European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-05-04
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[I] R�sultats de la Commission du 3 juin 2000 - Outcome of Commission
meeting of 3rd June 2000
[01] La Commission propose d'assurer le financement de l'aide aux Balkans
dans le cadre financier 2001-2006
[02] Commission clears merger between Alcoa and Reynolds Metals, under
[03] Commission clears Dow Chemical's acquisition of Union Carbide subject
to commitments
[04] Commission nominates new Deputy Director General for External
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[05] March�s publics : la Commission adopte une communication
interpr�tative sur les concessions
[06] Electronic commerce : Commission welcomes final adoption of legal
framework Directive
[07] Structural Funds : Commission outlines framework for education,
training and employment aid in UK for next seven years
[08] Commission clears merger between Ocean and Exel in the sector for
logistics services
[09] La Commission autorise Hitachi et NEC � cr�er une entreprise commune
pour produire des DRAM
[10] La Commission et l'Agence spatiale europ�enne ouvrent un bureau commun
afin d'acc�l�rer les travaux relatifs au syst�me de navigation par
satellite Galileo
[11] Euro-zone economic sentiment indicator steady at high levels in April
2000 ; slight decrease for EU 15
[12] Euro-zone unemployment fell to 9.4% ; EU15 down to 8.7%
[13] The first "Brussels Economic Forum" opens today at the initiative of
Pedro Solbes
[14] Anna Diamantopoulou speaks out against domestic violence
[I] R�sultats de la Commission du 3 juin 2000 - Outcome of Commission
meeting of 3rd June 2000
[01] La Commission propose d'assurer le financement de l'aide aux Balkans
dans le cadre financier 2001-2006
Le financement du Pacte de Stabilit� dans les Balkans occidentaux est une
priorit� pour l'Union europ�enne. Pour assurer ce financement, la
Commission europ�enne a adopt� une proposition de r�vision des perspectives
financi�res, qui laisse inchang� les plafonds globaux des cr�dits pr�vus
pour la p�riode. Au total, le montant maximum de l'aide aux Balkans
occidentaux pourrait atteindre 5,5 milliards d'euros entre 2000 et 2006. Un
montant de 1,85 milliard �tait d'ores et d�j� pr�vu dans le cadre actuel,
et 200 milions suppl�mentaires ont �t� mobilis�es pour le budget 2000 au
titre de l'instrument de flexibilit� pour la reconstruction du Kosovo. 1,4
milliard d'euros peuvent �tre trouv�s par red�ploiements au sein des
d�penses ext�rieures. 1,8 milliard suppl�mentaires (300 millions d'euros
par an de 2001 � 2006) doivent �tre pr�vus pour les actions ext�rieures.
Pour les ann�es 2001 et 2002, la Commission propose un red�ploiement en
provenance des d�penses agricoles de 300 millions par ann�e. La proposition
de la Commission comporte un montant important pour la Serbie (2,3
milliards). Cet engagement est li� � la restauration d'un r�gime
d�mocratique en Serbie. Pour l'ann�e 2001, 200 millions pourront �tre
mobilis�s au titre de l'instrument de flexibilit�, en fonction de
l'�volution de la situation politique.
[02] Commission clears merger between Alcoa and Reynolds Metals, under
The European Commission has decided to authorise a merger between US
aluminium producers Alcoa and Reynolds subject to undertakings submitted by
the companies. The merger, which will create the largest integrated
aluminium producer worldwide, would have resulted in dominant positions in
three product markets : smelter-grade alumina (SGA), commodity alumina
hydrate and high purity P0404 aluminium. But Alcoa proposed significant
divestments aimed at restoring the competitive conditions prevailing before
the merger therefore ensuring healthy competition and protecting consumers'
[03] Commission clears Dow Chemical's acquisition of Union Carbide subject
to commitments
The European Commission has cleared the proposed acquisition by Dow
Chemical of Union Carbide (UCC), creating one of the world's largest
producers of plastics and chemicals, subject to conditions. To address
competition concerns in the markets for polyethylene (PE) resins, chemical
intermediates ethyleneamines and PE technology the companies agreed to sell
a number of businesses and to grant licences to some of their key
[04] Commission nominates new Deputy Director General for External
Following the completion of a recruitment process open to all EU nationals,
the European Commission has decided to nominate Mr Fernando Mart�n
Valenzuela Marzo, a distinguished 52 years old Spanish career diplomat, to
become Deputy Director General at the Directorate General External
Relations, in charge of Common Foreign and Security Policy. In this
position, Mr Valenzuela will be the Commission's Political Director,
representing it at the Council's Political Committee, and oversee the work
of the three directorates in charge of political and security affairs,
multilateral affairs and relations with North America, Japan and Korea, as
well as with Australia and New Zealand. Mr Valenzuela currently is Spain's
coordinator for the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe. His varied
professional experience includes prior positions as Special Representative
of the UN Secretary General and Head of the UN Preventive Deployment Force
in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ambassador of Spain to Canada,
Ambassador - Permanent Representative of Spain to the UN in Geneva and
President and CEO of the Spanish Development Agency.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[05] March�s publics : la Commission adopte une communication
interpr�tative sur les concessions
La Commission europ�enne a adopt� des lignes directrices sur l'application
des r�gles du march� unique � certaines formes de partenariats entre le
secteur public et le secteur priv�. La Communication de la Commission
d�finit les "concessions" comme des cas dans lesquels les autorit�s
publiques chargent un tiers de la gestion d'un projet d'infrastructure ou
d'autres services � fournir au public et que ce tiers assume les risques
d'exploitation. La Communication confirme que les principes du Trait� de
l'UE, notamment l'�galit� de traitement, la transparence, la reconnaissance
mutuelle et la proportionnalit� sont applicables aux concessions.
[06] Electronic commerce : Commission welcomes final adoption of legal
framework Directive
The European Commission has welcomed the European Parliament's approval
today of the Electronic Commerce Directive, which clears the way for this
important measure to become law within the next 18 months. The Lisbon
Summit identified this Directive as a top priority in preparing Europe's
transition to a knowledge-based economy and boosting competitiveness. The
Directive will ensure that Information Society services benefit from the
Internal Market principles of free movement of services and freedom of
establishment and can be provided throughout the European Union if they
comply with the law in their home Member State. It establishes specific
harmonised rules only where strictly necessary to ensure that businesses
and citizens can supply and receive Information Society services throughout
the EU, irrespective of frontiers. These areas include definition of where
operators are established, transparency obligations for operators,
transparency requirements for commercial communications, conclusion and
validity of electronic contracts, liability of Internet intermediaries, on-
line dispute settlement and the role of national authorities. In other
areas the Directive builds on existing EU instruments which provide for
harmonisation or mutual recognition of national laws.
[07] Structural Funds : Commission outlines framework for education,
training and employment aid in UK for next seven years
Upon a proposal from Anna Diamantopoulou, European Commissioner for
Employment and Social Affairs, the Commission today adopted a decision of
principle approving the EU Support Framework for the United Kingdom for the
next seven years. This concerns Objective 3 (Adaptation and modernisation
of policies and systems of education, training and employment). EU
financing totals euro 4 743 million. The final decision will be signed by
the Commissioner in June.
[08] Commission clears merger between Ocean and Exel in the sector for
logistics services
The European Commission has authorised an operation in the contract
logistics sector, whereby Ocean Group Plc (Ocean) enters into a full merger
with Exel Plc (Exel, formerly called NFC Plc). The merger will create the
leading provider in this sector in the United Kingdom, but its overall
share of the market will be low and there will still be other strong
service supliers in the UK.
[09] La Commission autorise Hitachi et NEC � cr�er une entreprise commune
pour produire des DRAM
La Commission europ�enne a autoris� la cr�ation d'une entreprise commune de
plein exercice entre Hitachi, Ltd. et NEC Corporation, qui regroupera les
activit�s des deux entreprises japonaises dans le secteur des m�moires
dynamiques � acc�s al�atoire (DRAM). La nouvelle entit� sera confront�e �
la concurrence d'autres puissants fournisseurs de composants �lectroniques
utilis�s dans la m�moire des ordinateurs personnels et autres dispositifs
[10] La Commission et l'Agence spatiale europ�enne ouvrent un bureau commun
afin d'acc�l�rer les travaux relatifs au syst�me de navigation par
satellite Galileo
(! embargo 16h !) La Commission europ�enne et l'Agence spatiale europ�enne
(ASE) ont ouvert aujourd'hui un bureau commun afin d'acc�l�rer la mise au
point du syst�me de navigation par satellite Galileo. Ce dernier
d�veloppera une technologie qui permettra d'am�liorer la s�curit� et
l'efficience des transports, de r�duire la pollution urbaine, d'accro�tre
le rendement dans le secteur agricole et d'offrir aux syst�mes
informatiques un signal d'horloge plus fiable. Mme Loyola de Palacio, vice-
pr�sidente de la Commission charg�e de l'�nergie et des transports, a
indiqu� que "Galileo constitue sans aucun doute l'une des innovations
technologiques les plus importantes que conna�tra l'Union europ�enne au
cours des prochaines ann�es." Elle a ajout� que : "Pour la premi�re fois,
un lien physique permanent est ainsi cr�� entre les deux principales
institutions europ�ennes qui poursuivent activement leurs travaux relatifs
� Galileo, notre nouveau syst�me de navigation, de localisation et de
chronom�trage de pr�cision par satellite." M. Antonio Rodot�, directeur
g�n�ral de l'ASE, a aussi pr�cis� que "l'ouverture de ce bureau commun
marque une �tape dans le cadre de l'un des nouveaux programmes spatiaux
europ�ens les plus prometteurs."
[11] Euro-zone economic sentiment indicator steady at high levels in April
2000 ; slight decrease for EU 15
Industrial capacity utilization in the manufacturing sector has risen
significantly in April. Several Member countries have displayed increases
of over one percentage point, Italy and Belgium having achieved 1.7 and 1.6
percentage point increases respectively. On the other hand, there were very
slight decreases in Spain, Greece and the Netherlands. Only in the United
Kingdom was a major cut experienced, 1.8 percentage points. The industry
confidence indicator remained steady in April in the EU while increasing
one point in the euro area. Order books and in particular export order
books are the most dynamic component of this indicator. Confidence in the
construction sector continued to rise in April. Consumer confidence
remained steady for the third consecutive month in both areas. However
consumer expectations about the future general economic situation are
positive, especially in the euro area where there was a three point
[12] Euro-zone unemployment fell to 9.4% ; EU15 down to 8.7%
(! embargo 12 am !) Euro-zone seasonally-adjusted unemployment fell to 9.4%
in March 2000 from 9.5% in February, Eurostat - Statistical Office of the
European Communities in Luxembourg - reports today. This compares to 10.2%
in March 1999. The EU15 unemployment rate fell to 8.7% in March from 8,8%
in February. In March 1999 it was 9.4%. Lowest rates were registered in
Luxembourg (2.2%) and in the Netherlands (2.8% in February) followed by
Austria (3.4%) and Portugal (4.1%). Spain's 14.9% remained the EU's highest
[13] The first "Brussels Economic Forum" opens today at the initiative of
Pedro Solbes
Pedro Solbes, European Commissioner for economic and monetary affairs, has
taken the initiative to call today a high level public debate on economic
policy making in the European Union. "The Brussels Economic Forum aims to
become an annual event bringing together academia, private sector
economists, social partners, specialised media and the wider public in
order to discuss the coordination and surveillance of economic policy in
the Union. The Commission with its regular macroeconomic forecasts, its
annual European Economy Review and its recommendation on the Broad Economic
Policy Guidelines, plays a central role and provides significant
contributions to the economic coordination process. It is my ambition to
use this Forum as the occasion to have a genuine and open debate on these
issues and to give further impetus to public scrutiny." President Prodi
opens the Forum today, underlying the importance the Commission attaches to
this type of public debates as a way to contribute to the implementation of
the economic and social agenda agreed in Lisbon. Commissioner Solbes will
close the debate tomorrow, highlighting the important contribution of
regular high level public debates in the economic policy co-ordination
[14] Anna Diamantopoulou speaks out against domestic violence
At the opening session of an international conference on "violence against
women: zero tolerance", organised by the Portuguese presidency in Lisbon,
the European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs, Anna
Diamantopoulou stated : "Globally, men's violence against women causes more
deaths and disability among females aged 15-44 than cancer, malaria,
traffic accidents or war (Harvard Study, the Global Burden of Disease,
1996). The United Nations estimate that 200 million females are missing in
the world ; women who should have been born or grown up, but were killed by
infanticide or selective abortion. A Dutch study reports that domestic
violence alone costs the state more than euro 150 million a year, measuring
health costs and loss of working time on account of domestic violence. 22%
of women in Finland have suffered violence by their partners. In Portugal,
52,9% of women have been the victims of violence inflicted by their
partners. In Ireland in 1998, over half of all women murdered were killed
by their partners or husbands. In Austria 50% of divorces are filed on the
grounds of violence against women. South Africa reports the highest
incidence of rape in the world. A woman is raped every 20 seconds ; and
only one in 35 reports it to the authorities.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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