European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 98-06-05
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] La Commission autorise la cr�ation d'une entreprise commune entre
Alcatel et Thomson dans le domaine des satellites
[02] EU wins WTO victory over computer networking equipment
[03] Le Centre commun de Recherche de la Commission valide pour la premi�re
fois une m�thode de d�tection d'OGM
[04] ECU 10.2 million for Georgia 1998 Action Programme
[05] Ukraine and EU Foreign Ministers to hold first Cooperation Council in
[06] Franz Fischler : "Mutual recognition for the trading partners'
approach to agriculture is crucial in the global market"
[01] La Commission autorise la cr�ation d'une entreprise commune entre
Alcatel et Thomson dans le domaine des satellites
La Commission europ�enne a autoris� l'acquisition par Alcatel et Thomson
C.S.F. du contr�le conjoint de la Soci�t� Commune de Satellites (SCS), sous
condition de l'ex�cution d'engagements. Cette op�ration, notifi�e en m�me
temps que la prise de contr�le conjoint des activit�s dans l'�lectronique
de d�fense et professionnelle de Thomson-CSF par Alcatel et Thomson SA,
s'inscrit dans le processus de privatisation du groupe Thomson C.S.F. SCS
reprendra les activit�s de ses entreprises fondatrices ainsi que celles de
la soci�t� A�rospatiale, dans le domaine des satellites. L'enqu�te men�e
par la Commission ayant montr� que l'op�ration pr�sentait des risques
d'effets verticaux li�s � la position de Thomson sur un march� amont de
composants, les parties ont propos� des engagements visant � rem�dier � ces
[02] EU wins WTO victory over computer networking equipment
A World Trade Organisation's (WTO) Appellate Body today backed the European
Union (EU) over a complaint filed by the United States (US) about computer
network equipment. The Appellate body found in the EU's favour on all the
substantial points, overturning the original findings of the panel. The
case involved ECU 425 million of US telecom equipment exports to the EU.
The dispute arose in 1996 when the US filed a WTO complaint against the EU,
Ireland and Britain, alleging they had violated commitments by
reclassifying Local Area Network (LAN) equipment into a higher tariff
[03] Le Centre commun de Recherche de la Commission valide pour la premi�re
fois une m�thode de d�tection d'OGM
Le Centre Commun de Recherche (CCR) de la Commission europ�enne vient de
valider pour la premi�re fois une m�thode permettant de d�tecter la plupart
des produits agricoles g�n�tiquement modifi�s (OGM) mis sur le march�.
Cette m�thode n'a pas �t� valid�e pour d�terminer la quantit� d'OGM
pr�sente, ni pour d�celer la pr�sence d'OGM dans des produits alimentaires
transform�s. Conform�ment aux orientations adopt�es par la Commission pour
le 5�me programme-cadre de recherche, le CCR poursuivra ses efforts en vue
d'am�liorer et d'�tendre le champ d'application de ces m�thodes de
[04] ECU 10.2 million for Georgia 1998 Action Programme
The European Commission adopted its Tacis 1998 Action Programme for
Georgia. It will devote ECU 10.2 million in grants to three selected areas
of cooperation : development of infrastructure (energy and transport),
private enterprise and human resources. Another ECU 3.8 million has been
set aside for Georgia's participation in the Small Projects Programmes
(Facilities). The common objective of these actions is to assist and
accelerate the transition of Georgia towards a market economy and a fully
developed democracy. Activities will be complemented with assistance
provided separately under the Nuclear Safety, Inter-State and Cross-border
Cooperation Programmes. The Action Programme is part of the Tacis
Indicative Programme 1996-1999 for the country with a funding envelope of
ECU 32 million. The European Union has provided so far ECU 200 million to
Georgia in grants alone. This includes humanitarian aid provided by ECHO
aimed at restoring Georgia's ability to feed its population and
rehabilitation projects in or around former conflict zones in South Ossetia
and Abkhasia.
[05] Ukraine and EU Foreign Ministers to hold first Cooperation Council in
Nuclear safety, bilateral trade and investment and the fight against
organised crime will be on the agenda as Ukraine and the European Union
(EU) meet for their first Cooperation Council in Luxembourg on Tuesday 9
June. This ministerial meeting is taking place in the framework of the
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA), which entered into force three
months ago. Commenting on this meeting, European Commissioner for Foreign
Affairs van den Broek said : "Ukraine is a valued partner of the EU and we
are a strong supporter of transition to democracy and a market economy
there. With the new PCA now in force, we have a firm basis for building
even closer relations. This first meeting of the Cooperation Council will
set clear priorities for our work in the months and years to come." The
meeting will be chaired by the EU Presidency, UK Foreign Minister Robin
Cook, and the Ukrainian delegation will be headed by Prime Minister
[06] Franz Fischler : "Mutual recognition for the trading partners'
approach to agriculture is crucial in the global market"
(! embargo 3 pm !) Speaking at the Canadian National Press Club today,
European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Franz Fischler
illustrated the benefits of the European Union's (EU) model of agriculture.
"The EU views agriculture not merely as an economic activity, but as a
social and environmental one", Mr Fischler explained and continued :
"Active and developed rural areas form an integral part of Europe's
landscape and heritage. European society wants these protected for the
future." High demands of European consumers in food quality standards and
awareness about animal welfare, place EU-producers at a competitive
disadvantage, declared Mr Fischler. This should be taken into account when
considering EU support for farmers. Adding that EU was supporting 7.5
million farmers with only 0.5% of it's GDP, he opposed accusations about
oversized subsidies. " Calculated per farm it is about a quarter of the
level of support given to US-farmers", Mr Fischler underlined.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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