European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 98-02-19
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] Le PIB de l'UE a augment� de 0,7% durant le troisi�me trimestre de
[02] EU/US symposium on codes of conduct and international labour standards
[03] Monika Wulf-Mathies congratulates the new President of the Committee
of the Regions
[01] Le PIB de l'UE a augment� de 0,7% durant le troisi�me trimestre de
Le PIB de l'Union europ�enne (UE), en termes r�els, a progress� de 0,7%
durant le troisi�me trimestre 1997 par rapport au deuxi�me trimestre, selon
le estimations r�vis�es publi�es aujourd'hui par Eurostat, l'Office
statistique des Communaut�s europ�ennes � Luxembourg. Ce taux est
inf�rieur � la croissance de 1,4% enregistr�e durant le deuxi�me trimestre,
mais sup�rieure � celle du premier trimestre, se limitant � 0,3%. Selon
Eurostat, le ralentissement est imputable � la stagnation de la
consommation priv�e comme de la formation brute de capital fixe, dont la
croissance n'a atteint respectivement que 0,1% durant le troisi�me
trimestre. Par contre, l'exc�dent commercial de l'UE a augment� l�g�rement
� 2,8% du PIB, contre 2,5% durant le deuxi�me trimestre. Au troisi�me
trimestre, le PIB a augment� de 0,8% aux Etats-Unis, taux identique � celui
du deuxi�me trimestre. Le PIB au Japon a �galement connu une hausse de 0,
8%, apr�s une baisse de 2,8% au trimestre pr�c�dent. Du fait de
l'�volution plus favorable au Japon, la hausse a atteint 0,7% pour le G7,
taux identique � celui de l'UE, par rapport � 0,3% durant le deuxi�me
trimestre. Par rapport au troisi�me 1996, le PIB de l'UE a augment� de 2,
8%. Durant les trois premiers trimestres de 1997, il a progress� de 2,4%
par rapport � la m�me p�riode de 1996, contre 3,8% aux Etats-Unis et 1,2%
au Japon.
[02] EU/US symposium on codes of conduct and international labour standards
Representatives of United States and European businesses, trade unions and
non-governmental organisations will meet in Brussels on 20 February to
discuss recently adopted sectoral codes of conduct and their role in
promoting core labour standards. This EU/US symposium on "Codes of conduct
and International labour standards" has been jointly organised by the US
Department of Labor and the European Commission. The one-day symposium,
which is part of the wider transatlantic dialogue between the European
Union (EU) and the United States (US), will be opened by Padraig Flynn,
Employment and Social Affairs Commissioner, Alexis Herman, US Secretary of
Labor, and Andrew Smith, Minister of Employment, United Kingdom. The
morning session will be devoted to the presentation of US and EU codes of
conduct and in particular, the US Apparel Industry Partnership and the
European codes of conduct agreed by the social partners in the footwear,
textile and commerce sectors. In the afternoon, panelists will discuss
issues relating to the follow-up and monitoring of these codes of conduct.
[03] Monika Wulf-Mathies congratulates the new President of the Committee
of the Regions
Monika Wulf-Mathies, European Commissioner responsible for Regional Policy,
today congratulated the new President of the Committee of the Regions,
Manfred Dammeyer, and the new Vice-President, Josef Chabert, on their
election. During the first meeting of the new term of the Committee of the
Regions, she assured them of the full and dedicated cooperation of the
European Commission. "The Committee of the Regions is an important ally
for keeping Europe in touch with its citizens", Mrs. Wulf-Mathies stressed.
She furthermore underlined the need for the competence of the Committee of
the Regions and the influence of its members on a national level to master
the challenges of the crucial year of 1998, as this year will see the
decision on the euro, the start of enlargement negotiations, and the
negotiation on the financial framework and the Reform of the European
Union�s Structural Policy and Common Agricultural Policy. With the
finalization of the internal structure of the Committee of the Regions in
the new term, the Committee of the Regions will be able to play an even
bigger role as a go-between for Brussels and the cities and regions.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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