European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 99-01-29
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] Mario Monti obtains from banks data on conversion fees and commitment
to transparency
[02] Forum europ�en sur l'am�nagement du territoire (Bruxelles, 2 et 3
f�vrier 1999)
[03] Entry into force of Europe Agreement with Slovenia
[01] Mario Monti obtains from banks data on conversion fees and commitment
to transparency
European Commissioner for Financial services, Mario Monti, yesterday met
the President of the European Banking Federation, Maurizio Sella, and today
the President of the Savings Banking Federation, Ren� Barberye. In
response to Mr Monti's letter of 12 January, they provided a first set of
data on conversion and cross-border payment fees. Mr Monti welcomed the
prompt response and took note of the Presidents' assessment that data
reveal a declining trend of fees. "People are entitled to know precisely
how much they are being charged and why", said Mr Monti. "Moreover, banks
must move to improve the efficiency of their payment systems so as to cut
transfer costs over time", added Mr Monti. "I am pleased with the
undertakings I have received from the European Federations and I will
closely monitor developments in the marketplace. In particular they have
committed themselves to continue to make public detailed information
comparing the level of charges before and after the introduction of the
euro, together with a clear explanation of the new basis on which charges
are levied for exchanging banknotes and for money transfers. In this way,
people will be able to compare and choose the best offer, and so promote
competition. I have also encouraged banks to improve the efficiency of
their payment systems so as to cut costs over time. They have reassured me
on their intention. For my part, I intend to examine in a Communication
what remains to be done to improve the functioning of retail payments
systems in the Single Market."
[02] Forum europ�en sur l'am�nagement du territoire (Bruxelles, 2 et 3
f�vrier 1999)
La Commission europ�enne organise les 2 et 3 f�vrier 1999 � Bruxelles un
Forum europ�en sur l'am�nagement du territoire, visant � promouvoir l'id�e
d'un d�veloppement �quilibr� et durable du territoire europ�en en examinant
le passage entre principes et mise en pratique. Ce Forum regroupera la
Commissaire, Monika Wulf-Mathies, des ministres de l'Union europ�enne et de
pays avoisinants, ainsi que de nombreux acteurs du d�veloppement
territorial en Europe, tant au niveau europ�en que national ou r�gional.
Il constitue le point d'orgue et la synth�se d'une s�rie de huit s�minaires
transnationaux sur l'am�nagement du territoire organis�s par la Commission
tout au long de 1998, et il s'inscrit comme une �tape importante de la
s�rie des d�bats, au niveau europ�en, national ou r�gional, qui ont �t�
lanc�s par la pr�sentation du premier projet de Sch�ma de D�veloppement de
l'Espace Communautaire (SDEC) en 1997 � Noordwijk (Pays-Bas). Et surtout,
il se place dans la perspective de la pr�sentation du SDEC aux ministres
europ�ens de l'am�nagement du territoire � Potsdam en mai 1999.
[03] Entry into force of Europe Agreement with Slovenia
On 1 February 1999, the Europe Agreement with Slovenia will enter into
force. The Agreement was signed on 10 June 1996, and has now completed the
ratification procedure. The Europe Agreement is one of the key elements of
the pre-accession strategy and will significantly broaden and deepen the
already close cooperation that exists between the European Union (EU) and
Slovenia. The Agreement will provide a key institutional framework to
support Slovenia's integration into the EU. Its entry into force will be
followed by the first Association Council under the Agreement, to be held
in Brussels on 23 February 1999. The first Association Committee is
planned to be held in Ljubljana on 25 March 1999.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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