European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-05-28
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
28 / 05 / 1996
[01] EU and US hold conference on Intellectual Property
[02] Finale du concours europ�en 1996 du jeune consommateur
[03] Employment: "International Employment Ranking 1996"
[04] European Social Fund: Finance for Innovative Projects
La coop�ration avec les PECO en mati�re d'�ducation est appel�e �
[06] Perspectives �conomiques favorables pour les Pays de l'Est
[01] EU and US hold conference on Intellectual Property
Within the framework of the joint EU-US Action Plan for expanding and
deepening transatlantic relations, adopted at the EU-US Summit in Madrid last
autumn, the European Commission and the US Government are sponsoring a
high-level conference on key issues related to the present state and future
development of intellectual property rights of interest to the European and
American economies. Organised by the Commission and in cooperation with the
Italian Presidency, the conference will take place today and tomorrow at the
Hotel Excelsior, Rome. This event will provide representatives of industry and
Government from both sides of the Atlantic with an opportunity to present their
views on intellectual property rights and discuss possible courses of future action
with Government officials from the EU and the US.
[02] Finale du concours europ�en 1996 du jeune consommateur
Mme Emma Bonino, membre de la Commission europ�enne responsable de la
politique des consommateurs, assistera le 29 mai � la c�r�monie de remise des
prix du concours europ�en du jeune consommateur � l'issue de la finale de la
troisi�me �dition . "L'impact du comportement des consommateurs sur
l'environnement" est le th�me retenu cette ann�e. Le concours europ�en du
jeune consommateur a �t� cr�� en 1994 comme instrument de promotion de
l'�ducation � la consommation dans les �coles de l'Union europ�enne. Il
s'adresse � des jeunes de 12 � 14 ans et est destin� � les encourager � r�fl�chir
� leurs comportements personnels et � devenir des consommateurs plus avertis.
[03] Employment: "International Employment Ranking 1996"
Employment and Social Affairs Commissioner, Padraig Flynn, will meet with Mr.
Reinhard Mohn, Chairman of the Board of the Bertelsmann Foundation (see
details below) on 30 May. They will give a press conference at 11h00, following
their meeting. The Commissioner and Mr. Mohn will discuss employment policy
and Mr. Mohn will present the method of "International Employment Ranking
1996" of the Bertelsmann Foundation. The key objective of this project is to
analyse national employment policy concepts and instruments in a comparative
way and to develop a corresponding ranking of countries. The intention is to
stimulate public debate at national and European level with this approach not only
as regards individual fields of policy but also concerning the consistency of the
overall policy approach regarding employment.
[04] European Social Fund: Finance for Innovative Projects
The European Commission has approved 58 innovative projects to be financed
by the European Social Fund (ESF). They represent a total ESF funding of ECU
23.8 million and a total cost of ECU 55.9 million. These projects are mainly
designed to explore new approaches to labour market policy as set out in the
European employment strategy approved by the Essen European Council, and
endorsed by the Heads of State and Government in Madrid last December.
Priority themes for the 1995 projects are: achieving a more employment-intensive
pattern of growth, improving the workings of the labour market and reinforcing the
training system.
La coop�ration avec les PECO en mati�re d'�ducation est appel�e �
La coop�ration en mati�re d'�ducation entre l'Union europ�enne et les pays
d'Europe centrale et orientale "est d�j� bien vivante et ancr�e dans les esprits"
a soulign� Mme Edith Cresson, commissaire � la recherche, l'�ducation et la
formation, dans un discours prononc� aujourd'hui � Turin en pr�sence du
ministre italien du travail M. Tiziano Treu et d'une vingtaine de ministres des
PECO et des nouveaux Etats ind�pendants (ex-URSS). Dans le cadre du
programme Tempus, plus de mille projets de partenariat ont �t� soutenus, 27.000
�tudiants et 57.000 enseignants ont b�n�fici� d'une bourse. Dans le domaine de
la formation professionnelle, les actions sont encore modestes mais sont
appel�es � s'�tendre avec l'ouverture aux PECO du programme europ�en
LEONARDO et l'essor de la Fondation europ�enne pour la formation, bas�e �
Turin et consacr�e � la coop�ration avec ces pays en mati�re d'�ducation et de
formation professionnelle.
[06] Perspectives �conomiques favorables pour les Pays de l'Est
La Commission publie aujourd'hui la premi�re �dition d'une nouvelle s�rie
"Economie europ�enne" consacr�e � la situation �conomique des dix pays de
l'Europe centrale et orientale. L'analyse pr�par�e par la direction g�n�rale des
affaires �conomiques et financi�res conclut que globalement les pays en
transition ont progress� en 1995 en mati�re de croissance. En m�me temps,
leurs taux d'inflations ont baiss� consid�rablement m�me si des fortes
divergences subsistent.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://www.cec.lu/
© ECSC - EC - EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg, 1995, 1996