European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 98-04-16
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] Les Etats membres n'�mettent pas d'avis sur l'interdiction du ma�s
g�n�tiquement modifi� en Autriche et au Luxembourg
[02] Entry into force of Energy Charter Treaty
[03] Dipl�mes : la Commission d�cide de saisir la Cour contre l'Italie
[04] Copyright : Commission decides to take Ireland to the Court of Justice
for failing to implement the Directive on rental right
[05] Entraves aux �changes : proc�dures d'infraction contre la Gr�ce, la
France et la Su�de
[06] Franz Fischler : "Preserving the environmental and social balance of
the rural area"
[01] Les Etats membres n'�mettent pas d'avis sur l'interdiction du ma�s
g�n�tiquement modifi� en Autriche et au Luxembourg
Le comit� de r�glementation cr�� par la Directive 90/220/CEE n'a pas r�ussi
� �mettre un avis sur deux propositions de la Commission europ�enne
demandant � l'Autriche et au Luxembourg d'abroger leurs interdictions
nationales de l'utilisation du ma�s Bt g�n�tiquement modifi� de Novartis
(pr�c�demment Ciba-Geigy) sur leur territoire. L'Autriche et le Luxembourg
avaient interdit l'utilisation du ma�s Bt invoquant l'article 16 de la
directive 90/220. La Commission avait propos� une abrogation des
interdictions apr�s les conseils de trois Comit�s scientifiques. A la
lumi�re des r�sultats du vote par les Etats membres, les propositions de la
Commission seront maintenant envoy�es au Conseil des Ministres pour
[02] Entry into force of Energy Charter Treaty
The European Commission has welcomed the entering into force of the Energy
Charter Treaty. It will provide the necessary certainty for European
investors to invest in the energy sector in the countries of Central and
Eastern Europe and the New Independent States. For the European Union (EU)
it is a further step towards security of supply of energy from these
countries. At this occasion external relations Commissioner Hans van den
Broek called upon the Russian Federation as being the worlds second energy
producer to finalise the ratification procedures of this Treaty as a matter
of priority. This will provide the necessary incentives for further
investments in this area in Russia. He also expressed confidence that the
Energy Charter Conference of 23/24 April will adopt a further international
agreement which guarantees national treatment for investors when making
investments in this sector. This new international Treaty will also
include trade in energy equipment. The Energy Charter Treaty was signed on
17 December 1994 in Lisbon by 49 countries and the EU. Signatory countries
are the Russian Federation and the other New Independent States, the
Central and Eastern countries of Europe, the 15 EU Member States and other
members of the OECD. The Treaty has been ratified by 36 signatories,
including the EU itself.
[03] Dipl�mes : la Commission d�cide de saisir la Cour contre l'Italie
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� de saisir la Cour de Justice europ�enne
en ce qui concerne la mauvaise application de la Directive 89/48 du Conseil
des Ministres relative � un syst�me g�n�ral de reconnaissance des dipl�mes
d'enseignement sup�rieur qui sanctionnent des formations professionnelles
d'une dur�e minimale de trois ans. Les probl�mes concernent surtout les
demandes d'acc�s � la profession d'ing�nieur en Italie.
[04] Copyright : Commission decides to take Ireland to the Court of Justice
for failing to implement the Directive on rental right
The European Commission has decided to refer Ireland to the European Court
of Justice for failure to communicate any national measures transposing
Directive 92/100/EEC on rental right and lending right and on certain
rights related to copyright in the field of intellectual property.
[05] Entraves aux �changes : proc�dures d'infraction contre la Gr�ce, la
France et la Su�de
Suite � des plaintes, la Commission europ�enne a d�cid� de saisir la Cour
de Justice europ�enne � l'encontre de la Gr�ce et d'envoyer des avis
motiv�s (deuxi�me �tape de la proc�dure d'infraction pr�vue � l'article 169
du Trait� UE) � la France (deux cas) et la Su�de pour des entraves � la
libre circulation des biens en violation du Trait� de l'Union europ�enne
(Article 30). Les entraves en question concernent les produits p�troliers
(Gr�ce), les produits alimentaires dans la fabrication desquels des
pr�parations enzymatiques ont �t� utilis�es (France), les barbecues � usage
unique (France) et les r�cipients � pression (Su�de). En ce qui concerne
les avis motiv�s, dans l'absence d'une r�ponse satisfaisante dans un d�lai
de deux mois suivant r�ception par l'Etat membre en question, la Commission
pourrait saisir la Cour de justice.
[06] Franz Fischler : "Preserving the environmental and social balance of
the rural area"
(! embargo 8.30 pm !) During a guest lecture at the Agricultural
University of Wageningen, Agriculture and Rural Development Commissioner
Franz Fischler spoke on agriculture's contribution to a sustainable
society. Not only consumer's rising expectations on food-quality and
safety but also the upkeep of an undiminished quality of environment impose
challenges on the Common Agricultural Policy. "We cannot stand idly by and
watch while the social and environmental balance of our rural areas is
being eroded", Mr Fischler stated. In order to preserve viable rural areas
throughout Europe it would be necessary to defend agriculture's role as a
source of income and employment. That is why the Commission's recently
released reform package, Agenda 2000, aims at enhancing the European
farmer's competitiveness to take advantage of the opportunities of a
growing world market. "Direct payments linked to environmental services
together with packages of structural funding for the different regions will
make sure the reform is not achieved on the expense of a reasonable living
for farming families", Mr Fischler explained.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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