European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-06-14
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[I] R�sultats de la Commission du 13 juin 2000 - Outcome of Commission
meeting of 13 June 2000
[01] EU moves closer towards global financial reporting standards
[02] Commission allows merger of Veba and Viag subject to stringent
[03] La Commission s'attaque au probl�me grandissant des d�chets
�lectriques et �lectroniques
[04] Ouverture des march�s de l'�lectricit� � la concurrence : mise en
demeure de la France
[05] La Commission prolonge la dur�e de validit� des r�gles en vigueur en
mati�re d'aides d'Etat dans l'industrie automobile
[06] Commission investigates aid to Graf von Henneberg Porzellan GmbH
[07] Commission approves State aid schemes for German shipbuilding for year
[08] La Commission �tend l'enqu�te qu'elle m�ne sur les aides en faveur de
Babcock Wilcox Espa�a SA aux �l�ments d'aide compris dans sa privatisation
[09] Commission approves aid to Wildauer Kurbelwelle (Germany)
[10] Commission decides that no aid was involved in the disposal of the
remaining State participation in Kali und Salz GmbH
[11] La Commission autorise le r�gime d'aide du Fonds de d�veloppement des
PME de la France
[12] La Commission d�cide de nommer Achilleas Mitsos en qualit� de
Directeur G�n�ral de la Recherche
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[13] La Commission propose une nouvelle strat�gie pour am�liorer le
fonctionnement du syst�me TVA dans le cadre du march� int�rieur
[14] First EU-Israel Association Council opens a new chapter in EU-Israel
[15] Commission proposes increased anchovies quota for the Bay of Biscay
[I] R�sultats de la Commission du 13 juin 2000 - Outcome of Commission
meeting of 13 June 2000
[01] EU moves closer towards global financial reporting standards
The European Commission has outlined a strategy for future financial
reporting in Europe in a Communication it has just adopted. The strategy is
designed to help eliminate remaining barriers to cross-border trading in
securities, in particular by recommending that there be one set of
accounting standards so that company accounts throughout the European Union
are more transparent and can be more easily compared. A single set of
standards should make it easier to compare corporate performance, to raise
capital and to enhance investor protection. The strategy is a key element
in the creation of an integrated market in financial services that is the
aim of the Financial Services Action Plan adopted in May 1999. The Lisbon
Summit also explicitly insisted on the importance of the comparability of
financial reporting to the creation of an efficient, deep and liquid
securities market in Europe. The Commission believes that the adoption of
International Accounting Standards (IAS) are the way forward. The
Communication announces that the Commission will come forward with
proposals before the end of 2000 which would require all EU companies
listed on a regulated market to prepare consolidated accounts in accordance
with International Accounting Standards. This requirement would enter into
force at the latest from 2005 onwards. Member States would be allowed to
extend this requirement to unlisted companies and for preparing individual
accounts. Since transparency and comparability are of particular importance
for financial institutions, this policy will also cover listed banks and
insurance companies.
[02] Commission allows merger of Veba and Viag subject to stringent
Following an in-depth investigation, the European Commission has approved
the merger between the German groups Veba AG, D�sseldorf, and Viag AG,
Munich, subject to stringent conditions. Together with the merger between
RWE and VEW, which was investigated at the same time by the German Federal
Cartel Office, this transaction will change the face of the German power
industry, especially at the level of the interconnected grid. In its
original form the merger of Veba and Viag would have resulted in a dominant
duopoly between Veba/Viag on one side and RWE/VEW on the other on the
market in the supply of electricity from the interconnected grid. The
Commission raised objections on competition grounds, and in response
Veba/Viag proposed that it should dispose of numerous holdings in other
companies, and make improvements to the ground rules governing the market
in electricity. Similar undertakings have been given to the Bundeskartellamt
by RWE/VEW, and the Commission feels that the package is enough to resolve
the competition issues
[03] La Commission s'attaque au probl�me grandissant des d�chets
�lectriques et �lectroniques
La Commission europ�enne a adopt� une proposition de directive sur les
d�chets d'�quipements �lectriques et �lectroniques (DEEE) et une
proposition de directive sur la limitation de l'utilisation de certaines
substances dangereuses dans les �quipements �lectriques et �lectroniques.
Les directives propos�es visent � faire face au flux en augmentation rapide
des d�chets d'�quipements �lectriques et �lectroniques ; elles compl�tent
les mesures communautaires concernant la mise en d�charge et l'incin�ration
des d�chets. Gr�ce � l'augmentation du recyclage des �quipements
�lectriques et �lectroniques pr�vue par la proposition de directive sur les
DEEE, on limitera la quantit� totale de d�chets devant faire l'objet d'une
�limination finale. Il incombera aux producteurs de reprendre et de
recycler les �quipements �lectriques et �lectroniques. Cela les incitera �
concevoir les �quipements �lectriques et �lectroniques de fa�on � les
rendre moins polluants, compte tenu d�ment des aspects relatifs � la
gestion des d�chets. Les consommateurs pourront se d�faire gratuitement de
leurs vieux �quipements. Pour emp�cher la production de d�chets dangereux,
la proposition de directive sur la limitation de l'utilisation de certaines
substances dangereuses dans les �quipements �lectriques et �lectroniques
pr�voit le remplacement de diff�rents m�taux lourds et de retardateurs de
flammes brom�s dans les nouveaux �quipements �lectriques et �lectroniques �
partir du 1er janvier 2008.
[04] Ouverture des march�s de l'�lectricit� � la concurrence : mise en
demeure de la France
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� d'adresser � la France une mise en
demeure sur sa loi de transposition de la directive 96/92/CE du Parlement
et du Conseil concernant les r�gles communes dans le secteur de
l'�lectricit�. Apr�s une analyse approfondie du texte de loi, la Commission
consid�re que l'article 22 �3 de la loi fran�aise, qui impose une dur�e
minimum de trois ans pour tout cadre contractuel de fourniture
d'�lectricit�, constitue un obstacle manifeste � la libre circulation de
l'�lectricit� et la prestation de services d'�lectricit�.
[05] La Commission prolonge la dur�e de validit� des r�gles en vigueur en
mati�re d'aides d'Etat dans l'industrie automobile
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� de prolonger d'un an, soit jusqu'au 31
d�cembre 2001, la dur�e de validit� de l'encadrement actuel des aides
d'Etat dans le secteur automobile (d�nomm� "l'encadrement automobile").
L'encadrement automobile soumet l'octroi des aides � une discipline
rigoureuse afin de limiter au maximum les distorsions de concurrence dans
ce secteur. La Commission examinera d'ici 2001 la possibilit� de remplacer
�ventuellement l'encadrement automobile par les r�gles pr�vues dans
l'encadrement dit "multisectoriel".
[06] Commission investigates aid to Graf von Henneberg Porzellan GmbH
The European Commission has initiated the formal investigation procedure in
respect of aid of some euro 24 million in favour of Graf von Henneberg
Porzellan GmbH. At the same time it enjoined Germany to provide sufficient
information to determine whether further aid of some euro 30.7 million also
granted to this company is covered by approved aid schemes. The
compatibility of the aid with EU State aid rules seems very doubtful and it
threatens to seriously distort competition in the common market.
[07] Commission approves State aid schemes for German shipbuilding for year
The European Commission has approved the prolongation of the existing aid
schemes for shipbuilding by Germany until the end of 2000 given that they
are compatible with Council Regulation 1540/98 on aid to shipbuilding. The
schemes consist of both schemes specifically applicable to shipbuilding and
of the horizontal investment aid schemes which can be applied to the
shipbuilding sector.
[08] La Commission �tend l'enqu�te qu'elle m�ne sur les aides en faveur de
Babcock Wilcox Espa�a SA aux �l�ments d'aide compris dans sa privatisation
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� d'�tendre l'enqu�te en mati�re d'aides
d'Etat qu'elle a ouverte en avril 1998 en vertu de l'article 88, paragraphe
2, du trait� CE et prolong�e une premi�re fois en juillet 1999, aux
�l�ments d'aide compris dans la vente, par les autorit�s espagnoles, de
Babcock Wilcox Espa�a SA (BWE) � Babcock Borsing AG.
[09] Commission approves aid to Wildauer Kurbelwelle (Germany)
The European Commission has decided to close the formal investigation
procedure in respect of State aid measures amounting to DM 45,024,000
awarded to Wildauer Kurbelwelle GmbH (WKW), Brandenburg (Germany) with a
final positive decision.
[10] Commission decides that no aid was involved in the disposal of the
remaining State participation in Kali und Salz GmbH
After a thorough investigation of the terms of the sale by the
Bundesanstalt f�r vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben (BvS) of its
remaining 49% stake in Kali und Salz GmbH (K&S), the European Commission
has concluded that no State aid was involved in the disposal. The 49% State
participation was sold to Kali und Salz Beteiligungs AG (a subsidiary of
the BASF Group) already owner of the remaining 51% stake. The sale was the
result of a procedure in which the BvS in co-operation with its advisers
(Goldman Sachs) contacted all potential interested purchasers and which
concluded after intense negotiations with the BASF Group.
[11] La Commission autorise le r�gime d'aide du Fonds de d�veloppement des
PME de la France
La Commission europ�enne a approuv� le r�gime du Fonds de d�veloppement des
PME-PMI (FDPMI) notifi� par la France. Il s'agit d'un r�gime d'aide aux
petites et moyennes entreprises, visant � soutenir des projets
d'acquisition technologique.
[12] La Commission d�cide de nommer Achilleas Mitsos en qualit� de
Directeur G�n�ral de la Recherche
Sur proposition de Philippe Busquin, Commissaire charg� de la Recherche et
en accord avec le Pr�sident Romano Prodi et Neil Kinnock, Vice-Pr�sident,
charg� de la R�forme administrative, la Commission europ�enne a d�cid� de
nommer Achilleas Mitsos, en qualit� de Directeur G�n�ral de la Recherche.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[13] La Commission propose une nouvelle strat�gie pour am�liorer le
fonctionnement du syst�me TVA dans le cadre du march� int�rieur
Une nouvelle strat�gie pour am�liorer d'une fa�on pragmatique le r�gime de
TVA vient d'�tre pr�sent�e par la Commission europ�enne. Cette strat�gie
vise � simplifier et moderniser le r�gime actuel de TVA, uniformiser les
r�gles d'application pr�vues dans les Etats membres et intensifier la
coop�ration administrative entre eux, notamment en vue de combattre la
[14] First EU-Israel Association Council opens a new chapter in EU-Israel
The inaugural meeting of the Association Council took place on the June 13
in Luxembourg where Minister of Foreign Affairs David Levy and his EU
counterparts launched the political dialogue and discussed a wide range of
issues covered in the agreement. Holding the first Association Council
during the first month of implementation of the Association Agreement
testifies to the importance attached by Israel and the European Union to
strengthen the links between the two partners. This meeting takes place
shortly after Israel has been accepted as a member to the Western European
and Other Group (WEOG) in the United Nations and after the official
launching by Ministers Gama and Levy of the EU-Israel Forum aiming at
contributing to even better mutual understanding at civil society level.
The most important issues being discussed were the Middle East Peace
Process on its various tracks and the Barcelona Process. Other issues that
were discussed included trade, economic co-operation, scientific
cooperation and industrial cooperation.
[15] Commission proposes increased anchovies quota for the Bay of Biscay
Based on the latest scientific advice the European Commission has proposed
to increase the anchovy Total Allowable Catch (TAC) in the Bay of Biscay
for the year 2000 from 16,000 to 33,000 tonnes. "I welcome the fact that
the state of the resources enables us to bring the anchovies catch back to
the 1999 level, allowing fishermen to catch while preserving the stocks",
said Franz Fischler, Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and
Fisheries. "This proposal takes into account the precautionary approach and
a necessary flexibility by adapting the fishing possibilities to the
current state of the stock."
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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