European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-02-07
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 07/02/2000b
[01] Fraude � la TVA : la Commission en appelle aux Etats membres pour
qu'ils am�liorent les contr�les
[02] Car prices in the EU : differentials between Member States in the euro
zone narrow slightly
[03] Commission clears the merger between Swedish defence companies Saab
and Celsius
[04] La Commission ouvre une enqu�te approfondie sur l'op�ration de
concentration entre VEBA et VIAG
[05] Commission clears acquisition of Saarl�ndische Rohprodukte by Scholz
AG and Loacker Recycling GmbH
[06] Le rapport Due a �t� remis � Romano Prodi
[07] Commission imposes definitive anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures
on iron and non-alloyed steel hot-rolled coils
[08] La g�n�ration Internet en Europe est-elle en passe de rattraper les
Etats-Unis ? La Commission lance une nouvelle strat�gie pour l'emploi dans
l'�conomie cognitive
[09] Commission modifies statute of its external offices in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Indonesia
[01] Fraude � la TVA : la Commission en appelle aux Etats membres pour
qu'ils am�liorent les contr�les
Selon un rapport adopt� par la Commission europ�enne, les Etats membres
n'ont toujours pas adapt� leurs syst�mes de contr�le de la taxe sur la
valeur ajout�e (TVA) pour tenir compte de la suppression des contr�les
fiscaux aux fronti�res, plus de six ans apr�s leur �limination. Les Etats
membres ne consacrent pas suffisamment de ressources aux contr�les TVA,
tardent � introduire des m�thodes de contr�le modernes ou coop�rent
insuffisamment entre eux (malgr� l'existence d'accords de coop�ration
administrative au niveau communautaire). Il en r�sulte une perte de
recettes de TVA au d�triment des Tr�sors publics ainsi que du budget
communautaire. Le rapport de la Commission recommande que les Etats membres
accordent une plus grande priorit� � la lutte contre la fraude � la TVA et
qu'ils am�liorent leur coop�ration dans ce domaine. De son c�t�, la
Commission s'engage � pr�senter une proposition pour am�liorer la
l�gislation communautaire actuelle dans le domaine de la coop�ration
administrative et de l'assistance mutuelle, en supprimant les obstacles qui
entravent encore l'�change d'informations.
[02] Car prices in the EU : differentials between Member States in the euro
zone narrow slightly
In its most recent report on car prices the European Commission has found
that price gaps for new cars across the European Union are still
substantial. The situation on 1 November 1999 shows that the United Kingdom
remains the most expensive EU market, while Finland and the Netherlands are
the Member States where prices before tax are generally the lowest. Among
the members of the euro zone, prices are highest in Germany for most of the
models examined. A positive sign is that once again, certain manufacturers
have cut prices in the UK. This effect has, however, been mitigated by an
appreciation by 2.4% of the British pound.
[03] Commission clears the merger between Swedish defence companies Saab
and Celsius
The European Commission has authorised the acquisition whereby Saab AB
acquires sole control of the whole of Celsius AB by way of a public cash
offer. In view of the market position of the parties and of the presence of
effective competitors, the Commission has concluded that the operation
would not create or strengthen a dominant position.
[04] La Commission ouvre une enqu�te approfondie sur l'op�ration de
concentration entre VEBA et VIAG
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� d'ouvrir une enqu�te approfondie
(deuxi�me phase) sur l'op�ration de concentration envisag�e entre VEBA AG,
D�sseldorf, et VIAG AG, Munich. La Commission consid�re que cette op�ration
soul�ve des doutes s�rieux quant � sa compatibilit� avec le march� commun
en ce qui concerne, notamment, les fortes positions d�tenues par les deux
parties dans la production et le transport de l'�lectricit� ainsi que sur
les march�s de certains produits chimiques.
[05] Commission clears acquisition of Saarl�ndische Rohprodukte by Scholz
AG and Loacker Recycling GmbH
The European Commission has cleared, under the ECSC Treaty, the joint
acquisition of Saarl�ndische Rohprodukte-Handelsgesellschaft G�nter Sehn
Gesellschaft mit beschr�nkter Haftung & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft (SRPH) by
Scholz AG (Scholz) and Loacker Recycling GmbH (Loacker) through SRP
Saarl�ndische Rohprodukte GmbH. Scholz is based in Germany and trades in
ferrous and non-ferrous scrap. Loacker is based in Austria and is active in
the collection, sorting and separating of different types of waste. SRPH is
based in Germany and is involved in the wholesale and retail trade of
ferrous and non-ferrous scrap, base metals, new steel and demolition. The
only area in which all parties are active is the market for trade in
ferrous metal scrap. Ferrous metal scrap is an internationally traded
commodity, for which there is substantial cross-border trade within the
European Economic Area (EEA). The proposed operation does not raise
competition concerns, since the combined entity would have less than 7% of
the market for trade in ferrous metal scrap within the EEA. Furthermore,
the combined entity would have several significant competitors on the
relevant market, including the large European steel groups. The Commission
has therefore decided not to oppose the concentration, and to declare it
compatible with the Common Market.
[06] Le rapport Due a �t� remis � Romano Prodi
Ole Due, ancien Pr�sident de la Cour de Justice europ�enne, a remis le 4
f�vrier 2000 � Romano Prodi, Pr�sident de la Commission europ�enne, le
rapport du Groupe de r�flexion sur l'avenir du syst�me juridictionnel des
Communaut�s. Partant du constat que l'accroissement du stock d'affaires en
instance et de l'allongement corr�latif des d�lais de jugement, le rapport
propose un certain nombre de r�formes touchant aux comp�tences et aux
proc�dures des juridictions, afin de faire face � cette situation, qui ne
peut que s'aggraver compte tenu de l'accroissement continu du nombre des
litiges. Si cette situation statistique est pr�occupante, en revanche elle
d�montre la vitalit� du droit communautaire et la confiance des citoyens
dans les juges.
[07] Commission imposes definitive anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures
on iron and non-alloyed steel hot-rolled coils
Today the European Commission took the decision to impose definitive anti-
dumping and anti-subsidy measures on imports of hot-rolled coils of iron
and non-alloyed steel. Anti-dumping measures are to be imposed on imports
originating in Bulgaria, India, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, South
Africa and Taiwan, whilst no action will be taken against Iran. Anti-
subsidy measures will be imposed on imports originating in India and Taiwan,
whilst no action will be taken against South Africa.
[08] La g�n�ration Internet en Europe est-elle en passe de rattraper les
Etats-Unis ? La Commission lance une nouvelle strat�gie pour l'emploi dans
l'�conomie cognitive
A l'initiative d'Anna Diamantopoulou, Commissaire europ�en responsable de
l'Emploi et des Affaires sociales, la Commission a lanc� aujourd'hui une
nouvelle strat�gie ambitieuse pour promouvoir l'emploi et les
qualifications dans la nouvelle �conomie cognitive, ainsi que pour
surmonter l'�cart avec les Etats-Unis en mati�re d'acc�s � Internet et
d'utilisation des technologies de l'information et des communications.
Actuellement, le taux d'acc�s � Internet en Europe est non seulement
beaucoup plus faible qu'aux Etats-Unis, mais il est concentr� dans les
groupes � fort revenu, chez les hommes, et - g�ographiquement - en Europe
du Nord.
[09] Commission modifies statute of its external offices in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Indonesia
The European Commission has decided on 4 February 2000 that its Sarajevo
representation office in Bosnia and Herzegovina will become a delegation
and its sub-offices in Mostar and in Banja Luka representations. The Zagreb
representation office in Croatia, as well as the Skopje office in the
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Djakarta representation
office in Indonesia will become delegations.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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