European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 99-06-11
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 11/06/1999b
[01] Commission opens detailed investigation into the BP Amoco / Arco
[02] La Commission donne son feu vert � une concentration entre Media
Planning et Havas Advertising
[03] ECHO alloue 50 millions d'euros pour le plan de retour des r�fugi�s au
[04] Belgium, Austria, Italy, UK win prizes in European young consumer
[01] Commission opens detailed investigation into the BP Amoco / Arco
The European Commission has decided to open a full investigation into
certain aspects of the proposed merger between oil companies BP Amoco and
Atlantic Richfield (Arco). The Commission will make a detailed assessment
of the impact of the transaction on competition conditions in exploration,
development and production of crude oil. Moreover, the Commission will look
at the UK markets for the transmission by pipeline and processing of gas
produced in the North Sea part of the UK Continental Shelf.
[02] La Commission donne son feu vert � une concentration entre Media
Planning et Havas Advertising
La Commission europ�enne a autoris� une op�ration de concentration par
laquelle l'entreprise fran�aise Havas Advertising S.A., qui appartient au
groupe Vivendi, prendra le contr�le du groupe espagnol Media Planning.
L'op�ration propos�e d�bouchera sur la cr�ation d'un important op�rateur
europ�en dans le secteur de l'achat d'espace publicitaire. Elle a �t�
autoris�e au motif qu'elle ne cr�e ni ne renforce une position dominante
sur aucun des march�s sur lesquels les deux entreprises sont pr�sentes.
[03] ECHO alloue 50 millions d'euros pour le plan de retour des r�fugi�s au
L'Office humanitaire de la Communaut� Europ�enne vient d'allouer 50
millions d'euros pour le plan de retour et de rapatriement des r�fugi�s au
Kosovo �labor� conjointement par le UNHCR et ECHO � Skopje (ex-R�publique
Yougoslave de Mac�doine).
[04] Belgium, Austria, Italy, UK win prizes in European young consumer
Aspiring young writers and film-makers from Belgium, Austria, Italy and the
United Kingdom were awarded prizes today, at the headquarters of the
European Commission in Brussels, for their projects in the 1998-1999
European young consumer competition. This year, groups of young people,
aged from 10-14, were asked to produce a brochure or a video designed to
provide information about the euro. The Ath�n�e Royal de la Communaut�
Fran�aise of Esneux, Belgium, won 1st prize for a brochure quizzing readers
on their knowledge about the single currency ; the Europa Hauptschule of
Vienna, Austria, won 2nd prize for another brochure making fun of some
people's euro-scepticism ; the Scuola Media Statale "Silvestro Lega" of
Modigliana, Italy, won 3rd prize for a video in which the younger
generation explains to the older that there is nothing to fear from the
euro. The young jury prize went to the Ardrossan Academy of Ayrshire, UK,
for another video emphasising the advantages of the euro, especially for
comparing prices across borders.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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