European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-01-31
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 31/01/2000b
[01] Romano Prodi and Poul Nielson meet Mary Robinson, the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights
[02] Ciel unique: la conf�rence europ�enne de l'aviation civile apporte son
soutien � l'initiative de la Commission
[03] Margot Wallstr�m comments on Biosafety agreement in Montreal
[04] La zone euro affiche un exc�dent commercial de 4,0 milliards d'euros
en novembre 99 - exc�dent de 6,8 milliards d'euros en octobre
[05] Signature of the Equasis Agreement for a unique database on Maritime
[06] Internet chat with Margot Wallstr�m, Commissioner for the Environment
[07] EU consorts on follow-up to Beijing Platform (February 3-4)
[01] Romano Prodi and Poul Nielson meet Mary Robinson, the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights
Mrs Mary Robinson, the United Nations Commissioner for Human rights, will
be visiting Brussels tomorrow (Tuesday 1st February). The High Commissioner
will hold meetings with President Prodi and the European Commissioner for
Development and Humanitarian Aid, Mr Poul Nielson. The issues due to be
discussed include EU-UN relations and cooperation, the High Commissioner's
Annual Appeal for 2000 and the forthcoming session of the United Nations
Commission on Human Rights in Geneva.
[02] Ciel unique: la conf�rence europ�enne de l'aviation civile apporte son
soutien � l'initiative de la Commission
Lors de sa r�union tenue � Bruxelles le 28 janvier 2000, la conf�rence
europ�enne de l'aviation civile, qui r�unit les ministres des Transports de
38 pays europ�ens, a d�clar� "accueillir favorablement la d�cision de la
Commission europ�enne de cr�er un groupe de haut niveau charg� d'examiner
la r�forme du syst�me de gestion de la circulation a�rienne en Europe".
[03] Margot Wallstr�m comments on Biosafety agreement in Montreal
"This is a historical moment and a breakthrough for international
agreements on trade and the environment. Together we have faced up to our
political responsibilities towards the environment and concluded a credible
Protocol to the Convention on Biodiversity. The international community has
shown that it takes the concerns of citizens seriously and ensured the
right to take well-founded decisions based on the precautionary principle
in order to protect the environment", the European Commissioner for
Environment, Margot Wallstr�m, said after the conclusion of the Biosafety
[04] La zone euro affiche un exc�dent commercial de 4,0 milliards d'euros
en novembre 99 - exc�dent de 6,8 milliards d'euros en octobre
(! embargo 12h !) Les premi�res estimations de novembre 1999 pour la zone
euro montrent un exc�dent avec le reste du monde de 4,0 milliards d'euros ;
en novembre 1998, l'exc�dent �tait de 7,2 milliards. L'exc�dent r�vis�
s'�levait en octobre 1999 � 6,8 milliards, par rapport aux 6,3 milliards
d'octobre 1998. L'exc�dent total des dix premiers mois de 1999 est de 49,0
milliards, compar� aux 67,8 milliards pour la m�me p�riode en 1998. Les
premi�res estimations du solde des �changes extra-UE15 pour novembre 1999
donnent un d�ficit de 2,6 milliard d'euros, alors qu'en novembre 1998, il y
avait un exc�dent de 1,6 milliard. En octobre, le solde (chiffre r�vis�)
�tait en d�ficit de 0,3 milliard d'euros. En octobre 1998, on enregistrait
un exc�dent de 1,0 milliard. Pour les dix premiers mois de 1999, le solde
est d�ficitaire de 10,0 milliards, compar� � un exc�dent de 14,5 milliards
en 1998. Ces chiffres sont publi�s aujourd'hui par Eurostat, l'Office
statistique des Communaut�s europ�ennes � Luxembourg.
[05] Signature of the Equasis Agreement for a unique database on Maritime
On 28 January 2000, the maritime administrations of France, United Kingdom,
Spain, Singapore, the US Coast Guard and the European Commission signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the setting up of the Equasis
information system. The maritime administration of Japan has expressed its
intention to join the signatories, but has not yet finalised its internal
procedures for doing so. Equasis will be a unique database collecting
safety-related information on the world's merchant fleet from both public
and private sources and making it easily accessible on the Internet. The
launch of the database is planned for May 2000. The Internet address of
Equasis will be www.equasis.org
[06] Internet chat with Margot Wallstr�m, Commissioner for the Environment
On 3 February 2000 between 6pm and 8pm (CET) European Commissioner for
Environment, Margot Wallstr�m, invites all Europe's citizens to participate
in an internet chat on the kind of environment we want for Europe. The chat
is an opportunity to exchange views with the Commissioner, ask questions,
put suggestions and share hopes and worries. Contributions may be made in
the eleven official languages. The address for the chat and instructions on
how to participate is : http://europa.eu.int/chatwallstrom/index.htm
[07] EU consorts on follow-up to Beijing Platform (February 3-4)
Five years after the launch of the Beijing Platform for action on gender
equality, a major two-day conference starts next Thursday to test Europe's
headway in following it up. The conference, in Brussels, will also
coordinate the European Union's position for the Beijing+5 review at the
special session of the UN General Assembly this June and is part of the
Union's long-standing commitment to gender equality and human rights.
European Commissioner for Social Affairs, Anna Diamantopoulou, recently
made clear the Commission's determination to make full use of the new
powers conferred by the Amsterdam Treaty to remedy inequalities between the
sexes. The conference will involve a broad spectrum of representatives
including : the Member States of the EU and EEA, the former, current and
future Council presidencies, the European Parliament's Committee on Women's
Rights and Equal Opportunities, NGOs, the social partners, academics and
representatives of all EU candidate countries. All areas of the Beijing
platform will be discussed : human rights of women, women's participation
in politics, society and economy, gender mainstreaming and gender in
development cooperation. A round table discussion on "The way forward
beyond Beijing+5" will close the gathering.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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