European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-10-03
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[01] Speech by President Prodi, Strasbourg
[02] Commission clears joint control by Corus and Wuppermann over a new
Dutch steel plant
[03] La Commission autorise la cr�ation d'une entreprise commune par SAP et
Siemens dans le domaine du commerce �lectronique
[04] La Commission ouvre une enqu�te approfondie concernant le contr�le de
EnBW par EdF et OEW
[05] Commission issues Statements of Objections relating to cartels in the
brewing sector in Belgium and Luxembourg
[06] Travelling with pets in the EU made easier
[07] Davantage de s�curit� pour les pompiers gr�ce � la recherche
[01] Speech by President Prodi, Strasbourg
In a major keynote speech this morning to the European Parliament, the
President of the European Commission Romano Prodi delivers a sturdy defence
of the European Union's decision-making record through existing EU
mechanisms. He warns that a drift towards intergovernmentalism risks making
Europe less democratic and less efficient, and he defends the Commission's
proven role at reconciling the competing interests of the member states.
The Nice Summit must produce real results, notably an effective and
inclusive mechanism for reinforced cooperation, voting by 'double majority'
in the Council, and a reduction in the number of issues decided by
unanimity. The EU must seek, too, to answer candidate country concerns over
the lack of a precise timetable for enlargement, and should aim to be ready
to enlarge as of 2003. In order to boost the EU's coherence, the role of
the Council High Representative for foreign and security policy should be
integrated into the Commission with a special status, and the Commission
should become the sole voice on EU economic policy.
[02] Commission clears joint control by Corus and Wuppermann over a new
Dutch steel plant
The European Commission has cleared the acquisition of 30% of the shares
and joint control of Wuppermann Staal Nederland B.V (WSN) by Corus Group
Plc. WSN was previously totally owned by Wuppermann GmbH (Germany). The
sole business of WSN is the construction, and subsequent operation and
management of a production site at Moerdijk, the Netherlands, for pickling,
galvanising and slitting of hot-rolled wide strip steel.
[03] La Commission autorise la cr�ation d'une entreprise commune par SAP et
Siemens dans le domaine du commerce �lectronique
La Commission europ�enne a autoris� la fondation d'une entreprise commune
par Siemens et la soci�t� de logiciels SAP, �galement �tablie en Allemagne.
Cette entreprise commune nouvellement �tablie, d�nomm�e Governet, cr�era et
exploitera des places de march� �lectroniques publiques sur lesquelles
seront repr�sent�es � la fois des entreprises et des administrations.
L'op�ration ne suscite pas de pr�occupations du point de vue de la
concurrence car les activit�s des deux entreprises m�res ne se recoupent
que de fa�on minimale ou pas du tout dans les march�s en cause.
[04] La Commission ouvre une enqu�te approfondie concernant le contr�le de
EnBW par EdF et OEW
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� de mener un examen approfondi de deuxi�me
phase concernant un projet d'op�ration par lequel Electricit� de France
(EdF) et Zweckverband Oberschw�bische Elektrizit�tswerke (OEW), Allemagne,
acqui�rent le contr�le en commun de Energie Bade-Wurtemberg (EnBW). La
Commission consid�re que l'op�ration soul�ve de s�rieux doutes, vu qu'elle
�limine un concurrent potentiel sur le march� fran�ais de l'�lectricit�.
[05] Commission issues Statements of Objections relating to cartels in the
brewing sector in Belgium and Luxembourg
The European Commission has issued Statements of Objections to brewers in
Belgium and Luxembourg relating to alleged infringements of Article 81 of
the EC Treaty which prohibits concerted behaviour or agreements between
companies that have an anti-competitive object or effect. The Statements of
Objections mark the opening of infringement proceedings and contain the
Commission's preliminary assessment. The parties are now entitled to
present their defence in writing, as well as at an oral hearing. The
Commission is also investigating similar alleged practices by major brewers
in other Member States, in particular France, the Netherlands, Italy and
Denmark. However, these investigations are at an early stage and no
conclusions should be drawn as to the existence of any infringement.
[06] Travelling with pets in the EU made easier
Pet owners will be able to travel more easily within the European Union
with their domestic pets, especially cats and dogs. The European Commission
has adopted a proposal for a regulation harmonising the health requirements
for pets moving from one EU country to another. The proposal reinforces
health requirements for pets coming from third countries. The new system
will require identification of cats and dogs via electronic microchips or
tattoos, obligatory vaccination against rabies and, where necessary,
additional checks on the immune response to this vaccination. It will come
into force as soon as adopted by European Parliament and Council.
[07] Davantage de s�curit� pour les pompiers gr�ce � la recherche
Le travail des pompiers ne se limite plus � �teindre des incendies de for�t
ou des b�timents en flammes. Les hommes du feu doivent �galement effectuer
des op�rations de secours et des interventions techniques et lutter contre
les risques chimiques, les catastrophes dues aux intemp�ries et les mar�es
noires. Le port d'un casque de protection s�r et multifonctionnel est donc
indispensable pour qu'ils puissent ex�cuter ces t�ches dangereuses sans
s'exposer eux-m�mes. Six PME de diff�rents pays et un institut de recherche
viennent de mettre au point un tel syst�me de protection dans le cadre d'un
projet de recherche financ� par la Commission europ�enne. Les essais du
prototype sont achev�s et la production va d�marrer dans quelques semaines.
"On a ici un nouvel exemple des effets directs que la recherche peut avoir
sur le travail quotidien de ceux qui s'exposent au danger pour sauver des
vies humaines et des biens", a d�clar� Philippe Busquin, commissaire charg�
de la recherche.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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