and Norway agree on a recovery strategy for North Sea cod stocks
Following negotiations in Brussels on 18, 19 and 23 January, the European
Union and Norway have agreed on a conservation strategy to help the
recovery of depleted cod stocks in the North Sea. The emergency measures
will include setting up a temporary controlled area where spawning takes
place. All fisheries likely to catch cod will temporarily be forbidden in
this area to allow the maximum survival of fish from the reproductive
activity of this year's spawning stock. As cod live at the bottom of the
sea, pelagic fisheries (directed at mid-water species) will be allowed to
continue during this period. Technical and control measures will also be
put in place and will include special fishing permits, reporting
requirements and the presence of observers on board vessels for part of the
time for the pelagic fisheries in the controlled zone. The European
Commission and Norway will meet again on 2 February to discuss the detail
of the technical and control measures.
[11] Report on the fruit and vegetables regime
Today, the European Commission has adopted a report on the fruit and
vegetables regime. Entitled "Report on the state of implementation of
Regulation (EC) No 2200/96 on the common organisation of the market in
fruit and vegetables", the report reviews particular characteristics of the
regime like marketing and food safety standards, producer organisations and
interbranch agreements. The use of intervention arrangements, withdrawals
and operational funds are also looked into. Reflections on eco-
conditionality, the nut sector, citrus processing aid and budgetary issues
also feature in the report. The report comes in response to a request from
the Council to examine the situation in the fruit and vegetables sector,
following the reform that took place in 1996. The report will soon be
available on the internet at http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/markets/fruitveg/index_en.htm
[12] Autre mat�riel diffus�
Discours de M. Fischler devant la commission Agriculture du PE Discours de
M. Byrne devant la commission Agriculture du PE Discours de M. Vitorino :
"Strategies of the EU and the US in combating transnational organised
crime" (Gand) Discours de Mme Diamantopoulou : "Investing in our social and
economic future: quality matters" � la Work Life Conference (Malm�)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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