European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 99-11-19
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 19/11/1999b
[01] Lutte contre la fraude Rapport annuel 1998
[02] Dioxin limits for kaolinitic clays
[03] Mario Monti at the European Banking Congress : "EU Competition rules
must be fully applied in the financial services sector"
[01] Lutte contre la fraude Rapport annuel 1998
La lutte contre la fraude et la protection des int�r�ts financiers de
l'Union europ�enne (UE) constituent des priorit�s majeures pour la nouvelle
Commission europ�enne. La lutte contre la fraude recouvre des activit�s
concernant la d�tection et le suivi de fraudes dans le domaine douanier, de
d�tournements de subventions et d'�vasion fiscale dans la mesure ou le
budget communautaire en est affect�. Ces activit�s constituent la t�che
principale de l'Office europ�en de lutte antifraude (OLAF), organisme
ind�pendant institu� le 28 avril 1999. L'OLAF a repris l'ensemble des
t�ches assum�es par l'ancienne Task-Force de la Commission pour la
coordination de la lutte antifraude (UCLAF) dont le rapport annuel
d'activit�s, pour 1998, a �t� pr�sent� aujourd'hui � la presse. Ce rapport
sera accessible sur Internet � l'adresse suivante : http://europa.eu.int/comm/off/rep/uclaf/1998/index.html
autre possibilit� : http://europa.eu.int/ ; puis cliquer sur "What's new"
[02] Dioxin limits for kaolinitic clays
The European Commission adopted a regulation establishing as an emergency
measure a provisional maximum dioxin limit of 0,5 ng/kg product for
kaolinitic clays after a contamination of dioxins was found in clays
originating in Germany. Kaolinitic clays can be used as feed additive in
feedingstuffs as binder, anti-caking agent and coagulant. The regulation
also foresees, in the framework of a monitoring programme, the examination
of the possible presence of dioxins in all authorised clays in animal feed.
[03] Mario Monti at the European Banking Congress : "EU Competition rules
must be fully applied in the financial services sector"
In a speech to be delivered today at the European Banking Congress in
Frankfurt, European Commissioner for Competition, Mario Monti, stresses the
paramount importance of increasing competition in Europe's financial
services sector. The Commissioner points to the risks associated with
government interventions in the ongoing consolidation process ; he also
recalls that the usual State aid rules have to be applied in this sector
without exception. This means, inter alia, that the Commission has to
ensure that public and private banks can compete with each other on a fair
basis. "The application of competition rules will help to ensure that all
Community citizens have access to the best possible services. "
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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