TEL: +30210- 99 23 281,  +30210-727.7545,   FAX: +30210-   9923281, 7248979

WEBSITE:, E-MAIL: [email protected]



 and other academic and cultural institutions and organisations
are pleased to announce the:


on the topic of:


(ΑTHENS-SPETSES, JUNE 27th to JULY 4th, 2004)

       Designed as a new landmark of international cultural events and philosophical exchanges, this first Congress is held under the aegis of the President of the Hellenic Republic and directed by an International Academic Committee.

       The Congress will take place on the island of Spetses (in the close vicinity of Athens and Attica) at the Anargyrios and Korgialenios School of Spetses. Some of the events of the Congress may also take place in Athens, as Athens is the host City of the 2004 Olympic Games.

       The Congress as a world event will consist of two central parts:

The first part (A) contains the particular issues related to the general topic of the Congress as it is stated above.  The second part (B) contains all the issues that belong to the wider problematics of philosophy, that is, the history of philosophy and other philosophical disciplines, as well as the problems that these branches of philosophy examine from the contemporary point of view.

The organisation of the Congress with the above title (which has, among other things, been chosen to fit the occasion of Athens 2004 Olympic Games) aims to use the conceptual apparatus developed in the last twenty five years in philosophical discussions and the problems that have emerged around the form, the kinds and the consequences of competition (mostly in the free market, but in other fields as well, and within the wider framework of globalization), in order to shed light on an issue that immediately and decisively affects our life, i.e. the notions of the good society and the good life.

The changes within and the withdrawal of certain kinds of social models and, consequently, the diminishing influence of closed societies in the last few decades, as well as the strengthening of the principles of freedom in the international economic, social and political life, have created a new state of affairs which have led to the emergence of other problems and issues that are, apart from other things, in need of serious theoretical analysis, clarification and philosophical examination.

These problems are naturally related to the mode and the purpose of life that contemporary individuals can adopt or accept, to the principles that may guide it, and to the kind and quality of life within an open, strongly competitive and ecumenical political society, which is itself guided by some sort of global ideology. In relation to these problematic issues, it is always necessary to ask about the nature of philosophical work, the character of education (paideia) in general, as well as about the need to involve philosophy in dealing with them. In particular, an articulated philosophy of economy and the market in relation to sociopolitical being and development, which affect our conceptions of the good life, imposes itself as a primary task, since these states of affair, together with other factors, are the moving cause of significant current sociopolitical changes.

Regarding this situation but also independently from it, it is necessary to give a philosophical account of the Olympic Games and generally of the Olympic Spirit, particularly since the Olympic Games, as a global institution, are considered to be promoting the idea of competition in its noblest form. Therefore, the general topic of the Congress demands both diachronic and synchronic inquiry. It needs to be considered at once from a theoretical-historical perspective and to be conceptually elaborated by means of contemporary philosophical research and with reference to the Olympic Ideal, which is promoted as the exemplary case of an internationally accepted form of competitiveness.

All this implies that the problem of competitiveness has to be considered both in descriptive and prescriptive terms. The descriptive terms point to an investigation of competitiveness in its entirety, that is, understood as human activity that exists in a wide range of expressions: in politics, in sports, at Universities, in family and inter-familial relationships, as well as in peripheral international economic and other competitions. The views of thinkers who endorse competitiveness and the free market need to be explored as much and as seriously as the opinions of those who oppose them, just as there is a strong need to reveal the theoretical presuppositions upon which these views are founded (Plato, Hegel, Marx, Rawls, Nozick et al.).

In the same vein, the pros and cons of competitiveness should be discussed at length and related to exploitation, justice, fairness, the future of the planet and the beings that occupy it through sound philosophical argumentation. In other words, things should be considered from the point of view of ethics indispensable for the articulation of the ideal of good life and good society within the global and ecumenical horizon, in which persons have to live their lives.


The general topic of the first part of the Congress can, therefore, be elaborated along the following lines:

1. Conceptions of competition and the form of life in ancient Greek thought and philosophy (Homer, Hesiod, Solon, the Pythagoreans, Heraclitus, Democritus etc.) and in other cultures. The philosophy of economy, the views on competitiveness and good life in the classical Greek philosophy (Plato, Aristotle, Xenophon, the orators, tragic poets, etc.) and in other nations and cultures.

2. The ideas and principles of competitiveness, the way of life and the good life in the post-Aristotelian Hellenic thought and philosophy.

3. Free competition, the good society and the good life within the Roman and Byzantine imperium.

4. Modern and contemporary views of freedom, competitiveness, good society and the virtuous life within the society.

5. Free market, competitiveness, globalisation and the forms of life in relation to the virtuous life, or the possibility of global ethics.

6. Freedom, competitiveness, exploitation and the principles of good society.

At the same time, a philosophy of the Olympic Games could explore issues that refer to the anthropological and aretological character of competition as well as to sociopolitical, religious, aesthetic and symbolic traits of Olympic Games, in order to form a consistent philosophy of the Olympic ideal. Such a philosophy may, among other things mentioned above (points 1-7), comprise the following particular topics:

7. The aretological and anthropological dimension of the Olympic Games (virtues, agon,  spiritual training in relation to the body, the limits and educational values of athletics).

8. Social and political aspects of Olympic Games (peace, truce and competition in relation to friendship, training, war and to athletes as citizens).

9. Religious and aesthetic aspects of Olympic Games (sacred time and place, sport as a religious expression, athletic beauty and the meaning of athletic olympic symbols).

10. Olympic Games past and present (the essential characteristics of the Games, the critique of the Games then and now, the relationship of the ancient Olympic Games with the form of the Games today: lessons and perspectives.)

Concerning the issues of part A, the topics are more relevant to those who are especially preoccupied with political, social and the problems pertaining to philosophy of economy, and to the specialists in Greek Philosophy and Letters. The same applies to those who theoretically deal with Cultures and competitiveness in various places of the world ,with  the philosophy and the essence of sports for which, as it is the case now, huge expense is made by countries that undertake to organise such events.


Since the Congress is intended to have a worldwide scope and tends to focus on the problems we are facing at the beginning of the new century and on how we can reach awareness in these matters through exchange of philosophical views and ideas concerning these problems, it is therefore open to all kinds of discussions of problems raised in and through existing philosophical disciplines. Thus, an amicable and communicative atmosphere of the Congress will enable the examination and clarification of contemporary issues of philosophical research (which belong to all branches and traditions of philosophy) in order to open up new possibilities of thinking and understanding, which would put us on the right course towards succesfully facing the world problems.

It is highly desirable and very useful that the papers for this part of the Congress should also shed light both on the Olympic Games and the first major topic of the Congress, namely the philosophy of competition and the good life.

Therefore, the papers addressing the sub-topics listed bellow are welcome. The papers may be presented either at Plenary Sessions (there will be  four or five Plenary Sessions) or at the Sessions of particular Sections.

The papers should belong to one of the following disciplines:

  1. Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art
  2. Ethics
  3. Applied Ethics
  4. Bioethics and Medical Ethics
  5. Business Ethics
  6. Global Ethics
  7. Comparative Philosophy
  8. Ethics and Human Rights
  9. Logic and Philosophy of Logic
  10. Metaphysics and Ontology
  11. Persons and Personal Identity
  12. Phenomenology
  13. Existential Philosophy
  14. Analytic Philosophy
  15. Structuralism and Post-Modernism
  16. Marxist and Neo-Marxist Philosophy
  17. Philosophical Anthropology
  18. Philosophical Hermeneutics
  19. Theory of Knowledge or Epistemology
  20. Cognitive Science
  21. Philosophy of Communication and Information
  22. Philosophy and Environment
  23. Ecological Philosophy
  24. Philosophy of Gender
  25. Philosophy and Literature
  26. Philosophy for Children
  27. Philosophy of Action
  28. State of Philosophy in various parts of the World:
    1. Philosophy in North Africa
    2. Philosophy in Southern Africa
    3. Philosophy in Asia (China, Japan, India, Korea)
    4. Philosophy in Latin America
    5. Philosophy in North America
    6. Philosophy in Europe
    7. Philosophy in Australia
  29. Philosophy of Culture
  30. Philosophy of Education
  31. Philosophy of History
  32. Philosophy of Language
  33. Philosophy of Law
  34. Philosophy of Mathematics
  35. Philosophy of Mind
  36. Philosophy of Natural Sciences
  37. Philosophy of Nature
  38. Philosophy of Religion
  39. Philosophy of Social Sciences
  40. Philosophy of Technology
  41. Philosophy of Values (General Axiology)
  42. Social and Political Philosophy
  43. Philosophy of Music
  44. Philosophy of Teaching
  45. Ancient Greek Philosophy
  46. Byzantine Philosophy
  47. Medieval Philosophy
  48. Neohellenic Philosophy
  49. Modern European Philosophy
  50. Contemporary Philosophy
  51. Philosophy in Greece today.

The Congress is open to all philosophizing persons, since it is a World Congress of Philosophy. Individuals and Philosophical Societies and Associations and generally Philosophical Institutions are cordially invited to take part in the Congress.


There are the following categories of presentation:

Category a: The presentation of original academic Papers (approx. 20 to 30 ) by Invited Speakers of 30 mins. duration (i.e. a maximum of ten typed pages double-spaced, and page coverage 16 x 20).

Category b: The presentation of original academic Papers of 20 mins. duration (i.e. a maximum of seven typed pages, double-spaced, and page coverage 16 x 20).

Category c: Short presentation of papers on a Congress topic of 15 mins. duration.

Category d: The presentation of Post-Graduate Students Papers (Students’ Sessions).

Category  e: Participation by Posters (Poster Sessions).

The Papers in Category a will address† issues, evaluate the research undertaken in connection with the subject of the topics under parts A and B and examine systematically current philosophical problems concerning the nature and the task of philosophy itself and its various disciplines.

Participants who wish to be considered for Category A should express their interest promptly and state their preferences concerning the topic they wish to deal with, and send all the necessary information (a detailed Curriculum Vitae and a substantive Abstract of their paper) to the Organising Committee by 29th February 2004. The Organising Committee will cover the cost of board and accommodation for Invited Speakers during the days of the Congress.

However, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to provide up to 30 min. of speaking time to members of the Congress whose expenses will not be covered as Invited Speakers.

Category d: In the framework of the Congress there will be special Sessions for Students and Post-graduate Student of Philosophy (and other disciplines provided that they have philosophical interests) where they will present their papers on the topics related to the First and Second Part of the Congress, or on one of the following topics:

1. The Ethics of human relations and the Land Ethics as a moral position towards the environment

2. Communication and the Encountering of Cultures

3. Technology, Freedom and Democratic Governance.

The papers of the Category d (15 minutes duration) should be submitted in one of the following languages: Greek, English, French and German. Papers written in Greek should be accompanied by proper translation into another language, preferably English. Also, these papers should bear the mark “Paper for Students’ Session.”

The texts to be read at the Congress in their final form should be saved on 3.5 diskette and on an Apple computer (Software MS Word 5.1 and upward and in Times New Roman font or equivalent) or in Word  2000 for Windows ( saved as preferably Word  97-2000- 6.0/95 & RTF) using Times New Roman fonts or Graeca fonts for polytonic Greek texts with page coverage 18 x 12.

Fuller texts of Papers (15-20 pages) in both categories (a, b and ) will be published in the Congress Proceedings. Texts in their final form for publication must be on diskette in accordance with the specifications above [see also FORM No. 7]. The diskette (3.5) should be sent, together with three printed hard copies of the Paper, to the IAGP.

Abstracts and papers may also be sent by e-mail as attached documents in the above formats. In the e-mail, the language of the presentation must be stated in the Subject line of the e-mail message. Authors should also state the topic number and  the part of the Congress (A or B) to which their proposed paper belongs. However, it is obligatory that hard copy (sent by mail or by fax) be received as well. Papers should be submitted in three hard copies, double-spaced with the margin 1.5 cm.

Only papers of philosophical nature will be accepted and included in the Program of the Congress. The Organising Committee reserves the right to accept or reject papers that do not comply with the academic standards of the Congress.

All papers presented at the Congress and selected for publication are copyrighted by the  Organising Committee and cannot be republished without the express permission.

The official languages at the Congress will be Greek, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish. However, due to the prohibitively high cost of simultaneous translation, only the first three of these languages will be simultaneously translated at the Plenary Sessions.

Greeks who present Papers are kindly asked to submit an acceptable English translation of the latest version of their Papers which will be read at the Congress. This should be submitted to the Congress Secretary one month before the opening of the Congress.

Applications for participation of whatever kind must be received by: 29th February 2004. Applications should be made on PARTICIPATION FORM No. 1.

PARTICIPATION FORM No. 2 should also be sent no later than : 29th February 2004. PARTICIPATION FORM No. 2 should be accompanied by an Abstract of the Paper to be presented together with an English translation in the case of Greek scholars. The Abstract should be written in such a way as to give a clear indication of ideas and the line of argument that the finished paper will be pursuing.

The full texts of the Papers (three copies) should be sent to the Organising committee by  30  May 2004.

All participants will be notified by mail or e-mail regarding the category to which they have been assigned.

Texts in their final form (Diskette and hard copy with the indication: FINAL TEXT FOR PUBLICATION) must be submitted no later than the end of August 2004.


Apart from other events, during the Congress there will be an EXHIBITION OF BOOKS, and especially books ON PHILOSOPHY. Authors of books, particularly those connected with  philosophy, are kindly requested to send copies of their books so these may be included in the exhibition.

There will also be reserved space and special panels for poster sessions. The propositions and declarations of participation in the poster sessions should be typed on not more than two pages. The deadline for applications for poster sessions is 1 May 2004. Applications submitted after this date, but before 1 June 2004, may be accepted if there is still available space. Philosophical Societies and Associations will have the opportunity to publicise their activities on poster sessions.

Publishers from Europe and all over the world are also invited to organise exhibitions of their publications at the venue of the Congress, after consultation with the President of the Organising Committee.

In the framework of the Congress there will be organised various events, excursions, etc. about which the Participants will be informed in due time.

Concerning accommodation, travel arrangements and excursions, the Participants should contact the agency ERASMUS Conferences, Tours, Travel and Professional Congress Organisers (see Forms No. 8 and No 9).


The Congress is open to all who wish to attend, provided that he or she contacts the Organising Committee and completes the necessary forms (Nos. 1, 2 and 3) and pays the Congress fee. The Congress Fees should be paid by all kind of participants (Invited or not).  Persons accompanying participants should also complete the forms and pay the Congress fee. The Congress fee( see also PARTICIPATION FORM No. 3) is as follows:

a. Participants: Before 1st March 2004:                          150 euros
(after 1st March 2004:                                                   200 euros)

b. Accompanying Persons: before 1st March 2004:        100 euros
(after 1st March 2004:                                                   150 euros)

c. Students: Before 1st March 2004:                              100 euros
(after 1st March 2004:                                                   150 euros)

d. Secondary School Students: Before 1st March 2004:   50 euros
(after 1st March 2004:                                                   100 euros)

Congress participants are advised that cancellations cause major logistical, scheduling and economic problems for the organization of a  Congress of this scope. Outings, receptions and other activities are seriously disrupted by cancellations and schedule changes. We ask that only those who are certain of their attendance submit the forms for participation. It should be noticed that there will be no refunds of any fees nor are any cancellations accepted.

The Participation Fee for the Congress should be sent either by cheque drawn on the name of the President of the Congress, or directly to the following bank account number:

National Bank of Greece
1st WOCP – K. Boudouris
BANK-BRANCH: 151/617429-92
IBAN ACCOUNT: GR 1001101510000015161742992

The copy of Remittance that indicates the name or names of the participants should be sent either by mail or by Fax (+30210-9923281) to the Secretariat of the Congress to the following address:


The Congress, among other things,  attempts to achieve the spirit of Hellenic philosophy as a way of life and consequently tries to include many activities whose purpose is to enrich participants with exposure to Greek culture, both ancient and modern, and to an environment where discourse may occur with the warmth of hospitality, friendship and intervals of relaxation and feasts. Congress sessions are scheduled for 8:30 - 13:30 (morning sessions) and 17:00-20:00 (afternoon / evening sessions). This allows participants plenty of free time to enjoy swimming in the beautiful waters of the Argosaronic gulf, or to enjoy the wonderful Mediterranean atmosphere and hospitality that the Congress location offers  in the famous island of Spetses.

Further details concerning the organisation of the Congress will be given in the Second Circular, which will be sent to all those expressing a wish to participate in the Congress and who have already sent  PARTICIPATION FORM No. 1.

Correspondence related to the Congress should be sent to following address:

Professor Konstantine Boudouris
President of the Organising Committee
First World Olympic Congress of  Philosophy
5 Simonidou Str., 174 56 ALIMOS (ATHENS) - GREECE

TEL. +30210- 99 23 281, +30210 -727.7545, FAX. +30210-7248979, +30210 -9923281
E-Mail: [email protected] WEBSITE:

Persons living in North America (USA or Canada) may contact for information on any matter relating to their participation in the Congress:

a. Professor Gerasimos Santas
Honorary President of the IAGP
University of California -Irvine
Department of Philosophy
Irvine, California 92717 , USA.
Tel. : 001 704-804-6145.
E-mail: [email protected].

b. Professor Thomas M. Robinson
Honorary President of the IAGP
Department of Philosophy
University of Toronto, 15 Huron St. 9th Floor
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A1
Tel. 416-978-2824. Fax: 416-978-8703.
E-mail: [email protected]

c. Professor Alexander Nehamas
University of Princeton
Department of Philosophy
1789 Hall
Princeton, NJ 08544-1005, USA
Tel. 609-258-6125, FAX: 609-258-2137
E-mail: [email protected]

d. Professor John Poulakos
Communication Department
University of Pittsburgh
1117 Cathedral of Learning
Pittsburgh, P A15260 , USA
Tel. 412-624-6567. FAX: 412-624-1878.
E-mail: [email protected]

e. Professor Joanne Waugh
Department of Philosophy
CPR 107
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida 33620, USA
FAX. 813-974-5918.
E-mail: [email protected]

f. Professor David Hitchcok
Department of Philosophy
MacMaster University
1280 Main St. West,
FAX. 905-577-0385. Tel. 905-577-8492
E-mail: [email protected]

g. Professor Jeremiah Reedy
Honorary President of the IAGP
Macalester College
Classics Department
1600 Grand Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105-1899
E-mail: [email protected]

h. Professor Christos Evangeliou
Towson University
Department of Philosophy
Towson, MD 21252
E-mail: [email protected]

Any other person who has not already received the present Circular can get information (circular, forms etc.) related to the Congress from the home - page of IAGP:

In the belief that this Congress will present an exceptional opportunity for research into and clarification of aspects of a burning subject of great philosophical significance, we hope that the Congress will also provide participants with an opportunity for true recreation and leisure (schole).

With kind regards

Professor Konstantine Boudouris
President of the Organising Committee


Participation Forms

Additional maps and pictures of Spetses