European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-02-10
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 10/02/2000b
[I] R�sultats de la Commission du 9 f�vrier 2000 - Outcome of Commission
meeting of 9 February
[01] Commission approves acquisition of AGA by Linde, subject to conditions
[02] La Commission autorise la prise de contr�le d'Elf Aquitaine par
TotalFina, moyennant des modifications substantielles du projet
initialement notifi�
[03] Commission adopts White Paper on environmental liability
[04] La Commission approuve une proposition concernant les mesures
transitoires � l'expiration de la quatri�me Convention ACP-CE r�vis�e
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[05] Commission examines the impact of Windows 2000 on competition
[06] After consultation with stakeholders the Commission sets up a recovery
plan for Irish Sea cod
[07] Deadline for US to improve export situation of meat and meat products
into the EU extended by one month
[08] Commission signs joint assessment of economic priorities for Poland
[09] Poul Nielson pays visit to Russia and North Caucasus to assess the
humanitarian situation in the region
[10] Venezuela : Commission approves emergency aid worth euro 2 million for
flood victims
[11] EUR-OP rend accessible en ligne le Code de r�daction interinstitutionnel
[12] Margot Wallstr�m : "Sustainable development must not be just another
[I] R�sultats de la Commission du 9 f�vrier 2000 - Outcome of Commission
meeting of 9 February
(voir aussi see also Midday Express of 09/02)
[01] Commission approves acquisition of AGA by Linde, subject to conditions
The European Commission has authorised, after an in-depth investigation and
subject to conditions, the acquisition of the Swedish company AGA AB (AGA)
by the German company Linde Aktiengesellschaft (Linde) in the industrial
gases industry. The approved transaction constitutes another major
consolidation in the industry following L'Air Liquide's earlier acquisition
of parts of BOC Group. The operation, as initially notified to the
Commission, would have led to thecreation of dominant positions of Linde on
the markets for cylinder gases in the Netherlands and on the bulk and
cylinder gas markets in Austria. In order to eliminate these competition
concerns, Linde has undertaken to divest AGA's cylinder business in the
Netherlands and the entire AGA gas business in Austria. The Commission
considered that these commitments were appropriate to remedy the
competition concerns. Therefore, subject to the full compliance with the
offered commitments, the concentration has been declared compatible with
the common market and with the EEA Agreement.
[02] La Commission autorise la prise de contr�le d'Elf Aquitaine par
TotalFina, moyennant des modifications substantielles du projet
initialement notifi�
La Commission europ�enne a autoris� la mise en �uvre de la fusion entre
TotalFina et Elf Aquitaine, � l'examen depuis le 24 ao�t dernier. Les
engagements soumis par TotalFina permettront de restaurer des conditions de
concurrence effectives dans le secteur de la vente au d�tail de carburants
et de fioul domestique par une ouverture substantielle de la logistique
p�troli�re. Par ailleurs, TotalFina s'engage � �liminer les effets de la
fusion sur le march� de la vente de carburants sur autoroutes en c�dant 70
stations-service. De plus, TotalFina vendra Elf Antargaz, deuxi�me acteur
sur les march�s des gaz de p�trole liqu�fi�s (GPL) en France. Enfin,
TotalFina c�dera les activit�s de Elf dans l'approvisionnement en
carbur�acteurs des a�roports de Lyon et de Toulouse.
[03] Commission adopts White Paper on environmental liability
The European Commission has adopted a White Paper on environmental
liability. The objective of the Paper is to explore how the polluter pays
principle - one of the key environmental principles in the EU Treaty - can
best be applied to serve the aims of EU environmental policy. Avoiding
environmental damage is the main aim of this policy. The White Paper
explores how an EU regime on environmental liability can best be shaped.
Having explored different options for EU action, the Commission concludes
that the most appropriate option is an EU framework directive on
environmental liability. The White Paper responds to a request from the
European Parliament for proposals for legislation in this field.
[04] La Commission approuve une proposition concernant les mesures
transitoires � l'expiration de la quatri�me Convention ACP-CE r�vis�e
La Commission europ�enne a approuv� une proposition de d�cision du Conseil
qui propose l'adoption des mesures transitoires pour couvrir la p�riode
entre l'expiration, le 29 f�vrier 2000, de la 4�me Convention ACP-CE
r�vis�e et l'entr�e en vigueur de la prochaine Convention. Il est rappel�
que l'UE et les pays ACP ont conclu le 3 f�vrier dernier la n�gociation
d'un nouvel Accord de partenariat qui succ�dera � la Convention de Lom�. Ce
nouvel accord sera sign� � Fidji vers la fin du mois de mai. La proposition
de d�cision sera soumise pour approbation au Comit� des Ambassadeurs ACP-
CE. Elle pr�voit deux types de mesures transitoires. Dans un premier temps,
et ce jusqu'� la signature du nouvel Accord, toutes les dispositions de la
Convention actuelle seront prorog�es, � l'exception du r�gime commercial.
Les parties ont en effet pr�vu d'appliquer les dispositions commerciales
d�finies pour la p�riode pr�paratoire, d�s le 1er mars 2000 et jusqu'� la
mise en oeuvre des futurs accords de partenariat �conomique, c'est-�-dire
en 2008 au plus tard. Ce r�gime pourra donc �tre couvert par une d�rogation
unique aupr�s de l'OMC. Dans un second temps, entre la date de la signature
de l'Accord et son entr�e en vigueur, les nouvelles dispositions seront
appliqu�es, � l'exception de toute d�cision qui impliquerait des
engagements financiers au titre du nouveau protocole financier.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[05] Commission examines the impact of Windows 2000 on competition
On the basis of information received from end-users, SMEs active in the IT
(information technology) sector and competitors of Microsoft, the
Competition Directorate General of the European Commission has formally
requested Microsoft to provide information about the new technical features
of Windows 2000 in the context of EC competition law. This information
should allow the Commission to verify allegations that Microsoft has
designed Windows 2000 in a way which will permit leveraging of its
dominance in PC operating systems onto the market for server operating
systems and ultimately that for thriving e-commerce.
[06] After consultation with stakeholders the Commission sets up a recovery
plan for Irish Sea cod
The European Commission has adopted a Regulation for the recovery of the
cod stock in the Irish Sea. The recovery plan establishes a closed area for
a 10-week period. These measures were decided after a meeting between
Commission officials and stakeholders last month in Brussels. This is the
second time that the Commission has used its power to set up measures
without having to refer to the other EU institutions.
[07] Deadline for US to improve export situation of meat and meat products
into the EU extended by one month
The Standing Veterinary Committee accepted yesterday measures announced by
the United States of America to improve the monitoring programme to test
for unauthorised substances and residue levels exceeding the EU maximum
residue limits for authorised medicinal veterinary products in fresh meat
and meat products.
[08] Commission signs joint assessment of economic priorities for Poland
Mr Krzysztof Ners, Undersecretary of State at the Polish Ministry of
Finance, and Mr Giovanni Ravasio, Director General for Economic and
Financial Affairs at the European Commission, signed today a 'Joint
Assessment of economic policy priorities of the Republic of Poland' as part
of the Accession Partnership process. This document presents an agreed set
of medium-term economic policies necessary to further Poland's economic
transformation and to prepare it for accession to the European Union.
[09] Poul Nielson pays visit to Russia and North Caucasus to assess the
humanitarian situation in the region
The European Commissioner for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid,
Mr Poul Nielson, visited the Russian Federation from 5-8 February. He had
several meetings with the federal and regional authorities and visited
camps and settlements of 'Internally Displaced People' (IDP). The main
purpose of the visit was to assess the humanitarian situation of those IDP
fleeing the conflict in Chechnya to neighbouring Ingushetia, for whom ECHO
(the European Commission Humanitarian Office) has made available funding of
euro 7.4 million which will be channelled via the UNHCR, the International
Committee of the Red Cross, and several non-governmental organisations. Mr
Nielson praised the role being played by the humanitarian agencies in this
crisis in helping to alleviate the plight of the IDP. Mr Nielson called on
the Russian and Ingush authorities to provide the necessary guarantees,
particularly concerning security, allowing the humanitarian agencies to
carry out their role according to their normal standards and working
conditions. In this context, Mr Nielson stressed the importance of ensuring
free access for humanitarian workers to civilians in need in the whole
region. Mr Nielson expressed concern over the question of reports of forced
repatriation of IDP to Chechnya by the authorities.
[10] Venezuela : Commission approves emergency aid worth euro 2 million for
flood victims
The European Commission has made available a further euro 2 million to fund
humanitarian aid for victims of the floods and mudslides that hit Venezuela
at the end of 1999. The aid, channelled via the European Commission
Humanitarian Office (ECHO), will enable non-governmental organisations to
restore drinking water to those affected, and to provide psychosocial
support for children. Projects will last between three and six months. This
decision brings ECHO funding for this crisis, so far, to a total of euro
5.6 million. Up to 50,000 people lost their lives in flooding and mudslides
last December in one of the worst-ever disasters of its kind. Around 200,
000 people were made homeless, with 600,000 people affected one way or
another. "Providing clean drinking water is a top priority to prevent
epidemics breaking out among those forced out of their homes", said Poul
Nielson, Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian aid. "Children are
among those most profoundly traumatised by this disaster. That is why they
need psychosocial support to help them resume normal lives", he added.
ECHO's partners for this action are : Medecins du Monde (Greece and France),
who will reactivate primary healthcare ; Medicos del Mundo (Spain), who
will be involved in public health and mental health projects ; Oxfam (UK),
which is organising water supply and management systems ; Accion Contra El
Hambre (Spain), involved in support for local authorities drilling water
wells ; Comitato Internationale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (Italy), helping
to organise waste management; and Enfants du Monde-Droit de l'Homme
(France), specialised in providing psychosocial support to traumatised
[11] EUR-OP rend accessible en ligne le Code de r�daction interinstitutionnel
Destin�, en plus du personnel des institutions europ�ennes, � tous ceux qui
ont � conna�tre ou � traiter des questions europ�ennes (journalistes,
chercheurs, �tudiants, etc.), le Code de r�daction interinstitutionnel est
d�sormais disponible en ligne (http://eur-op.eu.int/code) dans les onze
langues de travail de l'Union europ�enne. Il r�unit l'ensemble des
abr�viations et des acronymes en usage et harmonise entre les institutions
les r�gles de r�daction et de pr�sentation des actes officiels et de la
l�gislation communautaire. On y trouve entre autres l'ordre d'�num�ration
des institutions, des pays, des langues ou des monnaies nationales. En
annexe, l'ouvrage contient notamment un guide graphique de l'embl�me
europ�en et de l'iconographie institutionnelle, ainsi qu'une liste des
[12] Margot Wallstr�m : "Sustainable development must not be just another
These are the words of European Commissioner for Environment, Margot
Wallstr�m, speaking in Berlin : "We must move from words to action to give
concrete meaning to the word. A strategy for sustainable development must
include the following main steps : firstly, we should identify the issues.
The second step is to set ourselves objectives. Thirdly, we need to
identify the areas for action. Furthermore sustainable development requires
new mechanisms for arriving at decisions that are more coherent. Finally,
and this is not the least of all tasks, we have to involve citizens,
business and the different social groups in a dialogue on sustainable
development. Sustainable development can only be achieved with them, not
against them. Of course, these five steps have to be further
operationalised. However, they constitute a way forward for moving from the
general principle of sustainable development to concrete action."
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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