European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 98-02-25
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[I] R�sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commission endorses proposals on specified risk material and
Transmissible and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy surveillance
[02] Commission publishes monitoring report on universal service in the
telecommunications sector
[03] Commission adopts a Communication on the Year 2000 computer problem
[04] Pr�paration des grandes orientations des politiques �conomiques
[05] La Commission approuve un projet de r�gime d'aide en faveur de
l'emploi en Sicile
[06] Commission declares aid to Bremer Vulkan incompatible with the Treaty
[07] La Commission ouvre une proc�dure � l'�gard d'aides en faveur
d'Addinol Mineral�lwerke GmbH
[08] Commission declares German development aid to Indonesia in breach of
the Shipbuilding Directive
[09] La Commission nomme deux nouveaux Directeurs G�n�raux
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[10] Commission proposes a draft reply of the EU and its Member States to
the US Green Paper on Internet governance
[I] R�sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Commission endorses proposals on specified risk material and
Transmissible and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy surveillance
The European Commission has endorsed two proposals designed to increase
health protection of both consumers and animals in relation to bovine
spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). The first proposal amends the July 1997
Commission decision on specified risk material, which was due to come into
effect on 1 April. It proposes that, as of 1 July, an enlarged list of
specified risk material (SRM) will have to be removed. However,
derogations are granted up to the end of 1998 for Member States and third
countries which have submitted a dossier to evaluate their geographical
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) risk, substantiated by data
in accordance with the advice of the Scientific Steering Committee. If a
derogation is not decided for Member States and third countries before 1
January 1999, the enlarged list of SRM enters automatically into force on
that date. For the transitional period, while awaiting the evaluation of
the TSE status, the Member States and third countries which have native
cases must apply the removal of a shorter SRM list which is in accordance
with present recommendations of the International Office of Epizootics.
The proposal also foresees, as an alternative to the removal of SRM, the
application of a post-mortem test to identify TSE infectivity, once such a
test has been validated and approved by the Commission. This proposal does
not affect medicinal or cosmetic products which are covered by separate
legislation SRM for use in industrial products. The second proposal lays
down EU rules for epidemic surveillance for TSE. These proposals will now
be submitted to the Standing Veterinary Committee for an opinion, following
which the Commission will decide on the proposal. In the absence of an
opinion, the proposal is submitted to the Council for a decision which can
adopt it by qualified majority or reject it by a simple majority of Member
States. Otherwise it is adopted by the Commission.
[02] Commission publishes monitoring report on universal service in the
telecommunications sector
In the wake of the full liberalisation of most of the European Union (EU)
telecommunications market on 1 January 1998, the European Commission has
adopted its first monitoring report on universal service in the
telecommunications sector. EU legislation obliges National Regulatory
Authorities to ensure that in a fully liberalised environment, every
citizen whatever his living standard or the region he lives in, should
benefit a guaranteed access at affordable conditions to a range of
telecommunication services including voice telephony, fax, electronic data,
allowing him thereby to participate in the information society. The report
confirms the ongoing gradual improvement in service levels, price and
quality in the sector and a gradual strengthening of consumer rights. At
this early stage in the development of full telecommunications
liberalisation across the EU, the Commission sees no need to redefine the
legislation underpinning universal service.
[03] Commission adopts a Communication on the Year 2000 computer problem
At the turn of the century administrations, enterprises and other users are
being affected by the inability of many computer systems and programs to
perform correct computations with dates after 31 December 1999, due to the
use of only two digits to indicate the year. At the same time, they are
being involved in the transition towards a single European currency. Taken
together both problems represent a challenge of unprecedented scale for the
Information technology sector, a critical business issue for enterprises of
all sizes in all sectors and a major challenge for public services. Recent
surveys show that the level of preparation is still relatively limited and
differs across Member States. The European Commission adopted therefore a
Communication on the issue. It stresses that the responsibility for fixing
the Year 2000 problem clearly lies with suppliers and users of computer-
based systems but announces a number of awareness creating and supporting
European actions : the Commission will encourage and facilitate the
exchange of information and experience, liaise with organisations that are
responsible for crucial infrastructural sectors (telecommunications, energy,
transport) and insert the Year 2000 problem as a regular agenda item in
relevant ministerial and other meetings.
[04] Pr�paration des grandes orientations des politiques �conomiques
La Commission europ�enne a adopt� une communication sur la situation
�conomique dans l'Union europ�enne, intitul�e "Croissance et emploi dans le
cadre de stabilit� de l'UEM". Ce document porte notamment sur les
politiques men�es en faveur de l'emploi dans le cadre d'une coordination
renforc�e des politiques �conomiques au cours de la phase finale de l'union
mon�taire. Depuis le printemps de 1996, la croissance a repris dans
l'�conomie europ�enne, ce qui conduira � une r�duction progressive des
niveaux tr�s �lev�s du ch�mage en Europe. Mais il reste encore beaucoup �
faire. Dans le cadre orient� vers la stabilit� de l'UEM, les Etats membres
doivent maintenir leurs efforts visant des politiques macro-�conomiques
saines favorables � la croissance et � l'emploi. Simultan�ment, les Etats
membres doivent pers�v�rer dans la voie des r�formes structurelles afin
d'am�liorer le fonctionnement des march�s de l'emploi, des biens et des
services. Le rapport pr�sent� ce jour s'inscrit dans le cadre de la
pr�paration des Grandes orientations des politiques �conomiques, qui seront
approuv�es en juin par le Conseil europ�en de Cardiff, et constituera en
particulier le point de d�part d'un d�bat au Parlement europ�en. Il est
essentiellement fond� sur les budgets �conomiques de la Commission qui ont
�t� publi�s en octobre 1997. Des budgets �conomiques r�vis�s seront
publi�s le 25 mars, en m�me temps que le rapport de convergence de la
Commission et les recommandations relatives � la liste des pays qui
respectent les conditions d'une participation � l'union �conomique et
mon�taire d�s le 1er janvier 1999.
[05] La Commission approuve un projet de r�gime d'aide en faveur de
l'emploi en Sicile
La Commission europ�enne vient d'approuver un projet de r�gime d'aide en
faveur de l'emploi en Italie. Ce r�gime pr�voit, pour les entreprises
op�rant en Sicile, des exon�rations de charges sociales visant � la
cr�ation nette de nouveaux emplois ainsi que la transformation d'emplois
pr�caires en emplois stables. L'aide moyenne maximale sera de 22.000 Ecus
par emploi cr�� ou stabilis�. Le budget allou� � ce r�gime est de +/-76,5
millions d'Ecus. La Commission a constat� que les aides � la cr�ation
nette de nouveaux emplois sont conformes aux lignes directrices
communautaires pour les aides � l'emploi.
[06] Commission declares aid to Bremer Vulkan incompatible with the Treaty
In the light of a ruling by the European Court of Justice, the European
Commission has adopted a revised decision, in which it confirms its view
that aid which the Land of Bremen granted in 1991 to Bremer Vulkan (now in
liquidation) towards the purchase of Krupp Atlas Elektronik, a manufacturer
of electronic systems for shipping and defence, was incompatible with the
common market. By judgment in October 1996, the Court annulled a
Commission decision taken in April 1993 which had declared as incompatible
with the common market aid awarded by the German Government to Hibeg, a
company wholly owned by the Land of Bremen, and by Hibeg via Krupp GmbH to
Bremer Vulkan AG. The aid had facilitated the sale of Krupp Atlas
Elektronik GmbH by Krupp GmbH to Bremer Vulkan. The Court held that the
Commission's decision had, on certain points, contained insufficient
reasoning. The Commission was therefore required to take a new decision to
close the Article 93(2) procedure which it had opened in May 1992.
[07] La Commission ouvre une proc�dure � l'�gard d'aides en faveur
d'Addinol Mineral�lwerke GmbH
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� d'ouvrir une proc�dure � l'�gard de
nouvelles aides vers�es et projet�es en faveur d'Addinol Mineral�lwerke
GmbH ainsi que la nouvelle soci�t� de reprise (Auffangl�sung) cr��e. La
Commission avait � deux reprises (novembre 1996 et juin 1997) d�cid� de ne
pas soulever d'objections � l'�gard d'aides au sauvetage en faveur
d'Addinol (pr�ts d'un montant de de 28 millions de DM au total,
remboursables avec un taux d'int�r�t de 7%). Entre-temps, les autorit�s
allemandes ont octroy� une nouvelle aide d'un montant de 3 millions de DM.
Un plan de restructuration a �t� notifi� � la Commission comportant un
projet de r�duction des activit�s d'Addinol dans le cadre d'une nouvelle
soci�t� aux activit�s de blending et additifs. La Commission a d�cid�
d'ouvrir une proc�dure, y compris � l'�gard des deux aides d�j� approuv�es,
en raison des doutes concernant la compatibilit� des nouvelles aides avec
le march� commun.
[08] Commission declares German development aid to Indonesia in breach of
the Shipbuilding Directive
The European Commission has taken a negative decision concerning German aid
granted to Volkswerft Stralsund in relation to the construction of three
dredgers for use in Indonesia. The Commission had approved the aid in 1994
on condition that the vessels be used in Indonesian harbours and waterways
only. Following complaints that the vessels were widely used in other
countries, the Commission reopened the procedure and received evidence that
one of the vessels, the KK Aru II had been deployed for a prolonged period
in Malaysia. The Commission has therefore declared the aid related to the
KK Aru II incompatible with the Shipbuilding Directive and has ordered that
the aid be repaid with interest. The aid related to the other two vessels
is still under investigation.
[09] La Commission nomme deux nouveaux Directeurs G�n�raux
La Commission europ�enne a nomm� Philippe Soubestre, de nationalit�
fran�aise, Directeur G�n�ral du Service Commun de gestion de l'aide
communautaire aux pays tiers. Ce nouveau service rassemblera les services
charg�s de la gestion de l'aide dans plusieurs Directions G�n�rales. M.
Soubestre, dont la carri�re � la Commission a d�but� en 1963, est
actuellement Directeur G�n�ral adjoint de la Direction G�n�rale du
D�veloppement apr�s en avoir �t� Directeur G�n�ral a.i. pendant l'ann�e
1997. Il a occup� plusieurs postes dans le domaine du D�veloppement et a
�t� Membre du Cabinet du Commissaire Jean-Fran�ois Deniau et Chef de
Cabinet du Commissaire Claude Cheysson. La Commission a �galement nomm� M.
Nikolaus van der Pas, de nationalit� allemande, Chef de la Task Force pour
les N�gociations d'Adh�sion. M. van der Pas a �t�, depuis 1995, le Porte-
Parole de la Commission et de son Pr�sident Jacques Santer. Au service de
la Commission depuis 1963, il a �t� e.a. Porte-Parole pour l'Agriculture,
la P�che et les Relations ext�rieures, charg� des relations ext�rieures au
sein des Cabinets du Commissaire Willy De Clercq et du Pr�sident Jacques
Delors et responsable pour les n�gociations d'adh�sion de la Su�de, les
n�gociations sur l'Espace Economique Europ�en et pour les relations avec
les Nouveaux Etats Ind�pendants et la Mongolie.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[10] Commission proposes a draft reply of the EU and its Member States to
the US Green Paper on Internet governance
The United States (US) Administration has published on 18 February 1998 a
draft plan in the form of a Green Paper for the future organisation of the
Internet. In the view of the European Commission however, the
globalisation of the Internet and the importance of an international
framework for the long-term organisation of the Internet underlies the need
to associate a wide range of international interests with future policy in
this area. The Commission recommends therefore that a joint reply of the
European Union and the Member States will be transmitted to the US
Administration. Among others the Commission's draft reply raises the
following issues : the US Green paper proposals appear not to recognise the
need to implement an international approach. The current US proposals
could consolidate permanent US Jurisdiction over the Internet as a whole.
It will be necessary to ensure that the private sector in Europe including
users and industry fully participates at all relevant levels in the
process. The draft reply will be discussed by the Telecommunications
Council on 26 February 1998.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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