European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 99-04-28
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 28/04/1999b
[01] Commission adopts White Paper proposing fundamental reform of the
system for enforcing EU competition rules
[02] La Commission adopte un rapport sur la simplification de la
l�gislation agricole
[03] Fixed-term work : Commission adopts a proposal for a Directive
[04] Accro�tre le potentiel de cr�ation d'emplois dans le secteur du
tourisme : trois millions d'emplois pourraient �tre cr��s dans le secteur
du tourisme au cours des dix ann�es � venir
[05] Le Trait� d'Amsterdam en vigueur le 1er mai (cons�quences sur les
proc�dures l�gislatives en cours)
[06] Commission adopts report on VAT and the art market
[07] Preliminary draft budget 2000 : transition to a new framework
[08] Commission approves new push to tackle barriers to European exports
[09] Commission authorises Fyffes and Capespan Group to acquire joint
control of Capespan International
[10] Services : la Commission adresse un avis motiv� � l'Italie au sujet
des agences d'emploi temporaire
[11] Padraig Flynn : "European Works Councils 500-plus agreements in place
but more needs to be done"
I. R�sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commission adopts White Paper proposing fundamental reform of the
system for enforcing EU competition rules
The European Commission has adopted a White Paper aimed at modernising the
system for implementation of Articles 85 and 86 of the EC Treaty. It
proposes a new, more efficient system of enforcement which will be suitable
for the European Union (EU) of the future. The proposed reform has three
main objectives: rigorous enforcement of competition law, effective
decentralisation of its application, and simplification of enforcement
procedures. Member States, other EU institutions and interested parties are
invited to submit comments by 30 September 1999.
[02] La Commission adopte un rapport sur la simplification de la
l�gislation agricole
La Commission europ�enne a adopt� un rapport pr�cisant l'�tat d'avancement
des initiatives concr�tes prises pour simplifier la l�gislation agricole de
l'Union europ�enne (UE) qui fait souvent l'objet de critiques parce qu'elle
est jug�e trop complexe. En simplifiant la l�gislation existante, la
Commission vise deux objectifs distincts : il s'agit, premi�rement, de
r�duire la charge administrative que la politique agricole commune (PAC)
impose aux agriculteurs et aux autorit�s administratives et, deuxi�mement,
de rendre la l�gislation agricole aussi claire, transparente et facilement
accessible que possible. Afin de rendre la l�gislation agricole plus
transparente et plus facilement accessible, la Commission a lanc� un projet
visant � la consolidation informelle de la l�gislation agricole dans toutes
les langues officielles de l'UE, pouvant �tre consult�e par l'interm�diaire
d'Internet. Ces actes, qui seront mis � jour de mani�re permanente, sont
�galement accessibles au grand public et aux administrations nationales par
Internet. Quoique les consolidations informelles n'aient pas force de loi,
elles faciliteront substantiellement la recherche des r�gles applicables
par tous ceux qui sont concern�s par la PAC, par exemple, les associations
d'agriculteurs, les administrations nationales, le commerce et l'industrie,
les contr�leurs, les organisations de consommateurs ainsi que les
[03] Fixed-term work : Commission adopts a proposal for a Directive
The European Commission adopted (with effect from 1 May 1999) a proposal
for a Council Directive transposing the framework agreement on fixed-term
work into European Union law. This agreement was concluded by the social
partners at European level (UNICE, CEEP and the ETUC) on 18 March 1999. The
aims of the agreement are to improve the quality of fixed-term work by
ensuring that the principle of non-discrimination against fixed-term
workers in relation to their permanent counterparts is applied and to
establish a framework to prevent abuse arising from the use of successive
fixed-term employment contracts or relationships.
[04] Accro�tre le potentiel de cr�ation d'emplois dans le secteur du
tourisme : trois millions d'emplois pourraient �tre cr��s dans le secteur
du tourisme au cours des dix ann�es � venir
La Commission europ�enne a adopt� une Communication relative au suivi des
recommandations du groupe de haut niveau sur le tourisme et l'emploi
d'octobre 1998. Cette Communication confirme la n�cessit� d'une
coordination accrue des initiatives et d'un renforcement des synergies �
tous les niveaux pour que l'�norme potentiel du secteur du tourisme en tant
que cr�ateur d'emplois puisse �tre exploit� en Europe. Elle conclut que,
pour peu qu'un dosage appropri� des politiques et des initiatives soit mis
en �uvre, le secteur du tourisme, qui occupe actuellement 9 millions de
personnes, pourrait cr�er entre 2,2 millions et 3,3 millions d'emplois
suppl�mentaires au cours de la d�cennie � venir. Pour que le dernier
chiffre cit� soit atteint, il sera n�cessaire de cr�er un climat favorable
� l'investissement et de r�aliser les conditions dans lesquelles toutes les
parties int�ress�es, y compris les partenaires sociaux, puissent coop�rer
dans la poursuite d'un objectif commun.
[05] Le Trait� d'Amsterdam en vigueur le 1er mai (cons�quences sur les
proc�dures l�gislatives en cours)
Les 15 Etats membres de l'Union europ�enne (UE) ayant termin� les
proc�dures de ratification au 30 mars 1999, le Trait� d'Amsterdam peut
enfin entrer en vigueur le 1er mai 1999. Juridiquement, cette entr�e en
vigueur a quatre types de cons�quences sur les proc�dures l�gislatives en
cours : (1) une renum�rotation automatique des articles du Trait� (par
exemple, l'article 113 sur la politique commerciale devient l'article 133)
; (2) une modification de certaines proc�dures l�gislatives (par exemple,
le Parlement europ�en devient col�gislateur dans le domaine du transport et
de la coop�ration au d�veloppement, alors que pr�c�demment il n'agissait
qu'en coop�ration avec le Conseil) ; (3) une modification formelle de
certaines bases juridiques (par exemple, les dossiers v�t�rinaires bas�s
jusqu'� pr�sent sur l'article 'Agriculture', seront bas�s � l'avenir sur
l'article 'Sant�') ; (4) une modification du cadre juridique de certains
textes (les propositions bas�es sur le Protocole social ou faites dans le
cadre de la justice et des affaires int�rieures rel�vent dor�navant du
[06] Commission adopts report on VAT and the art market
The European Commission has adopted a report on the application of the
special VAT regime for works of art introduced from 1 January 1995
(Directive 94/5/EC). It concludes that these arrangements do not have a
significant adverse effect on the competitiveness of the European Union's
(EU) art market compared to the art markets of non-EU countries. The EU art
market shows continued growth, even if not at the same pace as total art
sales worldwide (mainly because of the very substantial increase of art
sales in South East Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America). Within the EU,
art market growth is uneven, with the United Kingdom (UK) (61% of EU sales)
powering ahead of other Member States. The Commission considers therefore
that there is no basis for prolonging the UK derogation (which expires on
30 June 1999) permitting imports of works of art to be subject to VAT at a
rate lower than the minimum rate of 5%. The purpose of this transitional
measure was to provide an intermediate period to allow the sector to adapt
to the application of common rules.
[07] Preliminary draft budget 2000 : transition to a new framework
The European Commission adopted the preliminary draft budget for 2000, the
first year of the new financial perspective. The proposal is based on the
political priorities laid down by the Commission in February. Until the new
financial perspective are adopted as part of an inter-institutional
agreement, the Commission decided to adapt the budget proposal to the
framework laid down by the Berlin European Council. Discussions about
increased ceilings for expenditure in internal policies and administration
are under way, and the European Parliament will vote on the matter in May.
Under these circumstances it remains for the next Commission to submit, in
the autumn, a letter of amendment aimed at overhauling the draft budget.
The expenditure proposals now total euro 92,706 million in commitment
appropriations, representing a reduction of 4.4% on the 1999 budget.
Payment appropriations amount to euro 89,585 million, corresponding to 1.1%
of the GNP of the 15 Member States. Owing to substantial backlogs notably
in structural funds, research and external actions, the increase in
payments is 4.7%.
[08] Commission approves new push to tackle barriers to European exports
The European Commission has approved a framework for the next phase of its
Market Access Strategy. This aims to secure better access to world markets
for European exporters. Building on the success of its Internet Market
Access Database, which is accessible free of charge to European businesses,
and on the close cooperation established with Member States and European
industry, the Commission will now focus its efforts on a targeted programme
of barriers removal. This will mean concentrating on a limited number of
economically important priority cases where the European Union can expect
to achieve concrete results in the near future. On the basis of a set of
key economic and legal criteria, the Commission will now draw up a target
list of key barriers to be tackled through the World Trade Organisation
(WTO), bilateral action and the development of market access packages with
non-WTO countries. II. Other news - Autres nouvelles
[09] Commission authorises Fyffes and Capespan Group to acquire joint
control of Capespan International
The European Commission has decided not to oppose the acquisition by Fyffes
Plc. (Ireland) of a 50% shareholding in Capespan International Holdings
Limited (UK), a subsidiary of Capespan Group Holdings Limited (South
Africa). The overall market share of the parties in areas where they
overlap (imported fresh fruit) is small (less than 5% of fresh fruit
consumption in the European Union (EU)) and there are numerous and large
competitors as Dole, Del Monte, Agrexco, Enzafruit and The Greenery Group.
The vertical links between Capespan International and Fyffes will not lead
to foreclosure given this small combined market share and the fact that
Fyffes' competitors in Ireland and Denmark will be able to source fresh
fruit from throughout the EU.
[10] Services : la Commission adresse un avis motiv� � l'Italie au sujet
des agences d'emploi temporaire
En raison de restrictions emp�chant les agences d'emploi temporaire
implant�es dans d'autres Etats membres d'offrir leurs services en Italie,
la Commission europ�enne a d�cid� d'adresser � l'Italie un avis motiv� au
titre de la proc�dure d'infraction pr�vue � l'article 169 du Trait� CE.
Selon la Commission, ces barri�res constituent une violation des r�gles du
Trait� CE relatives � la libre prestation des services (article 59), l'une
des libert�s fondamentales du Trait� CE. La Commission pourrait d�cider
d'intenter une action contre l'Italie devant la Cour de justice europ�enne
si elle ne re�oit pas des autorit�s italiennes une r�ponse satisfaisante
dans un d�lai de deux mois � compter de la r�ception de l'avis motiv�.
[11] Padraig Flynn : "European Works Councils 500-plus agreements in place
but more needs to be done"
(! embargo 2.30 pm !) Speaking today at a Conference in Brussels on
"European Works Councils (EWC's) : practices and development", European
Commission for Employment and Social Affairs, Padraig Flynn, highlighted
the big success of the EWC's Directive four and a half years after its
adoption. "The principle that the social partners should take the lead
through negotiations has been proved right. The 500-plus agreements,
reached over the last four years, say one thing : it's a success. It works.
It is the social partners themselves that have made the Directive an
essential part of the process of restructuring in European companies and of
the response of European industry to the challenge of globalisation. For
the first time in Europe's long social and commercial history, we have
genuine cross-border information and consultation. The application of the
Directive has not been without problems, however. The Renault Vilvoorde
case raised the question as to whether Europe has an answer for workers
caught up in the process of industrial restructuring. It must be absolutely
clear that information and consultation means informing and consulting in
advance, before a decision is taken", Mr Flynn said. With regard to the
review of the Directive, which is formally required in 1999, the
Commissioner pointed out that today's Conference marks the opening of an
extensive assessment of the operation of the Directive in practice. He
emphasised that in the meantime, the priority in this area was to get
agreement concerning worker involvement in the European Company and on the
new proposal on information and consultation of employees in the European
Union. He underlined the importance of these proposals and how they are
linked to the upcoming review of the EWC's Directive. "Progress on these
proposals would facilitate enormously the discussions on any possible
amendment of the EWC's Directive, because quite a number of questions are
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