European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-04-07
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[01] La Commission autorise l'acquisition par Carrefour du contr�le unique
du distributeur italien Gruppo GS
[02] Commission approves joint venture between Ahold, ICA F�rbundet and
[03] La Commission prend de nouvelles mesures � l'encontre de l'Italie, de
l'Irlande, de l'Espagne et de la France, qui ont manqu� � leur obligation
de fournir des informations en mati�re d'environnement
[04] Breakthrough in sequencing of the human genome
[01] La Commission autorise l'acquisition par Carrefour du contr�le unique
du distributeur italien Gruppo GS
La Commission europ�enne a donn� son feu vert � un projet d'op�ration par
lequel le groupe Carrefour acquiert le contr�le unique de l'entreprise
Gruppo GS, entreprise active dans le secteur de la distribution � dominante
alimentaire. Dans le cadre de l'affaire Carrefour/Promodes, la Commission
avait d�j� autoris�, le 25 janvier 2000, le regroupement en Italie de
Carrefour et de Promodes, cette derni�re soci�t� d�tenant un contr�le
conjoint sur Gruppo GS avec Schemaventuno. La pr�sente op�ration n'est pas
de nature � modifier l'analyse concurrentielle men�e � cette �poque.
[02] Commission approves joint venture between Ahold, ICA F�rbundet and
The European Commission has approved an operation by which the Dutch
grocery retailer Koninklijke Ahold N.V. (Ahold) acquires joint control over
the Swedish food retail chain ICA AB (ICA) together with the Norwegian
company Canica and the Swedish retail group ICA F�rbundet. The markets
concerned are the retail, wholesale and procurement of daily consumer goods,
that is, of food and certain non-food articles. The operation will not
produce any increment in market shares in any of these markets : Ahold is
active in The Netherlands, Portugal and, to a minor extent, in Spain,
whereas ICA F�rbundet and Canica are active in Sweden and Norway. Therefore,
the concentration will not give rise to any concerns with regard to its
impact on effective competition.
[03] La Commission prend de nouvelles mesures � l'encontre de l'Italie, de
l'Irlande, de l'Espagne et de la France, qui ont manqu� � leur obligation
de fournir des informations en mati�re d'environnement
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� d'envoyer des lettres d'avertissement �
l'Italie, � l'Irlande, � l'Espagne et � la France car elles ont omis de
r�pondre � ses demandes d'informations sur des questions environnementales.
L'article 10 du trait� fait obligation aux Etats membres de coop�rer
�troitement avec la Commission pour le traitement des plaintes. Cette
d�cision refl�te la pr�occupation de la Commission, qui dans les affaires
en question, n'obtient pas le niveau de coop�ration habituellement attendu
de la part des Etats membres.
[04] Breakthrough in sequencing of the human genome
The announcement by Celera Genomics to have deciphered 99% of human genes
is welcomed as a scientific breakthrough by Philippe Busquin, European
Commissioner for research. He added : "I am encouraged by the fact that
Celera seems to have taken steps to put this knowledge in the public
domain. However, it is vital that researchers are given the widest possible
access to these data. The real work only starts now since we do not know
much about the function of these genetic sequences. This is a massive task
requiring a coordinated effort to which Europe must be fully associated. In
fact, this is one of the aims of my recent communication on the European
research Area because I firmly believe that Europe can only play its role
fully when joining forces." Furthermore, the Commissioner underlined that
ethical issues and patenting issues associated with the use of this new
knowledge will have to be looked into very carefully.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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