European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 99-08-17
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 17/08/1999b
[01] Commission authorises a joint selling company established by SCL,
Carbozulia and RAG
[02] Commission intervenes against a quota scheme to control public
expenditure on pharmaceuticals
[03] Diminution de 1,7% de la main-d'�uvre agricole de l'UE15 en 1998
[01] Commission authorises a joint selling company established by SCL,
Carbozulia and RAG
The European Commission has authorised Shell Coal (South America) Ltd.
(SCL), Carbones del Zulia S.A. and RIG Deelneming Maatschappij B.V. to
establish a joint selling organisation to market the coal mined by Carbones
del Guasare S.A., a Venezuelan coal mining company which they jointly
control. Given the partners' minor market shares in the European Union
their joint venture will not significantly affect competition.
[02] Commission intervenes against a quota scheme to control public
expenditure on pharmaceuticals
The European Commission has intervened against a quota arrangement, forming
part of an agreement between the Danish Association of Pharmaceutical
Producers (Lif) and the Danish Ministry for Health, which aims to control
public expenditure on pharmaceuticals. In the Commission's opinion the
quota arrangement, which attributes a quota of total expenditure to each
supplier, infringes Article 81 of the EC Treaty because it reduces
competition although there are less restrictive means to reduce public
health expenditure. The Commission has closed the file after the parties to
the agreement agreed to lift certain restrictions and committed to not
renewing their agreement when it expires in 2000.
[03] Diminution de 1,7% de la main-d'�uvre agricole de l'UE15 en 1998
(Embargo 12h) L'agriculture de l'Union europ�enne (UE) a perdu en 1998
l'�quivalent de 115 000 travailleurs � plein temps suppl�mentaires, ce qui
correspond � une diminution de l'emploi agricole de 1,7% dans l'UE15 et de
1,5% dans la zone euro. Treize �tats membres ont enregistr� une baisse du
volume de la main-d'�uvre, les taux allant de -1,5% en Italie et au
Luxembourg � -4,1% en Allemagne, alors que les PaysBas et l'Espagne ont
affich� des hausses de respectivement +1,3% et +1,2%. Ces estimations
figurent dans un rapport publi� aujourd'hui par Eurostat, l'Office
statistique des Communaut�s europ�ennes � Luxembourg. Tout en confirmant la
tendance � la diminution � long terme, le taux de la baisse a fl�chi pour
la cinqui�me ann�e cons�cutive. En 1992 et 1993, il s'�levait en effet �
pr�s de -5%. En d�pit de la contraction continue de la main-d'�uvre, la
production agricole a cependant, d'apr�s les estimations, augment� de 1,5%
en termes de volume, signe que l'accroissement de la productivit� de la
main d'oeuvre se poursuit. L'�volution d�crite dans le rapport publi�
aujourd'hui est largement influenc�e par la situation observ�e en Italie,
en Espagne et en Franc
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