European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 97-10-21
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] Jacques Santer: "1997 peut marquer un nouveau d�part dans la lutte
pour l'emploi"
[02] Commission supports urban renewal in Leeds
[03] Should Europe develop an independent satellite navigation system?
[01] Jacques Santer: "1997 peut marquer un nouveau d�part dans la lutte
pour l'emploi"
La strat�gie coh�rente et int�gr�e pour l'emploi qui se dessine portera ses
fruits, � condition que les Chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement r�pondent
concr�tement aux vraies questions qui se posent. Tel est le message que
Jacques Santer, Pr�sident de la Commission europ�enne, a expos� aujourd'hui
devant le Parlement europ�en dans le cadre de son d�bat sur la pr�paration
du Conseil europ�en sp�cial sur l'emploi. "L'essentiel de notre d�marche,
a dit Jacques Santer, ne r�side pas dans le chiffre de 12 millions
d'emplois qui pourraient �tre cr��s en cinq ans, mais dans les moyens que
nous proposons pour y arriver." Le Conseil europ�en du 20 novembre devra
fournir des r�ponses claires aux questions soulev�es � travers les
propositions de lignes directrices pr�sent�es par la Commission. Celles-ci
devront d�boucher sur des plans d'actions nationaux, "essentiels � mes
yeux", a soulign� Jacques Santer. "On ne peut manquer d'�tablir ici un
parall�lisme avec la coordination des politiques �conomiques dans le cadre
de l'UEM", a-t-il insist�.
[02] Commission supports urban renewal in Leeds
The Yorkshire City of Leeds is to receive about ECU 4.5 million from the
European Union's (EU) Structural Funds for urban renewal. The money comes
from the EU's Urban initiative and is specifically targeted at the
Chapeltown and Harehills area. It aims at stimulating measures to combat
deprivation and exclusion which have separated the area from the new
prosperity of Leeds and unlocking the talents and aspirations of local
people in order to build on the tradition of enterprising activity in their
many different communities. Under the programme, measures will create new
employment opportunities, improve the quality of life for local people and
increase confidence in the area. Over 200 jobs will be directly created
and more than 100 local people will be trained to improve their job
[03] Should Europe develop an independent satellite navigation system?
The Commissioner for European Transport Policy, Neil Kinnock, today argued
that a crucial question facing Europe was whether it should develop an
independent satellite navigation system and positioning systems (GNSS).
With the market in GNSS estimated to reach $ 50,000 million by the year
2005, Mr Kinnock told participants at the 4th World Congress on Intelligent
Transport Systems in Berlin that the European Union faces a key strategic
choice: "My preference would be to develop a single global system with our
international partners. But only on certain conditions ... if we are not
convinced that such a global system is a realistic possibility, Europe must
press ahead with its own system."
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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