European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 97-11-12
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[I] R�sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] La Commission pr�sente un cadre de r�f�rence pour le d�bat sur
[02] Cr�ation d'emplois: la Commission sugg�re une r�duction du taux de TVA
sur certains services
[03] Pour un apprentissage europ�en: un "Europass-Formation"
[04] Pour une Europe de la connaissance
[05] A Europe-wide market for defence products is vital if the industry is
to survive
[06] Free movement of workers: Commission adopts Action Plan
[07] Commission proposes extending social security regulation to third
country nationals
[08] Infringement procedures against four Member States in relation to BSE
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[09] Commission proposes conclusion of EU/US Veterinary agreement
[10] Commission refers the case Preussag/Hapag-Lloyd/TUI to the
[11] Symposium confirms the role of Leader in rural development
[I] R�sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] La Commission pr�sente un cadre de r�f�rence pour le d�bat sur
La Commission europ�enne a adopt� une communication du Pr�sident Jacques
Santer sur "les politiques communautaires au service de l'emploi". Cette
communication fournira un cadre de r�f�rence aux d�bats des Chefs d'Etat et
de gouvernement lors du Conseil Europ�en extraordinaire sur l'Emploi du 21
novembre prochain. Elle n'est donc pas destin�e � �tre approuv�e par le
Conseil europ�en. Ce document est l'illustration que les politiques
communautaires ne sont pas parall�les � celles des Etats membres, mais
qu'au contraire elles s'y imbriquent. 1�) L'action de l'Union cr�e le
cadre indispensable pour assurer la compatibilit� de l'action des Etats
membres et pour en assurer le plein potentiel: cadre macro-�conomique,
march� unique, fiscalit�, r�formes structurelles du march� du travail,
emploi et d�veloppement soutenable. 2�) L'action de l'Union soutient et
compl�te celle des Etats membres: recherche et innovation, ressources
financi�res accrues pour les petites et moyennes entreprises, promotion
d'une soci�t� de la connaissance, partenariats pour le financement du
r�seau transeurop�en, fonds structurels au service de l'emploi et du
d�veloppement. Au-del� du cadre de r�f�rence pr�sent� aujourd'hui, la
premi�re priorit� pour la Commission reste l'adoption par le Conseil
europ�en des lignes directrices pour l'emploi.
[02] Cr�ation d'emplois: la Commission sugg�re une r�duction du taux de TVA
sur certains services
A la veille du Conseil europ�en sur l'emploi des 20 et 21 novembre, la
Commission europ�enne soumet � l'attention du Conseil l'id�e d'autoriser
les Etats membres � appliquer, � titre exp�rimental et sur base optionnelle,
un taux de TVA r�duit sur certains services � forte intensit� de main-
d'oeuvre fournis localement. Si l'accueil est favorable, la Commission
envisage de pr�senter une proposition de directive permettant aux Etats
membres qui le souhaitent d'introduire cette mesure et de v�rifier pendant
une dur�e de trois ans si c'est un moyen efficace pour stimuler l'emploi
sans porter atteinte aux objectifs de consolidation budg�taire et de bon
fonctionnement du March� Unique.
[03] Pour un apprentissage europ�en: un "Europass-Formation"
La Commission europ�enne a adopt� un projet de d�cision du Conseil des
Ministres visant la promotion de "Parcours europ�ens de formation en
alternance et par l'apprentissage". Cette proposition pose la premi�re
pierre de ce qui devra devenir un v�ritable "Erasmus" de l'apprentissage.
Elle pr�voit la mise en place d'un document communautaire d'information,
"Europass-Formation" destin� � appuyer la mobilit� europ�enne en attestant
qu'un apprenti a suivi un ou plusieurs "Parcours europ�en de formation".
Dans le prolongement � la fois de sa communication de juin 1997
("D�velopper l'apprentissage en Europe" - COM(97)300) et dans le cadre de
la mise en oeuvre des conclusions du Conseil europ�en d'Amsterdam, la
Commission, en soulignant le r�le essentiel de la coop�ration entre
l'�tablissement de formation et les entreprises, entend contribuer ainsi au
renforcement de cette m�thode de formation au niveau europ�en. Sous une
forme ou une autre, la formation en alternance et par l'apprentissage
b�n�ficie d�j� � pr�s de 50% des jeunes en formation professionnelle
initiale dans les 15 Etats membres de l'Union europ�enne.
[04] Pour une Europe de la connaissance
La Commission europ�enne a adopt� une communication "Pour une Europe de la
connaissance". Cette communication pr�sente les orientations de la
Commission quant aux futures actions communautaires dans les domaines de
l'�ducation, de la formation et de la jeunesse pour la p�riode 2000-2006.
Elle sera examin�e dans les prochaines semaines avec les Conseils des
Ministres concern�s, ce qui permettra � la Commission de pr�parer des
propositions d'actes juridiques au printemps 1998. Une d�cision sur les
nouveaux programmes dans les domaines de l'�ducation et de la formation
sera prise en 1999, pour entrer en application le 1er janvier 2000.
[05] A Europe-wide market for defence products is vital if the industry is
to survive
The European Commission adopted a strategy in order to deal with the
problems facing european defence industry. The European defence-related
industry is too fragmented to be sustainable. The sharp drop in demand
following the end of the cold war, combined with fierce competition from
newly created 'giant' corporations in the United States has put the future
of this industry at stake. The strategy addresses these problems and is
aimed at facilitating the necessary restructuring process. The
Communication comprises an Action plan responding to the urgent need for
actions called for by industry, and a draft Common Position related to the
development of a European Armaments policy, for discussion by the Council.
[06] Free movement of workers: Commission adopts Action Plan
In a Communication adopted today, the European Commission sets out a
comprehensive Action Plan to improve the conditions for the free movement
of workers within the European Union (EU). Action will focus on five
areas: improving existing legislation, making the European labour market
more transparent, enhancing cooperation with and between national
authorities and social partners, giving greater visibility to the right of
free movement, and developing innovative projects with the support of the
European Social Fund. The Commission's strategy builds on the
recommendations made last March by the High Level Panel on free movement of
people. It highlights the crucial role of labour mobility in the proper
functioning of the Single Market and in the promotion of a skilled, trained
and adaptable workforce, recently underlined in the Commission's Guidelines
for Member States Employment policies for 1998. The Commission will
present the relevant legislative proposals to the Council before the end of
[07] Commission proposes extending social security regulation to third
country nationals
The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Council of Ministers'
regulation aimed at extending to third country nationals the provisions of
Council Regulation 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to
employed people and their families moving within the European Union (EU).
The great majority of the 13 million third country nationals legally
residing and working in the EU have to date been excluded from the
coordination mechanisms introduced by Regulation 1408/71, aimed at
safeguarding the social security rights of workers moving within the EU and
to avoid any loss or duplication of social protection coverage. Based on
the principles of non discrimination and equality of treatment, the
proposed regulation, once adopted, will also achieve an important legal and
administrative simplification, because the social security coordination
between Member States for third country nationals is currently regulated by
numerous bilateral and multilateral agreements, generating considerable
legal confusion and heavy administrative costs.
[08] Infringement procedures against four Member States in relation to BSE
The European Commission today decided the immediate pursuit of the
infringement procedure by the issue of Reasoned opinions against three
Member States (France, Spain and the United Kingdom) for non respect of
various aspects of EU Legislation relating or relevant to BSE. It also
decided to issue a new letter of warning to Portugal. On 26 June 1997 and
16 September 1997, the Commission had opened infringement procedures under
Article 169 of the EC Treaty against a total of eleven Member States
(Belgium, Luxembourg, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom). Today it reconsidered the issue
in the light of the reactions of the Member States concerned to the
Commission's letters of formal notice. In respect of the remaining seven
Member States, the Commission has not yet decided to take further action at
this stage. In no case has the immediate closing of the infringement
procedure been proposed.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[09] Commission proposes conclusion of EU/US Veterinary agreement
The European Commission today adopted a proposal to the Council of
Ministers put forward by Mr Franz Fischler, Commissioner of Agriculture and
Rural Development, to conclude a veterinary agreement between the European
Union (EU) and the United States of America (US) for animals and animal
products. The objective of the agreement is to facilitate trade in live
animals and animal products between the EU and the US by establishing a
mechanism for the recognition of equivalence of sanitary measures operating
in the two regions. The recognition by an importing country of the
sanitary measures applied by an exporting country can permit greater
efficiency in the utilisation of inspection and verification resources.
This proposal includes application of the principle of regionalisation for
the main animal diseases and lists those commodities for which equivalence
is recognised. For those commodities where equivalence is not yet
recognised, it sets out a programme of work towards recognition and the
trade conditions applicable in the interim. The total trade between the EU
and the US in the products covered by this draft Agreement for 1995 was
about $ 1,500 million in each direction. This figure conceals significant
differences in the importance to each party of certain commodities. It
should be stressed that nothing in this draft Agreement changes EU
legislation. Similar agreements have been, or are being negotiated with
New Zealand, the Czech Republic, Australia, Canada, Uruguay, Chile and
[10] Commission refers the case Preussag/Hapag-Lloyd/TUI to the
The European Commission has decided to refer the proposed acquisitions by
Preussag AG ("Preussag") of sole control of Hapag-Lloyd AG ("HL") and of
Touristik Union International GmbH & CO KG ("TUI") to the Bundeskartellamt
for further investigation as far as the markets for airtravel package tours,
sea cruises and the provision of charter flights are concerned. These
activities are clearly definable aspects of the proposed operations
referring to product markets which present all the characteristics of a
distinct national market. So far, foreign competitors are active only to a
small extent on the German tourism markets. Furthermore, with regard to the
markets for airtravel package tours and the provision of charter flights,
barriers to market entry seem to be not unimportant. On the basis of the
data provided by the Bundeskartellamt in its request (based on Article 9 of
the Merger Regulation) and in view of the results of its own investigation
the Commission has concluded that there are indications that the proposed
concentrations could result in the creation or strengthening of a dominant
position in these markets.
[11] Symposium confirms the role of Leader in rural development
On 9, 10 and 11 November, Franz Fischler, Member of the European Commission
responsible for agriculture and rural development, brought together in
Brussels representatives from some 800 local groups that have benefited
from the Leader Community Initiative, and over 200 politicians, to consider
the possibilities for a new Community Initiative for rural development. In
his closing address to the colloquium, Mr Fischler said it is important
that, at a time when we are developing the future rural development policy,
we get the views of the people directly involved on the ground. The
discussions over the last two days, he said, help both to confirm the
general approach to rural development outlined in Agenda 2000 and also
gives us some ideas for reflection as we draft the detailed plans for the
future. It is clear, he added, that the Community Initiative for rural
development should be continued in the framework of the present Leader
philosophy. Leader projects must continue to focus on small geographical
units, the principle of the bottom-up approach must be maintained and
strengthened where necessary and bureaucracy be minimised so that those
involved can concentrate on development activities rather that cutting
through the different layers of red tape. While EU expenditure on Leader
is only a small part of the total expenditure on Rural Development the fact
that it acts as a catalyst to encourage people to work together in
developing their region will inevitably create structures which will
continue to benefit their region over and above that which arises from
Leader activities.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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