European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-09-13
From: HR-Net News Distribution Manager <[email protected]>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
13 / 09 / 1996
[01] The Commission calls for greater access for European textiles exporters to
markets outside the EU
[02] The Commission clears the acquisition of sole control of AEG AAT by
[03] The Commission approves the creation of a joint venture company between
Hoechst Schering AgrEvo GmbH and Marubeni Corporation
[04] The Commission clears the acquisition of AEG T & D equipment business
[05] Un plan d'action en 27 points pour la soci�t� de l'information dans les
[01] The Commission calls for greater access for European textiles exporters to
markets outside the EU
The European Commission is calling on countries outside the EU to open their
own markets wider to European textiles exports. The Commission, which is
finalising its own plans to open EU textiles markets under the second phase of
liberalisation agreed within the Uruguay Round, is urging India, Pakistan,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Brazil and other supplier countries to grant better
access to European products so that the EU can afford to be more liberal in its
own approach. European firms have a major interest, for example, in selling
fitted carpets for hotels and offices in India, woollen jackets and silk blouses to
Thailand and quality suits to South Korea, Argentina and Brazil.
[02] The Commission clears the acquisition of sole control of AEG AAT by
The European Commission has cleared the operation by which CEGELEC SA,
a French company belonging to the Alcatel Alsthom group, will acquire, by way
of purchase of shares, control of the whole of AEG AAT, a German company
belonging to AEG, which is a majority-owned subsidiary of Daimler-Benz.
[03] The Commission approves the creation of a joint venture company between
Hoechst Schering AgrEvo GmbH and Marubeni Corporation
The European Commission has approved the establishment of a joint venture in
the field of the distribution of products for the agricultural and horticultural sectors.
The joint venture, which will be active in Europe, is jointly controlled by Hoechst
Schering AgrEvo GmbH, which is itself a joint venture of Hoechst AG and
Schering AG, and the Japanese company Marubeni Corporation.
[04] The Commission clears the acquisition of AEG T & D equipment business
The European Commission has cleared the acquisition of the worldwide power
transmission and distribution (T&D) equipment business of AEG by GEC
ALSTHOM. GEC Alsthom is a Dutch joint venture between General Electric
Company, and Alcatel Alsthom CGE, acting as an industrial holding company for
a range of companies primarily operating in the energy and transport sectors.
AEG is a German industrial company, majority owned by Daimler-Benz AG. The
main business activities of AEG include rail systems, microelectronics, diesel
engines, automation and electrical power systems.
[05] Un plan d'action en 27 points pour la soci�t� de l'information dans les
La mise en place de la soci�t� de l'information doit �tre financ�e par des
capitaux priv�s. Il existe cependant une importante responsabilit� politique pour
d�finir un cadre r�glementaire, ainsi qu'une utilisation intelligente des fonds
publics. C'est ce qu'a d�clar� aujourd'hui Martin Bangemann, Commissaire en
charge des technologies de l'information, des t�l�communications et des affaires
industrielles, en pr�sentant aujourd'hui � Prague, en conclusion du 2e Forum de
l'Union europ�enne et des pays d'Europe centrale et orientale sur la soci�t� de
l'information, un plan d'action en 27 points visant � acc�l�rer la mise en oeuvre
de la soci�t� de l'information dans ces pays. "La soci�t� de l'information exige
de nouvelles priorit�s en termes de recherche et d�veloppement, d'�ducation et
de formation ainsi que d'administration publique" a d�clar� M. Bangemann. Le
plan d'action contient sur ces questions des �l�ments pratiques qui doivent
promouvoir le dialogue entre producteurs et utilisateurs.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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