European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 97-05-02
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[I] R�sultats de la Commission du 30 avril 1997 - Outcome of Commission's
meeting of 30 April
[01] Commission clears four state aid cases in favour of East German
[02] European Commission decides to open a procedure on aid to Porcelanas
del Norte S.A.L. "PONSAL" (Spain)
[03] Commission opens proceedings for aid granted to Triptis Porzellan GmbH,
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[04] Jacques Santer congratulates Tony Blair
[05] Commission approves the acquisition by Tenneco of the protective
packaging and flexible packaging divisions of KNP BT
[06] La Commission poursuit la mise en oeuvre du plan d'action de
recherche sur les enc�phalopathies spongiformes transmissibles
[07] Panel de l'OMC sur les bananes - D�claration de Jacques Santer
[08] EU and US reach agreement on veterinary equivalency
[09] Traitement d'eaux us�es � Chypre: La Commission accorde une subvention
de 2,96 millions d'Ecus
[10] Padraig Flynn underlines the crucial role of the media in the struggle
against racism
[I] R�sultats de la Commission du 30 avril 1997 - Outcome of Commission's
meeting of 30 April
(voir aussi - see also Midday Express 30.4)
[01] Commission clears four state aid cases in favour of East German
The European Commission cleared four state aid cases to East-German
companies: Mansfeld Maschinenbau, Foron Haus- und K�chentechnik, Aweba
Werkzeugbau GmbH and Spezialchemie Leuna GmbH. In the four cases the aid
packages have been reviewed in the light of the guidelines on rescue and
restructuring aid. It was found that the conditions mentioned in these
guidelines were met and the Commission decided that the aid was compatible
with the common market.
[02] European Commission decides to open a procedure on aid to Porcelanas
del Norte S.A.L. "PONSAL" (Spain)
The European Commission has decided to open proceedings concerning aid to
Ponsal. Ponsal manufactures and sells ceramics for tableware and
decoration. It is located in Pamplona, province of Navarra. Ponsal had been
suffering financial problems for many years. In order to overcome this
situation, in 1994, it drafted a sanitation plan which required an
investment of approximately Pts 3000 million. The Commission has doubts
whether these subsidies are in line with EU competition rules.
[03] Commission opens proceedings for aid granted to Triptis Porzellan GmbH,
The European Commission decided to open a procedure with respect to
restructuring aid granted for Triptis Porzellan GmbH, situated in Triptis,
in the new German Bundesland Th�ringen, provided by the Bundesanstalt f�r
vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben (BvS), the successor to the
Treuhandanstalt. The Commission wishes to examine whether the state owned
Hessische Landesbank acted as a private banker waving part of the debt of
Triptis as an element of the restructuring package. Moreover, the
Commission notes that in spite of the strong over-capacity in the porcelain
sector, further capacity reductions of Triptis are not foreseen. It is
therefore open to doubt whether the aid does not unduly distort
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[04] Jacques Santer congratulates Tony Blair
The President of the European Commission has sent the following telegramme
of congratulations to the new UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair. "On behalf of
the European Commission, I would like to congratulate you and the Labour
Party most warmly for your outstanding victory in the general election.
The development of the European Union is at a crucial stage, with many
challenges before us: the Intergovernmental Conference, enlargement,
economic and monetary union, budgetary reform and drawing the full
potential from the single market. Your Presidency of the European Union in
the first six months of 1998 will play a vital role in the successful
handling of these issues. We look forward to the United Kingdom, under
your government, playing its rightful leading role within the Union and in
the wider Europe. Never more than now has the European Union needed strong
British commitment with its unique combination of pragmatism and
efficiency. I and all my colleagues look forward to working very closely
with your governement to bring further prosperity, peace and security to
everyone in Europe. I lookd forward to seeing you soon."
[05] Commission approves the acquisition by Tenneco of the protective
packaging and flexible packaging divisions of KNP BT
The European Commission has approved a concentration by which Tenneco Inc.
acquires the whole of the Protective Packaging and Flexible Packaging
Divisions of N.V. Koninklijke KNP BT. Tenneco is a US company, with two
operating divisions, one of which is producing plastic, molded fibre and
aluminium packaging products for use principally as packaging for food
products. KNP BT is a Dutch company, whose Packaging Divisions manufacture
and sell plastic and paper fibre products for use as protective packaging
and flexible packaging. Although both parties are active in the packaging
sector, there is only one very minute overlap in the area of plastic film
and sheet used for the form, fill and seal packaging of food products.
Therefore, the Commission considered that the concentration will not result
in the creation or strengthening of a dominant position.
[06] La Commission poursuit la mise en oeuvre du plan d'action de
recherche sur les enc�phalopathies spongiformes transmissibles
La Commission europ�enne a lanc� dans le cadre de son plan d'action de
recherche sur les enc�phalopathies spongiformes transmissibles (EST),
adopt� en novembre 1996, un deuxi�me appel � propositions invitant les
chercheurs int�ress�s � soumettre leurs projets dans ce domaine d'ici le 15
juillet 1997. Cet appel devrait permettre de donner une suite rapide au
besoin pressant de coordonner et de concentrer les efforts de recherche de
mani�re s�lective en mati�re d'EST. Les projets qui seront s�lectionn�s
pourront �tre financ�s lorsque le Conseil des Ministres et le Parlement
europ�en, en tant qu'autorit� l�gislative, auront adopt� le compl�ment
financier du 4�me Programme Cadre europ�en de recherche et de d�veloppement
[07] Panel de l'OMC sur les bananes - D�claration de Jacques Santer
J'ai pris connaissance des orientations du rapport final du panel mis en
place � la suite de consultations qui n'ont pas abouti, le 8 mai 1996, � la
demande des Etats-Unis, de l'Equateur, du Guatemala, du Honduras et du
Mexique pour examiner, au regard des dispositions de l'Organisation
Mondiale du Commerce (OMC), le r�gime d'importation, de vente et de
distribution des bananes dans l'Union europ�enne. Ce rapport, mis � la
disposition des parties � titre confidentiel, demande naturellement un
examen approfondi. Je voudrais cependant faire les observations
pr�liminaires suivantes. Dans la mani�re dont le rapport interpr�te
certaines dispositions essentielles de l'OMC, il soul�ve des questions de
port�e g�n�rale qui vont bien au-del� de l'affaire examin�e. Le r�gime en
vigueur a pour objectif de pr�server, dans des zones particuli�rement
vuln�rables de l'Union europ�enne et dans des pays pauvres ACP tr�s
d�pendants des exportations de bananes, l'�quilibre n�cessaire � leur
d�veloppement �conomique et social. La Commission attache une importance
particuli�re � ce que les int�r�ts de ces r�gions et de ces pays ne soient
pas l�s�s. Il convient de noter que, conform�ment aux r�gles de l'OMC, il
existe un droit d'appel � l'encontre des conclusions du panel.
[08] EU and US reach agreement on veterinary equivalency
European Agriculture Commissioner Franz Fischler welcomed the agreement
reached on 30 April in Washington with the United States on veterinary
equivalency. The agreement marks an important step in facilitating trade
in red meat, dairy, fish products and egg products, as well as pet food.
Other essential elements of the agreement concern improved cooperation,
communication, notification of disease developments and scientific review
and exchange of information on matters of legislation on either side of the
Atlantic. Mr Fischler however regretted that differences on poultry could
not be solved as the US has not taken up the EU offer for a temporary
agreement which would have allowed trade to continue. He also regrets the
US intention to take up action against EU poultry establishments exporting
to the US which he qualified as unjustified, unfair and in breach of US
obligations under the World Trade Organisation.
[09] Traitement d'eaux us�es � Chypre: La Commission accorde une subvention
de 2,96 millions d'Ecus
Dans le cadre du programme MEDA, la Commission europ�enne accorde une
subvention de 2,96 millions d'Ecus sous forme de bonification d'int�r�ts
pour la construction � Chypre d'un r�seau d'assainissement et
d'installation de traitement des eaux us�es pour les villes de Paralimni et
d'Ayia Napa. Le projet propos� porte sur la construction d'un r�seau de
traitement des eaux us�es qui desserviront Paralimni et d'Ayia Napa, deux
villes situ�es sur la c�te sud-est de Chypre. Le co�t total du projet est
estim� � 56,6 millions d'Ecus. Un pr�t de la Banque Europ�enne
d'Investissement, d'un montant de 15,5 millions d'Ecus, couvrira 26% du
co�t du budget, le solde est financ� � l'aide de fonds propres des emprunts
(Office d'assainissement de Paralimni, OAP, et l'Office d'assainissement
d'Ayia Napa, OAAN) (18%), de subventions du gouvernement chypriote (29%) et
de fonds de d�veloppement social du Conseil de l'Europe (27%).
[10] Padraig Flynn underlines the crucial role of the media in the struggle
against racism
Speaking in Bilbao at a conference organised by the International
Federation of Journalists, Employment and Social Affairs Commissioner
Padraig Flynn said that we should not forget that "with freedom of speech
comes responsibility. Responsibility to report in an objective and balanced
way. Responsibility to raise awareness of inequality and oppression.
Responsibility to promote tolerance and opportunity." The Commissioner
warned that "across Europe, the far right is using the language of hatred
and fear to divide communities, playing on people's uncertainties with a
seductive blend of lies and scaremongering. We all have a responsbility to
ensure that this polemic does not go unchallenged, to expose it for what it
is - racism, pure and simple." Mr Flynn said he was confident that
agreement will be reached next month on the establishment of a European
Monitoring Centre for Racism and Xenophobia and that he was hopeful that
the Intergovernmental Conference would include a clause in the Treaty
forbidding racial discrimination.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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