European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-10-08
From: HR-Net News Distribution Manager <[email protected]>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
08 / 10 / 1996
[01] La Commission approuve la cr�ation d'une entreprise commune qui
regroupera les activit�s de la CLT et de l'UFA
[02] Palestinians in need: Commission backs humanitarian aid package
[03] Complaint on animal welfare
[04] Commission approves joint venture to provide financing services in the
agricultural sector
[05] Commission approves joint venture to supply meter-reading services in
Great Britain
[06] Commission clears a concentration in the British railways sector
[07] Padraig Flynn launches a "call to arms" to European NGO's regarding the
poor and the elderly
[08] Yves-Thibault de Silguy: "Les travaux pr�paratoires pour l'euro sont
aujourd'hui en phase d'ach�vement"
[01] La Commission approuve la cr�ation d'une entreprise commune qui
regroupera les activit�s de la CLT et de l'UFA
La Commission europ�enne a d�cid� de d�clarer la cr�ation de l'entreprise
commune CLT-UFA compatible avec le march� commun. La CLT (Compagnie
Luxembourgeoise de T�l�diffusion) est l'entreprise holding du groupe CLT qui a
des activit�s diversifi�es en Europe dans les domaines de la radio et de la
t�l�diffusion. UFA, filiale du groupe de communications Bertelsmann, concentre
les activit�s de Bertelsmann dans les domaines de la radio, de la t�l�vision et de
la production de films. L'op�ration a pour objet la fusion de la CLT et de UFA
dans une entreprise commune qui sera conjointement contr�l�e par Bertelsmann
et l'entreprise holding Audiofina. La concentration cr�e le premier acteur
europ�en dans le secteur audiovisuel, qui sera principalement centr� sur la
t�l�vision en clair. Elle ne conduira toutefois pas � la cr�ation d'une position
dominante dans aucun des march�s affect�s.
[02] Palestinians in need: Commission backs humanitarian aid package
The European Commission has approved a package of humanitarian aid worth
a total of ECU 1.65 million for Palestinians living in Lebanon as well as in Gaza
and the West Bank. The grant will enable the United Nations Relief and Works
Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and non-governmental
organisations from the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands and Italy to
carry out actions in conjunction with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society.
[03] Complaint on animal welfare
Agriculture and Rural Development Commissioner Franz Fischler has received
a complaint from Eurogroup for Animal Welfare that the provisions of the
Directive on the welfare of animals in transport are not being respected as far as
imports of horses from Eastern Europe through the Italian border posts of Gorizia,
Fernetti and Prosecco are concerned. The substance of the complaint is that
overloaded trucks with sick, injured and dead horses arrived at these border
posts and that veterinary treatment, feed, water and rest was either not provided
or was totally inadequate. Reacting to the complaint Mr Fischler said that the
matter will be investigated and if necessary legal proceedings will be instigated.
[04] Commission approves joint venture to provide financing services in the
agricultural sector
The European Commission has approved the joint venture - John Deere Credit
Ltd (UK) - created by John Deere Capital Corporation (USA) and Lomard North
Central plc (United Kingdom) which will supply financing for the lease, hire and
purchase of agricultural and related machinery, equipment and supplies in the
United Kingdom.
[05] Commission approves joint venture to supply meter-reading services in
Great Britain
The European Commission has approved the joint venture AccuRead (United
Kingdom) created by British Gas Trading, a subsidiary of British Gas plc (United
Kingdom), and Group 4 Utility Services Ltd, a subsidiary of Group 4 Securitas NV
(Netherlands Antilles). The new company will supply meter-reading services to
the gas and other utility suppliers in Great Britain.
[06] Commission clears a concentration in the British railways sector
The European Commission has approved a concentration by which the french
undertaking Compagnie G�n�rale d'Entreprises Automobiles belonging to the
Compagnie G�n�rale des Eaux acquires the British company South Eastern Train
Limited (SET) which provides passenger rail services in the south east of
[07] Padraig Flynn launches a "call to arms" to European NGO's regarding the
poor and the elderly
Speaking today to the European Parliament on the subject of the European Court
of Justice Order on the interim measures (requested by the United Kingdom)
which have effectively frozen Community expenditure on the poor and the elderly,
Social Affairs Commissioner Padraig Flynn said that NGO's (non governmental
organisations) throughout the EU need to start intensive lobbying of Member
State Governments "to ensure that the IGC gives us a firm basis for social action
in the future." Mr Flynn launched a "call to arms" to all those who believe that
"what we have achieved through the programmes for the excluded, for the
disabled and for equal opportunities, and what we are trying to do with our
blocked programmes on the elderly and health and safety, must be allowed to
continue and to grow."
[08] Yves-Thibault de Silguy: "Les travaux pr�paratoires pour l'euro sont
aujourd'hui en phase d'ach�vement"
(!!! embargo 17h !!!)
Devant la sous-commission mon�taire du Parlement
europ�en, M. Yves-Thibault de Silguy, Commissaire responsable des Affaires
�conomique, financi�res et mon�taires, a pr�sent� aujourd'hui l'�tat
d'avancement des travaux pr�paratoires pour l'euro. Il a notamment mis l'accent
sur le statut juridique de l'euro, sur le pacte de stabilit� et sur les relations entre
l'euro et les autres monnaies europ�ennes � la lumi�re des r�sultats du Conseil
informel Ecofin du 21 septembre. La Commission pr�sentera des propositions
au Conseil sur ces trois points le 16 octobre prochain. Le deuxi�me grand th�me
du discours concerne la mise en oeuvre de la strat�gie de communication sur
l'euro qui a pris un bon d�part ainsi que les priorit�s de la Commission pour
l'avenir dans ce domaine. (!!! embargo 17h !!!)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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