European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 99-10-28
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 28/10/1999b
[01] La cinqui�me conf�rence du Dialogue Commercial Transatlantique se
concentre sur le nouveau cycle de n�gociations au sein de l'OMC et la
relance �conomique en Europe du sud-est
[02] Europartenariat Brandenburg 1999 : at least twelve thousand business
cooperation meetings expected in Potsdam
[03] La Commission veut promouvoir des strat�gies locales pour le
d�veloppement et la cr�ation d'emploi dans les ann�es 2000
[04] Commission expresses strong confidence that negotiations with Romania
will start in 2000
[05] EU-China legal and judicial cooperation programme
[06] Northern Caucasus : Commission approves aid worth euro 1.2 million
[01] La cinqui�me conf�rence du Dialogue Commercial Transatlantique se
concentre sur le nouveau cycle de n�gociations au sein de l'OMC et la
relance �conomique en Europe du sud-est
Des chefs d'entreprises et des repr�sentants politiques de haut niveau de
l'Union europ�enne (UE) et des Etats-Unis se rencontreront � Berlin les 29
et 30 octobre � l'occasion de la cinqui�me conf�rence annuelle du Dialogue
Commercial Transatlantique (TABD). La Commission europ�enne esp�re que
cette conf�rence aidera � r�affirmer le soutien de l'UE et des Etats-Unis �
un nouveau cycle de n�gociations importantes au sein de l'Organisation
Mondiale du Commerce (OMC), � identifier le r�le des entreprises dans les
plans de relance �conomique en Europe du sud-est, et � stimuler la
coop�ration en mati�re de r�glementation par des orientations communes et
la mise en place d'un syst�me de "d�tection" pr�coce afin d'�viter des
conflits commerciaux transatlantiques.
[02] Europartenariat Brandenburg 1999 : at least twelve thousand business
cooperation meetings expected in Potsdam
500 host companies will welcome more than 2000 visiting companies from over
80 countries at the Europartenariat Brandenburg 1999 which was officially
opened today in Potsdam. Europartenariat was set up jointly by the
Directorates General responsible for Enterprise policy and Regional policy.
Europartenariat is a forum which enables small and medium companies to
develop business partnerships throughout Europe and the world. A Phare
Partenariat is being held in parallel to the Europartenariat, adding 120
host companies from Poland and the Baltic States to the event. European
Commissioner Erkki Liikanen, responsible for Enterprise, will preside over
the ceremony on Friday 29 October at which the organisers of this
Europartenariat (Brandenburg, Berlin and Th�ringen) hand over to the
organisers of the next forum (Aarlborg, Denmark).
[03] La Commission veut promouvoir des strat�gies locales pour le
d�veloppement et la cr�ation d'emploi dans les ann�es 2000
Le Commissaire europ�en en charge de la Politique r�gionale, Michel Barnier,
donnera le coup d'envoi d'une conf�rence de "diffusion des pactes
territoriaux pour l'emploi", organis�e par la Commission, et qui se tiendra
� Bruxelles, les 8, 9 et 10 novembre 1999. Les pactes territoriaux pour
l'emploi rassemblent actuellement 89 actions novatrices mises en place dans
des r�gions particuli�rement touch�es par le ch�mage pour favoriser la
cr�ation d'emploi. Soutenus par les Fonds structurels depuis 1997, ces
pactes commencent � porter leurs fruits puisqu'on estime aujourd'hui �
55.000 le nombre d'emplois directs qui seront cr��s gr�ce � eux. C'est
pourquoi la Commission souhaite promouvoir l'approche des "pactes
territoriaux pour l'emploi" aupr�s des Etats membres et de leurs
collectivit�s locales en organisant une conf�rence sur ce th�me. Mme Anna
Diamantopoulou - Commissaire en charge de l'emploi et des affaires sociales
- participera �galement � la manifestation.
[04] Commission expresses strong confidence that negotiations with Romania
will start in 2000
During his official visit to Bucharest, G�nter Verheugen, European
Commissioner for Enlargement, today expressed strong confidence that
negotiations with Romania for EU membership will start in the spring of
2000 and that meanwhile, Romania will have taken all necessary measures to
ensure decent living conditions in its child care institutions as well as
continued macro-economic reforms. Romania is the first candidate country to
be visited by Mr Verheugen.
[05] EU-China legal and judicial cooperation programme
The European Commission has selected a European consortium led by the
British Council to implement the EU-China legal and judicial cooperation
programme. This euro 13,2 million programme, which was subject to an open
tender procedure, aims to support efforts to strengthen the rule of law in
China. It is due to start in March 2000 and will comprise training and
awareness raising activities for Chinese legal practitioners. It will
expose selected lawyers, judges and prosecutors to key areas of EU and
national law such as civil and criminal procedure, administrative law,
consumer protection, competition law, and intellectual property rights. By
helping to develop a sound, transparent, predictable legal system, and an
accessible, modern and fair judiciary, the programme will underpin moves
towards a society more firmly based on respect for human rights. It will
also improve the climate for European business and investment in China. The
EU-China legal and judicial cooperation programme will be the largest and
most far-reaching international cooperation project of this kind in China.
[06] Northern Caucasus : Commission approves aid worth euro 1.2 million
The European Commission has approved humanitarian aid worth euro 1.2
million for victims of the crisis in the Northern Caucasus. The aid,
channelled via the European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO), will
enable the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to carry
out programmes in Daghestan and Northern Ingushetia, which are hosting up
to a million people who have fled the current conflict in Chechnya. The aid
for this project, which is scheduled to last six months, will cover the
purchase and distribution of food packages, blankets, mattresses, personal
hygiene items and winter clothing. Exceptionally, because of the security
situation, the project will be implemented and monitored by local staff.
Between 1993 and 1997, the Commission allocated a total of euro 52.2
million for humanitarian aid to the Russian population. About euro 30
million of this went to operations in the Northern Caucasus before
activities there were suspended in early 1998.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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