European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 97-07-29
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] Sant� des consommateurs: nomination de huit membres du Comit�
Scientifique Directeur
[02] Commission initiates second phase proceedings on Siemens / Elektrowatt
[03] La Commission autorise la cr�ation d'une entreprise commune dans le
secteur des produits sid�rurgiques plats par les soci�t�s Thyssen Stahl AG
et Krupp Hoesch Stahl AG
[04] La Commission approuve le Programme Sp�cifique de D�veloppement
Int�gr� de la Zone d'Alqueva (PEDIZA), Portugal
[05] EU Structural Funds for Northern Ireland: Stronger emphasis on help
for the unemployed
[06] EU Structural Funds for Ireland, a continuing success story
[07] Commission publishes 1997 report on US trade barriers
[08] La soci�t� de l'information et les pays en voie de d�veloppement: le
r�le de l'UE
[09] Floods in Central Europe: Emma Bonino will visit worst hit areas in
Czech Republic and Poland
[01] Sant� des consommateurs: nomination de huit membres du Comit�
Scientifique Directeur
La Commission europ�enne a nomm� aujourd'hui les huit membres du Comit�
Scientifique Directeur (CSD) qui l'aidera � obtenir des avis scientifiques
s�rs et coordonnera les travaux des six comit�s scientifiques dans le
domaine de la sant� des consommateurs (alimentation humaine, v�t�rinaire,
alimentation animale, pesticides, toxicit�/�cotoxicit�, cosm�tologie). Ces
comit�s sectoriels seront constitu�s d�but octobre et leurs pr�sidents
rejoindront, une fois nomm�s, le CSD. Les membres du CSD ont �t� retenus
sur la base de leur excellence scientifique et tenant compte de la
n�cessit� d'assurer une couverture �quilibr�e des disciplines
scientifiques. Un jury de s�lection, �tabli par la Commission et pr�sid�
par le Professeur Yozef Schell, �minent scientifique belge et directeur du
Max-Plack Institute for Breeding Research � K�ln-Vogelzag (Allemagne), a
examin� les 162 manifestations d'int�r�t re�ues. Le Parlement europ�en a
suivi, comme observateur, la proc�dure de s�lection des experts.
[02] Commission initiates second phase proceedings on Siemens / Elektrowatt
The European Commission has decided to continue its investigations into the
proposed merger by which Siemens Aktiengesellschaft (Siemens) intends to
acquire the stake of the Credit Suisse Group of Zurich in Elektrowatt AG
(Elektrowatt). The main concerns of the Commission are the high market
shares of the parties for electricity meters, highly concentrated markets
even before the merger, and for payphones in Germany.
[03] La Commission autorise la cr�ation d'une entreprise commune dans le
secteur des produits sid�rurgiques plats par les soci�t�s Thyssen Stahl AG
et Krupp Hoesch Stahl AG
La Commission europ�enne a approuv� le projet de cr�ation d'une entreprise
commune dans le secteur des produits sid�rurgiques plats par les soci�t�s
Thyssen Stahl AG ("TST") et Krupp Hoesch Stahl AG ("KHS") conform�ment �
l'article 66 paragraphe 2 du Trait� CECA. La participation de TST � cette
entreprise commune sera de 60% et celle de KHS de 40%. L'enqu�te r�alis�e
a montr� que l'op�ration ne donnera aux parties aucun pouvoir de d�terminer
les prix ou de faire obstacle au maintien d'une concurrence effective.
[04] La Commission approuve le Programme Sp�cifique de D�veloppement
Int�gr� de la Zone d'Alqueva (PEDIZA), Portugal
La Commission europ�enne a approuv� un financement de 203 millions d'Ecus
provenant des Fonds structurels europ�ens pour le Programme Sp�cifique de
D�veloppement Int�gr� de la Zone d'Alqueva (PEDIZA), qui inclut le grand
projet de barrage d'Alqueva. "En prenant cette d�cision, nous n'approuvons
pas simplement un grand projet, mais nous actons afin d'aider la population
de la r�gion d'Alentejo. Gr�ce � ce projet, une nouvelle chance leur est
donn�e afin de rehausser le niveau �conomique de cette r�gion � celui du
reste de l'Europe", a comment� Monika Wulf-Mathies, Commissaire responsable
des Politiques r�gionales. Le Programme PEDIZA vise, sur environ 40% du
territoire de la r�gion, � mobiliser, autour de la construction du grand
barrage d'Alqueva, l'ensemble des �l�ments du d�veloppement �conomique de
la zone, en vue d'essayer d'inverser, � terme, le processus de sous-
d�veloppement cumulatif constat� depuis des d�cennies. La cr�ation globale
d'emplois attendue s'�l�ve, � long terme, � 20.000.
[05] EU Structural Funds for Northern Ireland: Stronger emphasis on help
for the unemployed
More emphasis will be given in the future to assisting the unemployed,
especially the long-term unemployed and other socially excluded groups,
within the European Union's (EU) Structural Funds in Northern Ireland. In
addition to this, job creation and environmental improvements, including
encouraging the use of public transport, will be priorities. This is the
conclusion of the mid-term review, which takes stock of EU Structural Funds
implementation at the mid-way point of the 1994-1999 support period. It
shows that Structural Fund implementation is on track to meet its targets.
By the end of 1996, expenditure had reached nearly ECU 500 million of the
ECU 1242 million total allocation. Unemployment has decreased from 13.5%
to 8.7% of the workforce. The review also concludes that the three
original objectives of the Structural Funds Programme for Northern Ireland -
to promote economic growth, to improve social cohesion within Northern
Ireland and to encourage improved links with the rest of the EU - are still
[06] EU Structural Funds for Ireland, a continuing success story
(!!! embargo 2.30 pm !!!) The European Union's (EU) Structural Funds for
Ireland continue to be a success story. This is shown by the so-called mid-
term review, which takes stock of EU Structural Fund implementation at the
midway-point of the 1994-1999 support period. The mid-term review
concludes that the Irish performance has been outstanding over the first
three years of this six year round of EU support. By the end of 1996, ECU
2,400 million or 41% of the EU allocation of ECU 5,700 million for the
whole period had been spent. Furthermore, all key indicators have, to date,
been well above the projected annual average for the period 1994-1999. The
target for job creation by the end of 1996 has been exceeded, the average
annual net job creation is estimated at almost 56000, compared to a target
of 15000; GDP growth has been impressive, bringing Ireland well over 90% of
the EU average GDP; gross expenditure on R&D adds up to 1.6% of GDP, well
over its initial target; unemployment has fallen and more long-term
unemployed are gaining access to the labour market.
[07] Commission publishes 1997 report on US trade barriers
The European Commission has today released its thirteenth annual Report on
barriers to trade and investment in the United States. The report reflects
how the transatlantic partnership is becoming an ever more powerful driving
force behind economic liberalisation at world level, in lucrative areas
such as information technology, telecommunications, investment.
Nonetheless, the European Union (EU) remains concerned at the persistence
of extraterritorial provisions in US law, notably on Cuba, Iran and Libya,
as well as the worrying tendency by some US states and cities to penalise
foreign companies for doing business with specific countries. Tariffs are
falling as a result of the Uruguay Round, although certain 'peak' tariffs
in the US continue to worry the EU. In some areas the Report registers
improvements over last year, for example in access to the US market for
professional services and some positive proposals to US intellectual
property law. However, several stubborn obstacles persist, notably the wide
variety of 'Buy America' provisions, the excessive use of national security
as a reason to restrict business, difficulties facing non-US firms
investing in the telecoms sector, and excessively complicated paperwork in
customs and tax procedures. The EU is also concerned about the level of
indirect support to US aircraft manufacturers.
[08] La soci�t� de l'information et les pays en voie de d�veloppement: le
r�le de l'UE
La Commission europ�enne a adopt� une communication intitul�e "la soci�t�
de l'information et le d�veloppement - le r�le de l'Union europ�enne".
Cette communication examine les avantages potentiels de la soci�t� de
l'information pour les pays en voie de d�veloppement, notamment les
possibilit�s qu'ouvrent les satellites de communication et l'Internet dans
le domaine de l'enseignement, de l'administration, de la sant�, des
transports, du commerce et de l'industrie. La communication plaide en
faveur de la mise sur pied de projets pilotes visant � mettre en �vidence
l'utilit� pratique de la soci�t� de l'information. Elle envisage une aide
au d�veloppement des ressources humaines, notamment gr�ce au transfert
d'exp�rience en mati�re de formation, et elle vise � �tablir une
coop�ration scientifique par une participation � des projets dans le
domaine de la soci�t� de l'information au titre du cinqui�me programme-
cadre de recherche.
[09] Floods in Central Europe: Emma Bonino will visit worst hit areas in
Czech Republic and Poland
Emma Bonino, European Commissioner in charge of Humanitarian Affairs, will
visit the most affected areas in the Czech Republic and Poland on July 31
and August 1. The visit takes place following two Commission grants
totalling ECU 2.5 million made available in the past weeks. The aid is due
to provide food and clean drinking water as well as essential relief
supplies. The Commission has also decided in principle to re-allocate an
initial amount of ECU 65 million from the existing Phare programme in
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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