European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-10-27
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[01] Pascal Lamy annonce la r�solution des obstacles bilat�raux entre l'UE
et la Chine en vue de son adh�sion � l'OMC
[02] La Commission autorise la cr�ation d'une entreprise commune par
Alcatel et Thomson Multimedia
[03] Commission clears Magneti Marelli acquisition of sole control over its
joint venture with Bosch
[04] Structural Funds : Commission approves �land Islands (Finland)
Objective 2 programme for the period 2000-2006
[05] Franz Fischler souligne l'importance du suivi et du contr�le de la
p�che � l'occasion d'une conf�rence internationale
[06] EU15 current account deficit euro 10.5 billion ; euro 2.6 billion
surplus on trade in services
[07] Commission proposes new rules to reduce exhaust and noise emissions
from pleasure boats
[08] Commission and Japan look to improve conditions for investment
[09] Commission decides to strengthen Phare programmme
[10] Equality between women and men is more than just cheap kindergarden
[01] Pascal Lamy annonce la r�solution des obstacles bilat�raux entre l'UE
et la Chine en vue de son adh�sion � l'OMC
Suite aux entretiens qui ont suivi le sommet UE-Chine tenu � Beijing le 23
octobre dernier, Pascal Lamy, Commissaire europ�en au Commerce, a
aujourd'hui annonc� que les probl�mes bilat�raux restants entre l'UE et la
Chine en vue de son adh�sion ont �t� r�solus confirmant ainsi l'accord
bilat�ral UE-Chine conclu le 19 mai 2000. Selon M. Lamy, "le fait d'avoir
r�gl� les questions importantes qui restaient � mettre au point dans
l'application de notre accord bilat�ral de mai dernier constitue une
avanc�e de plus en vue de l'adh�sion de la Chine � l'OMC. Cet accord
prendra effet d�s que les travaux en cours � Gen�ve auront abouti. Par
cons�quent, nous pourrons d�s maintenant concentrer tous nos efforts
exclusivement sur la t�che de r�soudre dans les meilleurs d�lais les
probl�mes multilat�raux qui subsistent encore. "
[02] La Commission autorise la cr�ation d'une entreprise commune par
Alcatel et Thomson Multimedia
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� d'autoriser une entreprise commune entre
les compagnies fran�aises Alcatel et Thomson Multim�dia qui sera active
dans le secteur �mergent des r�seaux vid�os interactifs. La Commission
consid�re que l'op�ration ne cr�era ni ne renforcera une situation de
position dominante et l'a d�clar� compatible avec le march� commun.
[03] Commission clears Magneti Marelli acquisition of sole control over its
joint venture with Bosch
The European Commission has authorised Italian automotive components firm
Magneti Marelli SpA to acquire sole control of MM Automotive Lighting
Business (MALB), a joint venture in which Magneti Marelli had joint control
with Robert Bosch GmbH. The deal is a further step in a restructuring
exercise and does not produce any real increase in the market power of
Magneti Marelli, nor any substantial change in the structure of the market.
[04] Structural Funds : Commission approves �land Islands (Finland)
Objective 2 programme for the period 2000-2006
The European Commission has approved in principle the draft single
programming document (SPD) for the �land Islands (Finland) over the next
seven years. The programme concerns areas facing structural difficulties
and represents euro 4,6 million of EU financing for this autonomous,
Swedish-speaking Finnish province comprising more than 6,500 islands and
islets. Altogether, EU funding will mobilise over euro 22 million in
investment, of which almost 50% will be co-financed by the private sector.
The new programme is expected to lead to the creation of 200 new jobs and
30 new businesses.
[05] Franz Fischler souligne l'importance du suivi et du contr�le de la
p�che � l'occasion d'une conf�rence internationale
"Le suivi et le contr�le de la p�che sont au centre de la politique commune
de la p�che", a soulign� Franz Fischler, Commissaire europ�en charg� de
l'Agriculture, du D�veloppement rural et de la P�che, en cl�turant une
conf�rence internationale sur le contr�le, le suivi et la surveillance de
la p�che. "La loyaut� est l'une des conditions fondamentales d'un contr�le
et d'un suivi efficaces. Les p�cheurs ne seront convaincus qu'ils doivent
respecter la r�glementation que s'ils ont la garantie que les poissons
qu'ils laissent dans la mer conform�ment aux r�gles existantes ne sera pas
captur� par d'autres en violation de celles-ci." Organis�e par la
Commission du 24 au 27 octobre � Bruxelles, la conf�rence a r�uni 250
experts du suivi et du contr�le venus du monde entier. M. Fischler a
d�clar� avoir l'intention d'utiliser au mieux ses r�sultats. Il a affirm�
qu'une coop�ration accrue entre les acteurs, la participation du secteur
concern�, le recours aux nouvelles technologies et l'am�lioration du
rapport co�t/efficacit� des contr�les �taient les cl�s du renforcement de
l'application des r�gles en vue d'assurer une p�che durable dans le monde
[06] EU15 current account deficit euro 10.5 billion ; euro 2.6 billion
surplus on trade in services
(! embargo 12 am !) According to the latest revisions issued today by
Eurostat, the EU15 external current account recorded a deficit of euro 10.5
billion in the second quarter of 2000, as compared with a surplus of euro
6.0 billion in the second quarter of 1999 and a deficit of euro 21.3
billion in the first quarter of 2000. In the second quarter of 2000 the
EU15 external balance of trade in services recorded a surplus of euro 2.6
billion as compared with a surplus of euro 4.5 billion in the second
quarter of 1999 and a deficit of euro 1.6 billion in the first quarter of
[07] Commission proposes new rules to reduce exhaust and noise emissions
from pleasure boats
The European Commission has proposed an amendment to the current Directive
on recreational crafts. These are designed to limit exhaust and noise
emissions from marine engines in such crafts - whilst ensuring the free
movement of recreational crafts within the Internal Market of the EU. The
proposed rules demonstrate the Commission's determination to combine
industry and environmental policy to promote the competitiveness of the
European industry whilst protecting the environment.
[08] Commission and Japan look to improve conditions for investment
The bi-annual EU-Japan High-Level Meeting on Regulatory Reform took place
on 26 October in Tokyo. Mr. Fernando Valenzuela, Deputy Director General
for External Relations of the European Commission co-chaired with Director-
General Hitoshi Tanaka of the Economic Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
This meeting forms part of the two-way dialogue on regulatory reform
between the EU and Japan. The meeting stressed the continuing importance of
the EU-Japan Regulatory Reform dialogue. The Commission called for crucial
reforms designed to boost the economy, in particular : concerted strong
action to improve the business environment for investors ; an independent
regulatory authority and increased competition in the telecoms sector; the
strict enforcement of competition policy.
[09] Commission decides to strengthen Phare programmme
European Commissioner for Enlargement G�nter Verheugen has presented to the
Commission the results of a review he commissioned in late 1999 on the
functioning of the Phare programme. The review shows that the reforms
introduced in 1997 has begun to show positive results, but more needs to be
done with the approach of accession, like : enhancement the absorption
capacity of the candidates, agreement with candidate countries on multi-
annual programmes, increased responsibility for candidates for managing EU
funds as well as increased use of Structural Funds approaches within Phare.
[10] Equality between women and men is more than just cheap kindergarden
European Commissioner for Employment and Social affairs, Anna
Diamantopoulou, participates today at a conference of Ministers on equality
between women and men in Paris. She stated : "Equality between women and
men is more than just cheap kindergarden provisions". The EU has set itself
the twin goals of competitiveness and cohesion. Successful equality policy
must tackle not only social issues but also work and decision-making
questions. In concrete terms we need three types of policy : i) access to
decision-making ; ii) work & family life ; iii) mainstreaming; in other
words integration of equality policy across the board in other policy
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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