European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-04-19
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[01] Scientific Steering Committee Issues Opinions
[02] Euro 70 million for "Health and Population Sector Programme" in
[03] Publication de l'Eurobarom�tre n� 52
[04] Commissioner Bolkestein underlines synergy of food safety and Internal
[01] Scientific Steering Committee Issues Opinions
The EU Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) today published new opinions on
the safety for human consumption of animal bones and blood in the light of
the latest knowledge of the risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
contamination. The Committee reiterated and refined its recommendations to
remove high risk materials from the food chain. A statement explaining the
SSC views on the European Food Authority as well as the opinions adopted
are available on the http://europe.eu.int/comm/dg24/health/sc/ssc/outcome_en.html
[02] Euro 70 million for "Health and Population Sector Programme" in
A Financing Agreement for a Euro 70 million contribution to a multidonor
"Health and Population Sector Programme (HPSP)" in Bangladesh has been
signed by Commissioner Chris PATTEN on behalf of the European Community.
The EC contribution is part of a multi-donor effort to support the sector-
wide reforms being executed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
In addition to the European Commission, the World Bank, Canada, the
Netherlands, Sweden, the UK and Germany are supporting the programme. The
HPSP is intended to promote client-centred provision and appropriate
utilisation of health services in Bangladesh by defining, funding and
implementing a package of essential medical services, with emphasis on the
health needs of the poor. A major restructuring of health care delivery in
Bangladesh is underway. Reforms include the unification of health and
family planning services to reduce duplication and inefficiencies. Hospital
services will be improved to better focus them on to the needs of the poor,
for example by making caesarean sections accessible for poor women in order
to address the problem of still unacceptably high maternal mortality.
Better regulation of the private sector will be pursued to provide the
framework for public-private collaboration.
[03] Publication de l'Eurobarom�tre n� 52
l'Eurobarom�tre a principalement pour objet de donner des indications sur
l'opinion des citoyens envers la construction europ�enne. Il est publi�
deux fois par an, au printemps et � l'automne. L'Eurobarom�tre publi�
aujourd'hui est donc le premier depuis la nomination de la Commission
Prodi. Il a �t� r�alis� � la fin de 1999 aupr�s d'un �chantillon de 16071
personnes. Parmi les indications que contient l'Eurobarom�tre n�52, on peut
noter une progression du soutien envers la construction europ�enne (51 %
des citoyens europ�ens consid�rent comme une bonne chose que leur pays
appartienne � l'UE, soit un gain de 2 points en un semestre). On note aussi
que les citoyens europ�ens approuvent la plupart des priorit�s actuelles de
l'Union europ�enne (lutte contre le ch�mage et la pauvret�, protection des
consommateurs et de l'environnement, lutte contre la drogue et le crime
organis�, mise en place de l'euro). La seule exception concerne
l'�largissement, qu'une majorit� de citoyens des Quinze ne tient pas pour
prioritaire. L'Eurobarom�tre n�52 est disponible en ligne sur le site
Europa, en consultant les pages de la direction g�n�rale Education et
[04] Commissioner Bolkestein underlines synergy of food safety and Internal
The Internal Market Commissioner Frits Bolkestein said today that improved
consumer information on food safety is a prerequisite for the efficient
functioning of the Internal Market. He told a Lisbon Conference on Europe
and food safety that the Commission's White Paper on Food Safety
established a framework for a radical, comprehensive and integrated
approach to improved food safety with an emphasis, through the creation of
a European Food Authority, on labelling, information and communication. "No
contradiction exists between the free movement of goods, which is on of the
central achievements of the Single Market, and food safety," he said, "by
enhancing the level of food quality and food safety, our Union will further
increase its position on the international markets". The Internal Market
has given the food industry sector access to a market of 370 million
consumers and contributes some Euro 660 billion a year to the economy of
the European Union. It is also the EU's largest industrial employer with
more than 2.6 million employees.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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