European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 98-02-05
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] Commission President Jacques Santer to visit Middle East
[02] La lutte contre le ch�mage au Pays basque soutenue par les Fonds
structurels avec plus de 370 millions d'Ecus
[03] Commission approves the acquisition of Fritidsresor by Thomson
[04] Commission clears the acquisition of Francorosso by Alpitour under the
joint control of IFIL and the Isoardi family
[05] Commission approves the acquisition by Stinnes of BTL from Finnlines
[06] Commission to carry out detailed inquiry into proposed merger between
KPMG and Ernst & Young
[07] Pr�curseurs de drogues de synth�se: la Commission propose un syst�me
de coop�ration avec les op�rateurs �conomiques
[08] Martin Bangemann : "Ten years of European research in telematics are a
[09] Ex-Yugoslavia : Commission approves humanitarian aid worth over ECU 30
[10] La Commission accorde une aide de 4,5 millions d'Ecus en faveur des
victimes des inondations au Kenya et en Somalie
[11] Jordan, Lebanon, West Bank and Gaza Strip : Commission approves
humanitarian aid worth ECU 2.95 million
[12] Yves-Thibault de Silguy : "The euro is an opportunity for European
financial markets"
[13] Ritt Bjerregaard : "Integrating environemental policy in other
[01] Commission President Jacques Santer to visit Middle East
Jacques Santer, President of the European Commission, will start tomorrow,
6 February, on a tour of the Middle East, including Egypt, Israel, West
Bank and Gaza Strip, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Mr Santer will use the
tour, which will last till 13 February, to underline with Heads of State,
and Heads and Members of Government, the importance the European Union (EU)
attaches to the development of good relations with its partners in the
region, to underline the progress made on the Euro-Mediterranean
Partnership launched in November 1995 through the Barcelona Declaration,
and to stress the EU's willingness to work with Middle Eastern partners and
with the US, to give a new impetus to the Middle East Peace Process.
President Santer will also review the state of bilateral relations between
the EU and each of the host countries and visit EU financed cooperation
projects. Association Agreements have been concluded, or are being
negotiated, between the EU and each of the countries visited. The latter
also participate in the EU's ECU 4,685 million MEDA Programme (covering the
12 Mediterranean countries which are signatories of the Barcelona
Declaration). The EU is the biggest financial contributor to the Middle
East Peace Process with grants and loans of ECU 1,680 million since 1993.
Dates of President Santer's visits: Egypt 6 and 7 February, Israel 7 and 8
February, West Bank and Gaza 9 February, Jordan 10 February, Syria 11 and
12 February, Lebanon 12 and 13 February.
[02] La lutte contre le ch�mage au Pays basque soutenue par les Fonds
structurels avec plus de 370 millions d'Ecus
Favoriser l'emploi et la comp�titivit�, d�velopper les communications li�es
� l'activit� �conomique, prot�ger l'environnement, soutenir la recherche et
l'innovation, telles sont les grandes lignes du programme d'aide au Pays
basque, approuv� par Monika Wulf-Mathies, Commissaire europ�en responsable
pour la Politique r�gionale, aujourd'hui. Le programme, qui s'inscrit dans
le cadre de l'objectif 2 (diversification des zones industrielles en
d�clin), est dot� de quelque 790 millions d'Ecus de financement public,
dont plus de 370 millions d'Ecus des Fonds Structurels Europ�ens. Outre
les 790 millions d'aides publiques, on estime que la mise en oeuvre des
mesures comprises dans le programme op�rationnel pour le Pays basque
devrait g�n�rer une d�pense additionnelle de 1.317 millions d'Ecus de la
part du secteur priv�. Le but principal poursuivi est la diminution du
taux de ch�mage qui, dans le cas du Pays basque, atteignait 22,4% en 1996.
Quelque 13.000 emplois pourraient ainsi �tre cr��s. Le programme court
jusqu'en 1999.
[03] Commission approves the acquisition of Fritidsresor by Thomson
The European Commission has approved a concentration by which the Thomson
Corporation (a Canadian-based undertaking which has activities in leisure
travel operations) acquires the control of the whole of Fritidsresor AB (a
Swedish-based undertaking which provides tour operation services including
charter airline services and the provision of hotel services through its
wholly owned subsidiaries in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway) by
purchase of shares. The concentration does not create or strengthen a
dominant position.
[04] Commission clears the acquisition of Francorosso by Alpitour under the
joint control of IFIL and the Isoardi family
The European Commission approved an agreement between IFIL S.p.A. (Agnelli
family), the Isoardi family and the Rosso family to merge the two Italian
tour operators Alpitour and Francorosso and to reorganise their respective
shareholdings within them. According to the agreement, Alpitour will
acquire a controlling interest into Francorosso; IFIL and the Isoardi
family will become joint controlling shareholders of Alpitour, the Rosso
family obtaining a minority stake. The combined entity will not achieve a
market share that could enable it to dominate the Italian market, which
still comprises a very large number of players. Also, the Commission
considered the existence of big foreign tour operators, some of whose
turnover exceeds the total value of the Italian market.
[05] Commission approves the acquisition by Stinnes of BTL from Finnlines
The European Commission has approved a concentration whereby Stinnes AG (a
subsidiary of the German conglomerate VEBA. Stinnes is among others active
in land based transport, air freight and sea transport) acquires a
controlling interest in the Swedish transport company BTL AB (active in
land based transport, air freight and specialised transport services) from
the Finnish company Finnlines Ltd (active in sea transport). The operation
will only have a significant market impact in the markets for land
transport between the Nordic countries and Central Europe. However, the
operation will in all markets considered lead to combined market shares of
less than 20% for Stinnes and BTL, and resourceful competitors will
continue to exist. The operation, therefore, will not create or strengthen
a dominant position.
[06] Commission to carry out detailed inquiry into proposed merger between
KPMG and Ernst & Young
The European Commission has decided to proceed to an in-depth investigation
under the Merger Regulation of the European Union (EU) into the proposed
merger between KPMG and Ernst & Young. Both groups are active in the
provision of auditing and accounting services, tax compliance and advisory
services, management consultancy services, and corporate finance and
insolvency services. The decision to carry out a detailed inquiry was
taken since it appears that the combination of the parties' activities
could lead to high market shares in a significant number of industrial or
commercial sectors in several EU Member States as far as the provision of
auditing and accounting and tax services are concerned. Furthermore, on 11
December 1997, Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand, jointly notified to
the Commission their intention to combine their services world-wide. Given
the world-wide extent of the operation, the Commission is carrying out
consultations with the US authorities.
[07] Pr�curseurs de drogues de synth�se: la Commission propose un syst�me
de coop�ration avec les op�rateurs �conomiques
La Commission europ�enne a propos� d'instituer un m�canisme de suivi en
coop�ration avec l'industrie europ�enne de la production et du commerce de
pr�curseurs des drogues de synth�se. Son objectif est de contribuer � un
meilleur ciblage du d�tournement de pr�curseurs qui ne sont pas � pr�sent
classifi�s dans les listes de surveillance de l'Union europ�enne ni des
Nations Unies. Sous ce m�canisme, les op�rateurs communiqueront
volontairement aux autorit�s les op�rations consid�r�es comme suspectes de
d�tournement de pr�curseurs non classifi�s vers la fabrication illicite de
drogues de synth�se.
[08] Martin Bangemann : "Ten years of European research in telematics are a
Martin Bangemann, Commissioner in charge of telecommunications and
information technologies, opened this morning in Barcelona the 4-days-
conference and exhibition "European Telematics : Advancing the Information
Society". After ten years of European research in telematics the
conference presents the state of art, results and achievements. In his
opening remarks Mr Bangemann said : "The European Telematics Research
Programme has been the driving force for the development of societal
applications of information and communication technologies in Europe. With
its focus on meeting the needs of its users, over the past years, it has
helped to promote the competitiveness of European industry, to improve the
delivery of services of public interest and to stimulate job creation. This
type of support for new telematics applications is unique in the world".
[09] Ex-Yugoslavia : Commission approves humanitarian aid worth over ECU 30
The European Commission has approved a package of humanitarian aid worth
over ECU 30 million for victims of the conflict in former Yugoslavia. The
aid, managed by the European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO), will
enable specialist organisations of the United Nations, the Red Cross family
and non-governmental organisations to carry out a coordinated programme.
Most of the funding (ECU 25 million) will go to projects in Bosnia and
Herzegovina to provide essential relief, and to further the return and
reintegration of those who migrated. For the winter, providing heating and
emergency repairs, food and medicine supplies are priorities. Two tranches
of ECU 2.5 million apiece have been earmarked for Croatia and the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia in order to improve living conditions for refugees
and to supply food aid. And a separate ECU 3.990 million is earmarked for
food aid in the Federal Republic and in Croatia.
[10] La Commission accorde une aide de 4,5 millions d'Ecus en faveur des
victimes des inondations au Kenya et en Somalie
La Commission europ�enne a allou� une aide d'un montant de 4,5 millions
d'Ecus en faveur des victimes des inondations au Kenya et en Somalie.
Cette aide, administr�e par l'Office humanitaire de la Communaut�
europ�enne (ECHO) a �t� d�bloqu�e pour soutenir une vaste gamme
d'op�rations humanitaires d'urgence (aide alimentaire, assistance m�dicale,
financement d'un pont a�rien pour distribuer l'aide aux personnes isol�es
par les crues, etc.). Toutes ces actions visent � aider les milliers de
personnes dont la vie a �t� menac�e par les inondations. Les op�rations
financ�es par ECHO sont mises en oeuvre par la Croix Rouge, les agences des
Nations Unies et par des Organisations non gouvernementales espagnoles,
italiennes et belges.
[11] Jordan, Lebanon, West Bank and Gaza Strip : Commission approves
humanitarian aid worth ECU 2.95 million
The European Commission has approved a new package of humanitarian aid
worth a total of ECU 2.95 million for those in need in Jordan, Lebanon, the
West Bank and Gaza Strip. The aid, managed by the European Community
Humanitarian Office (ECHO), will enable specialist organisations of the
United Nations and European non-governmental organisations to carry out
programmes over the next six to eight months. In Jordan, ECHO has for the
first time earmarked ECU 600,000 for Palestinian refugees living in camps
in the country. In Lebanon, aid will amount to ECU 900,000, for both the
host population and Palestinian refugees living in camps. In the West Bank
and Gaza Strip, ECHO funding worth ECU 1.45 million has been earmarked
specifically for medical aid. This grant brings the total made available by
ECHO for the rgion to ECU 10.95 million.
[12] Yves-Thibault de Silguy : "The euro is an opportunity for European
financial markets"
(! embargo 7.30 pm !) Speaking at the 4th LIFFE City Lecture in London,
Yves-Thibault de Silguy, European Commissioner for economic, monetary and
financial affairs, said : "Monetary union will boost integration,
competition and innovation" in European financial markets. "The euro will
create deep, broad and highly liquid markets in Europe similar to those in
the US." "Markets throughout Europe are pushing for this greater
integration". "Increased integration will lead to more dynamic competition
within European markets. They will need to respond to avoid losing
business. This will mean increasing the efficiency of issuance procedures,
simplifying legal requirements and improving trading systems. The cost of
doing business on European markets will fall. Their competitive position
against their global rivals will improve. As Europe's largest financial
centre, the opportunities for London are considerable."
[13] Ritt Bjerregaard : "Integrating environemental policy in other
(! embargo 4.45 pm !) In a meeting today in Copenhagen with
representatives of parliamentary Environment Committees in Member States of
the European Union (EU) and in countries of the European Economic Area, and
of the European Parliament, European Commissioner for Environment, Ritt
Bjerregaard, talked about environment policy in the EU and in particular
the opportunities introduced in the Amsterdam Treaty for further improving
environmental policy. "The importance of this cannot be underestimated
since it is of growing concern to European citizens." On the need to
integrate environment into other policy areas, Mrs Bjerregaard discussed
the enhanced environment provision in the Amsterdam Treaty, which puts
"sustainable development" at the core of the EU's objectives for the
future. The Luxembourg Summit in December 1997 called for a strategy of
achieving the goal sustainable development by way of integration of
environmental considerations in EU policies and actions (future Article 6
of the Treaty). The Commission will respond by presenting a strategy on
integration to the Cardiff Summit in June 1998. It will focus on a number
of policy areas aincluding agriculture, the structural funds and
enlargement where the environmental conditions in the applicant countries
are serious cause of concern. "This underlines the need in the accession
process and negotiations to ensure that priority is given to programmes
which bring these countries up to EU standards." Commissioner Bjerregaard
concluded by saying that "the environment needs us to ensure that all the
other policy areas get the right introduction and understand the message.
We are getting there and now the EU can play a major role in breaking down
the barriers."
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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