European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-02-02
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 02/02/2000b
[I] R�sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] La Commission lance la derni�re phase de la campagne de communication
pour l'euro
[02] Commission adopts Communication on precautionary principle
[03] Commission promotes idea of 'dot EU' on the Internet
[04] La Commission maintient des r�gles simples pour le verre plat
[05] Commission proposes closer EU relations with Indonesia
[06] Commission recommends deeper EU role in nuclear non-proliferation in
North Korea
[07] Commission approves restructuring aid for Armaturen Technik Magdeburg
[08] Commission investigates state aid to Dutch manure processing companies
[09] La Commission d�cide que les mesures financi�res d'accompagnement de
la gestion des fins de carri�re envisag�es en France ne constituent pas des
aides d'Etat
[10] Commission opens formal investigation into state aid to Kvaerner
Warnow Werft
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[11] La Commission approuve la cr�ation d'une entreprise commune entre
Chemag, Beiselen et BayWa
[12] 4th ACP-EU ministerial negotiation session, 2-3 February 2000
[13] Le Centre Commun de Recherche se pr�sente au Parlement europ�en
[I] R�sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] La Commission lance la derni�re phase de la campagne de communication
pour l'euro
La Commission europ�enne appelle � une intensification de la campagne de
communication pour la derni�re �tape avant le passage � l'euro. Dans une
communication au Conseil des ministres et au Parlement europ�en, la
Commission actualise les priorit�s et la strat�gie de la campagne pour
l'introduction de l'euro. Les entreprises, notamment les PME, le grand
public et les pays non participants seront les cibles de cette campagne au
cours des deux ann�es qui viennent. Bien que ce soit aux Etats membres
qu'incombe la responsabilit� premi�re de la communication sur l'euro, la
Commission confirme son engagement dans cette campagne en proposant, avec
le soutien du Parlement europ�en, un financement ad�quat, une bonne
coordination de tous les intervenants et une surveillance appropri�e des
r�sultats de cette campagne.
[02] Commission adopts Communication on precautionary principle
(! embargo 3pm !) The European Commission has adopted a Communication on
the use of the precautionary principle. The objective of the Communication
is to inform all interested parties how the Commission intends to apply the
principle and to establish guidelines for its application. The aim is also
to provide input to the on-going debate on this issue both at EU and
international level. The Communication underlines that the precautionary
principle forms part of a structured approach to the analysis of risk, as
well as being relevant to risk management. It covers cases where scientific
evidence is insufficient, inconclusive or uncertain and preliminary
scientific evaluation indicates that that there are reasonable grounds for
concern that the potentially dangerous effects on the environment, human,
animal or plant health may be inconsistent with the high level of
protection chosen by the EU. Today's Communication complements the recently
adopted White Paper on Food Safety and the agreement reached in Montreal
this week-end on the Cartagena Protocol on Bio-safety.
[03] Commission promotes idea of 'dot EU' on the Internet
The European Commission has decided to launch a public consultation about
the creation of a new Internet Top Level Domain : .eu. The proposal will
also be sent to the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers and other
European Union organisations.
[04] La Commission maintient des r�gles simples pour le verre plat
La Commission europ�enne a adopt� des proc�dures pour l'attestation de la
conformit� des vitrages isolants en verre plat aux normes europ�ennes du
secteur de la construction. Ces proc�dures permettent aux fabricants de
choisir de faire certifier ou non ces produits. Elles n'imposent pas aux
entreprises europ�ennes une certification par une tierce partie et sont
donc pleinement conformes � la politique d'entreprise de la Commission qui
consiste � �viter, dans la mesure du possible, toute l�gislation impliquant
des surco�ts pour les entreprises europ�ennes, et en particulier les PME,
dans le cadre de la r�alisation du march� unique.
[05] Commission proposes closer EU relations with Indonesia
The Europan Commission has adopted a Communication on "Developing closer
relations with Indonesia". This Communication analyses the fundamental
changes which have taken place in Indonesia over the past two years and
suggests a new approach for the European Union. The Communication
identifies areas where the EU should do more to assist Indonesia's
development including addressing the needs of those who have suffered most
from the impact of the economic crisis. It covers programmes intended to
alleviate poverty, in particular in problem areas such as the Mollucas and
West Timor, and the sustainable management of natural resources, in
particular forestry, where the EU and Member States have already
established a solid background of cooperation in Indonesia. The Commission
intends to increase the level of its cooperation with Indonesia.
[06] Commission recommends deeper EU role in nuclear non-proliferation in
North Korea
The European Commission has approved a recommendation to the Council of
ministers for renewed EU participation beyond 2000 in the Korean Peninsula
Energy Development Organisation (KEDO), the international body set up to
support international non-proliferation efforts on the Korean Peninsula.
The terms of the EU's future support, including the level of financial
contribution under the new Agreement will be finalised during negotiations
with our KEDO partners, the US, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK).
These discussions will also cover other provisions of the Agreement such as
the participation of EU industry in certain contracts awarded to KEDO
contributors. They will begin once the Council has agreed negotiating
directives for the Commission based on today's recommendations. The
Commission will keep the European Parliament fully appraised of
[07] Commission approves restructuring aid for Armaturen Technik Magdeburg
The European Commission has approved aid totalling euro 1,534 million (DM 3
million) for the restructuring of Armaturen Technik Magdeburg GmbH (State
of Sachsen-Anhalt). The aid is to finance the restructuring of the company
so that it becomes profitable in the long term. The aid measures comply
with EU rules on restructuring aid because they ensure the company's
[08] Commission investigates state aid to Dutch manure processing companies
The European Commission has decided to open a formal investigation into
state aid paid to manure processing companies in the Netherlands beyond the
validity of the approved aid scheme for this sector, "Bijdrageregeling
Proefprojecten Mestverwerking" (BPM-scheme). The aid threatens to distort
competition in fertiliser production and to favour the animal husbandry
sector by creating outlets for surplus manure without this sector paying
all the costs.
[09] La Commission d�cide que les mesures financi�res d'accompagnement de
la gestion des fins de carri�re envisag�es en France ne constituent pas des
aides d'Etat
Le dispositif notifi� par les autorit�s fran�aises permet aux salari�s de
plus de 57 ans handicap�s ou ayant travaill� durant plus de quinze ans dans
des conditions p�nibles de b�n�ficier d'une cessation partielle d'activit�.
Dans le cadre de ce dispositif, l'Etat peut prendre partiellement en charge
le revenu de remplacement vers� aux salari�s b�n�ficiant de cette mesure.
Selon l'�ge du salari� au moment de son entr�e dans le dispositif, le taux
de prise en charge varie entre 20% et 50%. L'analyse du dispositif am�ne la
Commission � conclure qu'il est d'application automatique, que
l'administration ne dispose d'aucun pouvoir discr�tionnaire dans sa mise en
�uvre et qu'il n'accorde pas d'avantage s�lectif � certaines entreprises ou
certaines productions. Par cons�quent, la Commission peut consid�rer qu'il
s'agit d'une mesure g�n�rale, qui ne constitue pas une aide au sens de
l'article 87.1 du trait�.
[10] Commission opens formal investigation into state aid to Kvaerner
Warnow Werft
The European Commission has decided to open the formal investigation
procedure as regards some of the aid paid to Kvaerner Warnow Werft GmbH in
1993-1995 in the context of its restructuring. The aid in question is part
of the DM 513 million (euro 232.2 million) of operating aid paid to the
yard to cover future losses relating to contracts. Since the actual losses
turned out to be DM 119.3 million (euro 61 million) lower than the loss
compensation paid to the yard, the Commission has doubts whether this
excess amount is compatible with the common market.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[11] La Commission approuve la cr�ation d'une entreprise commune entre
Chemag, Beiselen et BayWa
La Commission europ�enne a approuv� la cr�ation d'une entreprise commune
dans le secteur du commerce des engrais entre les entreprises allemandes mg
Chemag AG (une soci�t� du groupe Metallgesellschaft AG), BayWa AG
(contr�l�e par Bayerische Raiffeisen Beteiligungs GmbH), et Carl Beiselen
GmbH (qui appartient au groupe Schuler GmbH & Co. Verm�gensverwaltungen).
L'entreprise commune aura des activit�s dans l'importation et la vente au
commerce de gros en Allemagne des engrais en provenance des pays d'Europe
orientale. L'enqu�te de la Commission a d�montr� aucune cr�ation ou
renforcement de position dominante sur le march�.
[12] 4th ACP-EU ministerial negotiation session, 2-3 February 2000
The fourth ministerial meeting in the framework of the ACP-EU negotiations
for a successor to the Lom� IV Convention starts today in Brussels and will
continue on Thursday 3 February. It is hoped that the additional round will
be the wrap-up session and that full agreement on all outstanding issues
will be reached on Thursday. The current Convention is due to expire on 29
February. The additional meeting was decided at the end of the December
session at which a broad consensus emerged on most unresolved issues.
Parties agreed on the inclusion of "good governance" as a fundamental
element of the future agreement, on most of the trade problems, on
additional resources in the framework of country allocations to deal with
the financial impact of drops in export earnings from commodities (but
without the Sysmin and Stabex systems), on cultural cooperation, on the
participation of non-governmental actors in the future partnership, on the
investment facility to support the private sector, on flexible programming
based on each country's needs and performance, etc. On this occasion, major
outstanding issues for discussion include : migration, particularly on
questions related to readmision of illegal immigrants ; market access for
ACP products during the preparatory period, before the entry into force of
future agreements, and the duration of the new Convention.
[13] Le Centre Commun de Recherche se pr�sente au Parlement europ�en
Philippe Busquin, Commissaire europ�en � la Recherche, inaugure aujourd'hui
une exposition du Centre Commun de Recherche (CCR) au Parlement europ�en,
qui a pour but de pr�senter les nombreuses activit�s scientifiques du CCR
aux visiteurs. Ceux-ci auront acc�s � plusieurs stands d�montrant
l'expertise du CCR et sa fa�on de travailler au service du citoyen. Les
principaux th�mes trait�s sont la s�curit� alimentaire, la s�ret� nucl�aire,
la protection de la sant� et des consommateurs, les �nergies renouvelables,
le changement climatique, l'agriculture, la qualit� de l'eau et de l'air et
le commerce �lectronique. Un point de presse avec le Commissaire pr�vu �
16h sera suivi de l'inauguration � 17h30 et d'une r�ception. Lieu :
Parlement europ�en, b�timent Spinelli, 3�me �tage dans la Passerelle.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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