European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-01-20
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 20/01/2000b
[01] La Commission autorise Marconi � acqu�rir l'activit� de Bosch li�e au
r�seau public
[02] Commission clears merger between submarine producers Howaldtswerke-
Deutsche Werft (Germany) and Kockums (Sweden)
[03] Commission welcomes Parliament's vote on 1997 budget discharge
[04] La Commission r�agit aux propos de l'eurod�put� Jean-Pierre sur la
C�te d'Ivoire
[05] Commission provides euro 10.95 million to support 'China-Europe
International Business School'
[01] La Commission autorise Marconi � acqu�rir l'activit� de Bosch li�e au
r�seau public
La Commission europ�enne donne le feu vert � Marconi plc. pour acqu�rir le
contr�le de l'activit� de Bosch concernant les �quipements de
t�l�communications destin�s au r�seau public. Bien que Marconi soit d�j�
pr�sente dans le secteur des �quipements de t�l�communications publics,
l'op�ration de concentration ne soul�ve pas de probl�mes du point de vue de
la concurrence. Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart, c�de son activit� li�e au
r�seau public � Marconi plc, Londres, l'ancienne General Electric Company.
Marconi, un grand groupe international qui se consacre aux march�s � forte
croissance dans le secteur des communications, obtiendra l'acc�s � la radio
technologie et am�liorera sa position en Europe. L'op�ration entra�nera un
accroissement des parts de march� en ce qui concerne les �quipements de
c�blodistribution et des r�seaux d'acc�s. Toutefois, �tant donn�
l'augmentation seulement minime des parts de march� et la pr�sence de
concurrents puissants, tels que Alcatel, Lucent, Nortel ou Siemens, par
exemple, l'op�ration n'entra�nera pas de probl�mes de concurrence. La
Commission a, par cons�quent, d�cid� de ne pas s'opposer � cette op�ration
et de la d�clarer compatible avec le march� commun et l'accord Espace
Economique Europ�en.
[02] Commission clears merger between submarine producers Howaldtswerke-
Deutsche Werft (Germany) and Kockums (Sweden)
The European Commission has authorised the acquisition whereby the Swedish
state-owned defence company Celsius AB (Celsius) acquires joint control
together with the German privately owned consortium Preussag
Aktiengesellschaft (Preussag) over Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG (HDW), a
subsidiary of Preussag active in the fields of conventionally powered
submarines and large defence naval vessels. As part of the same operation,
HDW acquires 100% of Kockums AB (Kockums), hereto Celsius' subsidiary
active in the fields of conventionally powered submarines and small defence
naval vessels.
[03] Commission welcomes Parliament's vote on 1997 budget discharge
Budget Commissioner Michaele Schreyer has made the following declaration in
response to the European Parliament's vote on the 1997 budget discharge :
"This vote demonstrates that mutual confidence and constructive cooperation
between institutions are being re-established, but measures have still to
be taken to maintain this overall positive climate". Most of the conditions
expressed in the Parliament's Resolution, especially those related to
institutional management problems, staff and technical assistance policies,
are key elements of the Commission's reflexion on administrative reform.
The White paper on reform to be presented by March 1st will address these
issues. Ms Schreyer stresses that much work has already been done to follow
up the Court of Auditors' recommendations, and to introduce a new system of
Activity-Based Budgeting, as well as on the problematic of externalisation.
[04] La Commission r�agit aux propos de l'eurod�put� Jean-Pierre sur la
C�te d'Ivoire
La Commission europ�enne rejette les accusations port�es par l'eurod�put�
Jean-Pierre dans le Figaro du 19 janvier sur la C�te d'Ivoire concernant
l'usage irr�gulier des fonds de l'Union europ�enne dans ce pays. Les
services de la Commission n'ont jamais tent� de garder secrets les
r�sultats des audits. D�s que les premiers r�sultats de son audit
pr�liminaire ont �t� disponibles, la Commission a inform� de l'�volution du
dossier les autres institutions europ�ennes, y compris le Parlement
europ�en. Il est rappel� �galement qu'un protocole d'accord a �t� conclu
avec le gouvernement concernant le remboursement du montant en cause, un
accord qui a �t� respect� par le gouvernement avant le coup d'�tat de
d�cembre 1999. Le gouvernement provisoire a fait savoir qu'il entend
respecter ses engagements vis-�-vis de la Commission et, � cet �gard, il
vient de rembourser la moiti� de la troisi�me tranche du montant.
[05] Commission provides euro 10.95 million to support 'China-Europe
International Business School'
European Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten signed a
financing agreement on behalf of the Commission to provide euro 10.95
million to support Phase II of the 'China-Europe International Business
School' (CEIBS). The school was established in Shanghai in 1994 to address
the need for high-level management education in China, in support of the
country's economic, social and administrative reforms and further
integration into the world economy. Phase I has already proved a success
and the CEIBS is rapidly becoming one of the premier business schools in
Asia, as well as raising the profile of the European Union in China,
including through internships and exchanges. Phase II support will develop
contacts between the Chinese education system and private sector, build up
a centre of expertise about Chinese management issues and develop CEIBS
into a self-sustainable and independent business School. The five-year
project includes components intended to improve the School's institutional
governance and management, strengthen the core permanent faculty, encourage
and develop networking between CEIBS and European business schools,
professionals and sponsor firms, and to promote research activities.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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