European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 98-10-14
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[I] R�sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Emploi : la Commission pr�pare le Conseil europ�en de Vienne
[02] Financial services : Commission proposes a new regulatory framework
for distance selling
[03] La Commission propose une r�glementation tr�s stricte des r�sidus de
pesticides dans les aliments pour b�b�s
[04] Energy policy with an environmental approach
[05] La Commission approuve sous conditions les aides � la Soci�t�
Marseillaise de Cr�dit
[06] La Commission conclut que le rachat de PSAG par Nord/LB et HanBG ne
contient pas d'�l�ment d'aide d'Etat
[07] Commission refuses aid to LiftgmbH
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[08] Sir Leon Brittan in Korea with European Business Representatives
[09] Commission strengthens controls on the import of mushrooms with high
levels of radioactivity
[I] R�sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Emploi : la Commission pr�pare le Conseil europ�en de Vienne
La Commission europ�enne a adopt� trois documents relatifs � l'emploi en
vue du Conseil europ�en de Vienne : le projet de rapport conjoint sur
l'emploi pour 1998, le rapport g�n�ral sur les taux d'emploi pour 1998 et
les propositions de lignes directrices pour les politiques de l'emploi des
Etats membres pour 1999. Le projet de rapport conjoint sur l'emploi
informe le Conseil europ�en des progr�s r�alis�s dans le cadre de la
strat�gie pour l'emploi d�finie en novembre 1997 � Luxembourg. Il se fonde
sur les Plans d'Actions Nationaux (PAN) et sur les rapports, pr�sent�s en
juillet, concernant leur mise en oeuvre. Le projet de rapport conjoint
propose �galement dix exemples de bonne pratique au niveau national en
mati�re de politique de l'emploi susceptibles d'int�resser d'autres Etats
membres. Le premier rapport g�n�ral sur les performances de l'Union
europ�enne (UE) dans le domaine de l'emploi a, quant � lui, pour but de
tirer des conclusions sur les moyens par lesquels les Etats membres
pourraient contribuer � l'augmentation significative du taux d'emploi de
l'UE. Enfin, la Commission propose des lignes directrices pour les
politiques de l'emploi pour les Etats membres pour 1999. Ces lignes
directrices pr�sentent une s�rie de mesures et d'objectifs politiques qui,
selon la Commission, doivent �tre poursuivis par les Etats membres afin
d'exploiter les progr�s significatifs d�j� accomplis en 1998.
[02] Financial services : Commission proposes a new regulatory framework
for distance selling
A proposal for a Directive to establish a clear regulatory framework for
the marketing of financial services at a distance within the Single Market
has been agreed by the European Commission. The aim of the proposal is to
ensure a high level of protection for consumers of retail financial
services (e.g. insurance, banking and investment services) marketed by
telephone, by electronic means such as the Internet or by mail, so as to
encourage consumer confidence in such services and provide financial
service suppliers with a clearly defined legal framework valid for distance
selling throughout the Single Market. The proposal should facilitate the
development of innovative forms of trade in financial services within the
EU and make it easier for consumers to buy financial services in other
Member States, safe in the knowledge that their interests are protected.
[03] La Commission propose une r�glementation tr�s stricte des r�sidus de
pesticides dans les aliments pour b�b�s
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� de soumettre au Comit� permanent des
denr�es alimentaires un projet de r�glementation stricte des r�sidus de
pesticides dans les aliments pour b�b�s. Il s'agit d'inclure dans les
directives 96/4/CE, concernant les pr�parations pour nourrissons et les
pr�parations de suite, et 96/5/CE, concernant les pr�parations � base de
c�r�ales et les aliments pour b�b�s destin�s aux nourrissons et enfants en
bas �ge, de nouvelles dispositions interdisant la pr�sence de r�sidus
d�tectables dans les aliments pour b�b�s. Actuellement, il existe des
diff�rences entre les l�gislations des Etats membres. A l'avenir, la
teneur en r�sidus de pesticides dans les aliments pour b�b�s ne pourra pas
d�passer 0,01 mg/kg. En raison de l�g�res impr�cisions des m�thodes de
mesure existantes, une valeur de 0 ne peut pas �tre consid�r�e comme
[04] Energy policy with an environmental approach
The European Commission adopted a Communication outlining, for the first
time, the approach for strengthening environmental integration in energy
policy. The Communication puts forward specific policy orientations which
need to be taken up both at European Union and Member States' level in a
complementary way. A range of actions is proposed for an environmentally
sustainable energy future focussing on three priority areas : promotion of
energy efficiency and energy saving; the increase of the share in the use
of renewable energy sources ; and the reduction of the environmental impact
of the conventional energy sources.
[05] La Commission approuve sous conditions les aides � la Soci�t�
Marseillaise de Cr�dit
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� d'approuver les aides � la
restructuration en vue de la privatisation de la Soci�t� Marseillaise de
Cr�dit (SMC) pour un montant total de FRF 6.291 millions. Les aides sont
approuv�es � condition que la SMC recentre son activit� sur son m�tier de
banque commerciale de r�seau et que le plan de restructuration pr�sent� par
le repreneur priv�, la Banque Chaix, filiale du Cr�dit Commercial de France,
soit mis en �uvre.
[06] La Commission conclut que le rachat de PSAG par Nord/LB et HanBG ne
contient pas d'�l�ment d'aide d'Etat
La Commission europ�enne estime, apr�s avoir effectu� une enqu�te
approfondie, ne disposer d'aucun �l�ment qui tendrait � d�montrer que le
rachat de Preussag Stahl AG (PSAG) par Nord/LB et Hannoversche
Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH (HanBG), deux institutions financi�res de
propri�t� publique, constitue une aide. En effet, ce rachat correspond �
la pratique normale d'un investisseur en �conomie de march�, principalement
en terme de prix pay� ( 1.060 millions de DM).
[07] Commission refuses aid to LiftgmbH
The European Commission by letter dated 16 December 1997, informed Austria
that it had initiated proceedings pursuant to Article 93(2) of the EC
Treaty concerning a State aid to LiftgmbH, Austria. LiftgmbH forms part of
the Austrian Doppelmayr group, a global player in the ropeway-produding
industry. LiftgmbH established a Chinese subsidiary to invest in a
production plant in China. Austria intends to provide LiftgmbH with a soft
loan to internationalise Doppelmayr's business and to strengthen its
competitiveness on the global market. However, Austria failed to
demonstrate that the aid would be necessary to encourage the Doppelmayr
group to expand its activities in China. Commission has therefore declared
the aid incompatible with the common market.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[08] Sir Leon Brittan in Korea with European Business Representatives
Sir Leon Brittan, Vice President of the European Commission, today met with
President Kim Dae-jung, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Hong Soon-
Young and other Korean political and business leaders. The main purpose of
the visit was to extend support for far-reaching economic restructuring and
to stress the need for scrupulous respect of IMF commitments. Sir Leon was
accompanied by a high-level delegation of 21 business leaders who will
explore new business opportunities arising from Korea's current reform
process. The visit is in response to an appeal by Korea's President, Kim
Dae-jung, for investment missions from Europe, delivered at the second Asia-
Europe Meeting (ASEM II) last April. Sir Leon said : "I welcome the reform
measures the Korean government is pursuing in order to implement the IMF
program. It is essential that these reforms are carried through to the
end. This visit is a gesture demonstrating Europe's support for President
Kim and for Korea - and our determination to further enhance the political
and economic relationship. Korea and the European Union should also begin
working together to promote economic reform and openness of national
economies in Asia and beyond, based on truly functioning markets, which
alone can guarantee sustainable growth and economic and social
[09] Commission strengthens controls on the import of mushrooms with high
levels of radioactivity
The European Commission has taken a series of measures designed to
strengthen controls on the import of radioactively contaminated mushrooms
into the European Union (EU) originating from Eastern European countries
such as Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Belarus and Ukraine. Through the
Commission Rapid Alert System the Commission has received a total of 19
notifications from Austria, Germany and France concerning imports of
mushrooms (chanterelle and boletus). Council Regulation 737/90, adopted
very soon after the Chernobyl accident, limits the maximum permitted
concentration of radioactive caesium to 600Bq/kg (becquerel per kilogram).
The regulatory Committee, established under this Regulation, was convened
urgently on 13 October to examine the implications of a high number of
consignments of mushrooms found to contain levels of radioactive
contamination in excess of the limit. As a result of the Committee meeting
the Commission will : (1) Demand that the controls carried out by Member
States on mushrooms imported into the EU are strengthened and (2) insist
that third countries who wish to export mushrooms to the EU perform
rigorous controls and take measures to ensure that each consignment be
accompanied by a valid certificate. The Commission has reminded Member
States of their obligations under the Regulation. They have already taken
action to step up the monitoring frequency and will define specific entry
points for mushrooms from Eastern European countries to enhance the
efficiency of controls. The list of entry points and the stricter
requirements, applicable to mushrooms, will very soon be included in a
Commission Regulation. The Commission will warn third countries that if no
appropriate action is taken or in the absence of reliable certificates they
would suffer de facto severe restrictions on their export capabilities.
Certain types of mushrooms show high concentrations of radioactive caesium
as a result persisting contamination of forests after the Chernobyl
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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